First Love

It has been 4 months now since Krystal first started her training, and she has never felt happier having Jongin in her life. She’s now close to almost all of his friends, and the same for Jongin. They are both not officially dating, but everyone knew they both have feelings for each other. One evening, Jongin texted Krystal;

J: Hey babe, you free? Let’s go get some good coffee

K: Yeah, okay erm where should we meet?

J: Let’s meet at the back door of SM

K: Okay see ya

“Heeeeeey!” Krystal greeted Jongin upon seeing him. Jongin opened the door for her and they both started walking towards the city. Krystal loved the relationship she has with Jongin, she feels flutters every time she sees him, she feels amazingly safe, she feels loved and Jongin was just like a best friend to her, she could tell him anything and vice versa. They do everything together, they shop, they practice...she felt so complete having Jongin around. Both of them never did any form of skinship ever before other than for dancing, so Krystal tends to think those skinships were more of professional sake rather than…love sake. Krystal knows that Jongin likes her, but she wants Jongin to, you know, express it or make it official between them. They never talked about them, they never really talked about past relationships, in which both of them have none but both of them don’t know that.

“Let’s go to Coffee & Co.” Jongin said. “OMG where we first met remember… OMG it’s been so long…” Krystal replied. “Of course I remember babe” Jongin replied. After both of them finished ordering, they both went out of the shop and sat at the nearest bench near a big tree. Then Jongin said,” Hey babe, we never actually talked about our past relationships right?” Krystal nodded while sipping down her Americano. Krystal was actually deep in thought the moment she saw a couple wearing couple clothes- which Krystal thinks is a big no- no and she started thinking about what she’d like if her and Jongin will ever be together. Jongin started blabbing stuff, but Krystal was not even paying attention. Jongin then realized that Krystal was not even focusing to what he was saying, so he tried to figure out to see where was she looking- the couple. Jongin thinks to himself, how can one be so pretty staring at people creepily? And giggled to his thoughts. The giggle brought Krystal back into reality and looked at Jongin angrily for disrupting her thoughts. Jongin laughed louder this time and made Krystal feel flutters in her tummy- Krystal can never get enough of Jongin’s laugh. Krystal started to torture him with tickles and the both started tickling each other for some time. After they both stopped, Jongin said, “Let’s send you home”. Krystal who was still catching her breath, nodded.

When they reached Krystal’s apartment, they bid their usual goodbyes, but this time round after Krystal turned to go get the lift, Jongin held her wrist, turned her around and gave her a bear hug. Krystal was shocked yet disappointed; she… wasn’t expecting a…hug. She thought Jongin was going to kiss her or ask her to be his girlfriend or something. One thing came into her mind- she was friendzoned.

Jongin’s POV

After our coffee, I knew what I felt for Krystal was real. I really really like her. I can’t think of a day I never thought of her, I just want to be constantly with her. So I thought, after we reached her apartment, I will officially ask her out. Brave yourself, Jongin.

While walking back, my mind was so filled with how and when to actually bring the matter up that I couldn’t actually focus on what Krystal was talking about. After we bid our usual goodbyes and I still couldn’t man up and say it, so I thought I should hold her hand and kiss her instead of saying it. So I held her wrist and turned her around, but after seeing her beautiful face, my brave level fell again, and the kiss ended up into a hug. Great, Jongin, great.

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Last chapter is in the making~ will be updating soon! Thanks for reading, guys!


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 30: Love this story❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: this is just too fast
Your the best, I'm going crazy because of your wonderful story, it makes me feel happy whenever I read your stories, FIGHTING!!!!!
krystaljxox #4
Chapter 30: Love love love your story! I've always wanted a fanfic according to real life events! Hope to hear from you soooon! xxxxxxxx
Chapter 30: Kyaaa this is so cute!!
pqpzelo #6
Chapter 30: I simply love this fanfic!
rike-kaistal99 #7
Chapter 29: ohmygod! im fasting here! ..... and finally kaistal back together yeay!
Chapter 29: Omg, im fasting and reading this y story!!In just 2 minutes, they had their happiness;")))
Tenznordonla #9
Chapter 28: updte update update update plzzzz as soon as possible,wait is this story finishd or wat??? but update!!! they seems soooo real,nd this story makesme feel that they are real! UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 28: ayeee kaistal back together again!!!