
First Love

The next day, Krystal didn’t feel like waking up, she felt rejected- well not completely, but she felt like she lost hope. I mean yesterday was the perfect moment! If he really did like her, why didn’t he confess or kiss her yesterday? She woke up and talked to her mom about what happened yesterday, even though her mom didn’t want to instill hope in her daughter, she said “Maybe he was planning to, but he got shy or something. Stop thinking so negatively, honey”. Her mom knew this was coming sooner or later, but she didn’t expect Krystal to have heartbreak before they even got into a relationship. They hugged tightly before they let go so that Krystal could go to her training.

When she arrived, she started her training as usual and by the time she was already in ballet class, she realized Jongin was nowhere to be seen. Ahh maybe he texted or something. Since Krystal doesn’t check her phone during training, she didn’t realize that Jongin called her 6 times and texted her:

J: Hey babe, I need to tell you something. I wished I could have told you this face to face, I just figured out this morning that I need to follow my parents to overseas for a while. My flight is late tonight, if you’d like you can come to the airport? But hey, no pressure- we’ll see again soon anyways. Take care Krystal. Will miss you loads

Krystal couldn’t believe what she just read. Just then Sehun came and asked “Ya! You know about Jongin? Damn that guy he didn’t even tell me until I called him a minute ago!” Krystal couldn’t give a reaction. She was too…. Devastated. After yesterday…. Today…. It was too much for her to handle. Sehun started waving his palm in front of Krystal’s face, “Ya, you okay?” Suddenly she felt the world spinning, her legs started becoming wobbly, and then the world became pitch black. Krystal has fainted.

She woke up in a hospital, with Sehun, Suho, Chanyeol, Luna and her mom by her side. The first thing that came to her mind was has Jongin left? She couldn’t tell what time it was… She blinked her eyes and muttered, “Has… Jongin… left…?” All of them started to have sympathy faces on. Her mom then said, “Yes he is honey. Now rest please”. Krystal felt her blood boil, REST?! She has nothing to rest anymore, her feelings were used… she was left by the one guy she has ever loved… and all she had to do was REST?! She tried to content her anger and let it burst inside of her rather than shout it out to her mom whom had nothing to do with her falling for Jongin. Krystal sighed and said to her friends, “Thanks guys, you guys can go now. Will see you later.” After her friends left, her mom tried her best to cheer her beloved daughter up “Honey, you are too beautiful in that medical gown” Krystal smiled as she always laughed at her mom’s exaggerating comments. “Will all these tubes in your arms…. It looks better than you putting on bracelets and rings” her mom added. Krystal laughed it off and hugged her mom as tightly as her body could allow.

Weeks passed and Krystal still hasn’t heard any news from Jongin. On the other hand, her group of friends tried to make her as distracted as possible so that she wouldn’t think so much of Jongin. And as much as she doesn’t want to admit, she is starting to live happily without Jongin around. Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho and Luna have been super helpful with everything, that she swore she couldn’t have gone through it without them.

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Last chapter is in the making~ will be updating soon! Thanks for reading, guys!


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 30: Love this story❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: this is just too fast
Your the best, I'm going crazy because of your wonderful story, it makes me feel happy whenever I read your stories, FIGHTING!!!!!
krystaljxox #4
Chapter 30: Love love love your story! I've always wanted a fanfic according to real life events! Hope to hear from you soooon! xxxxxxxx
Chapter 30: Kyaaa this is so cute!!
pqpzelo #6
Chapter 30: I simply love this fanfic!
rike-kaistal99 #7
Chapter 29: ohmygod! im fasting here! ..... and finally kaistal back together yeay!
Chapter 29: Omg, im fasting and reading this y story!!In just 2 minutes, they had their happiness;")))
Tenznordonla #9
Chapter 28: updte update update update plzzzz as soon as possible,wait is this story finishd or wat??? but update!!! they seems soooo real,nd this story makesme feel that they are real! UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 28: ayeee kaistal back together again!!!