Human, I Like You.

F I F T E E N .


There was a question from an exam that I took to become a guardian not long ago. It was the hardest one.

It sounds like this,

If you have to choose between parallel lines and a pair of line that only meets once, what is your choice?


I don’t know what to answer.

Then, I draw parallel line and a line that only meets one like an X.

I look carefully at the lines. I think hard. I need a situation.


Let’s say, I love a girl .. and she’s a human.

Did I rather to be around her as a guardian that is invisible to her like the parallel line that is always together but will never cross each other ..


Have once in a lifetime opportunity to be a human and be friend with her then will never see her again like the pair of line that only meets once?


“Baekhyun, your paper please” the boss says.

I quickly write down what my answer is and give it to the boss.

Then, I pack my things and go out from the exam hall.



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heyyy. hello. :D thank you for spending your precious time to read my story! >


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i like the story make a sequel for this plsss :3