A pair of Converse.


I look at her .. and everybody seems to ignore her.



The class is so boring. Xiumin looks through the windows - at the trees, sky and everything. But then he sees a figure on top af a tree branch, wearing a school uniform. They make an eye contact and that girl smiles at him.

"What is she doing up there?!" Xiumin asks suddenly. He is so surprised. The teacher who is teaching,silent herself. Xiumin who realize what is going on immediately look down at his table. Xiumin can hear Luhan laughing although Luhan covers himself.

"What do you want to share with the class Xiumin?" asks the teacher. Xiumin looks at the teacher.

"There's a girl on a tree branch .." Xiumin says and pointed at the tree. Everybody looks at where he pointed. Xiumin paused himself as nobody is there.

"But .. but .." Xiumin is speechless. He's so sure that he sees a girl on top of that tree. She even smiles at him !





X  I  U  M  I  N

He is Luhan's best friend and just an ordinary high school boy

.. until he meets her.



L  U  H  A  N

Xiumin's best friend that always protects him from girls. Even the female teachers can't be too near with his Xiumin



A  E  R  R  I

A girl that owned a pair of turquoise Converse. The only girl that Luhan approves can be near to Xiumin.

.. But why ?







pictures are cr to owner. thank you, thank you, thank you. :D

and this is not a horror story. ^^




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Chapter 2: SCARY O.O AHHH!!
LuphaLyte135 #2
Chapter 2: That was... great yet scary. I'm curious now. Please update soon...
jinkismine #3
Chapter 1: Is she maybe a ghost??! OMG..