T w o .

A pair of Converse.

Two : A turquoise Converse.


We are standing in the middle of the basketball court and looking at a tree that not far away from the place we’re standing.


“Since a Converse shoe is tied to that tree, weird things happen” Yonghwa says.

“Like what?” Luhan asks.

“Once, someone throwing a ball and hit that tree. When he wants to take the ball, the ball rolled to him itself. Dogs who walk on the road next to the basketball court will bark at that tree. Last but not least, many people see that the Converse shoe moving by itself even there is no wind”


“It is true?” I ask Luhan.

“I don’t know. But there are no people near this place for sure” Luhan replies. We stare at that turquoise shoe.

“Where is the other one?” Luhan asks. I want to ask the same question too.

“I don’t know ..” a voice whispers in my right ears. I immediately look at my left. There is nobody. Luhan looks at me confusedly.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

“Don’t you hear that?” I ask and look at Luhan. Luhan frown.

“Hear what?” he asks.

“Umin, this is not the best time to joke around” he added.

“But I do hear a girl’s voice. She sounds sad”

“Let’s go home!” Luhan says and pull my hand.


“Do you smell that? The smell of perfume?”  I ask.

Luhan glares at me.

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Chapter 2: SCARY O.O AHHH!!
LuphaLyte135 #2
Chapter 2: That was... great yet scary. I'm curious now. Please update soon...
jinkismine #3
Chapter 1: Is she maybe a ghost??! OMG..