Just the Way You Are


          After taking a shower, Xiumin stood in front of his closet, looking at his clothes and trying to decide what to wear on his date with Chen. He sighed for what seemed like the millionth time. Luhan lay on his bed, watching Xiumin silently.

          “Hyung… just pick something out,” Luhan said simply.

Xiumin sighed again.

          “If only it were that easy… What did you wear on your first date with Sehunnie?” Xiumin asked, turning to look at his friends sprawled out on his stomach.

Luhan paused, thinking about the question.

          “It depends… what would you consider our first date?”

Xiumin turned back to the clothes, rolling his eyes. Luhan and Sehun hadn’t exactly had a ‘first’ date. They had slowly ended up in a relationship somehow. It was almost as if they had just drifted together—always going for bubble tea and getting food after practice, as friends at first. But by some means, they became more than just friends.

          “Fine… The first time you two went out after you were a couple.”

          “Oh, okay. I just wore jeans and a t-shirt. After all, we only went out for lunch. What does Chen-Chen have planned?”

          “I’m not sure…” Xiumin pouted.

Luhan sat up and walked to stand next to Xiumin. Luhan considered the clothes in the closet and finally reached for a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a simple t-shirt and a hoodie.

          “Wear these, hyung. They look nice together, but makes it look as if you aren’t trying too hard to impress Chen-Chen,” Luhan said.

Xiumin took the clothes from Luhan.

          “Gomawo, Luhan. I don’t know why, but I’m really nervous for this. Chen means a lot to me, and I don’t want to disappoint him,” Xiumin said.

          “Relax, Minnie! Chen-Chen cares about you, and I’m sure he feels just as nervous, but you shouldn’t be afraid to disappoint him. He loves you,” Luhan said reassuringly.

Xiumin grinned at the thought that Chen loved him. They were together now as more than just friends. Xiumin could still remember when they first met.


          Min Seok paused before entering the practice room, his hand on the doorknob.  He’d been walking beside Luhan, who was still speaking rapidly about some guy he saw walking in the hall that morning despite the fact that they had stopped walking.

          “And his jaw line~ so perfect!” Luhan practically squealed, recalling the image.

Min Seok shot a concerned glance at his friend. This was a little out of the ordinary for Luhan. Even with his flower boy image, he hardly ever squealed like a fan-girl.

          “He was perfect~” Luhan finished with a long sigh.

          “Okay, I believe you, Luhan. Are you ready to practice now?” Min Seok asked impatiently.

          “Ne,” Luhan said, nodding his head.

Min Seok opened the door and began to walk in when he realized the particular practice room they were walking into was already occupied. A tall boy stood in the room, his back to the door. Soft music was playing and just before Min Seok could begin to back out of the door, the boy began to sing and Min Seok found that he couldn’t breath, much less move. His breath caught in his throat and all he could do was stand and watch the boy. Luhan froze in place as well; both absorbed in the boy’s singing. As he finished, the boy turned to switch to a different track on his phone and saw Min Seok and Luhan staring at him from the door.

          “Oh… Annyeonghaseyo,” the boy began to speak.

Luhan looked to Min Seok, waiting for the elder to say something. When he didn’t respond, Luhan spoke.

          “Annyeonghaseyo. We’re sorry for intruding,” Luhan said, bowing.

Min Seok blinked, finally coming out of the trance he’d been under.

          “Ah, annyeonghaseyo,” Min Seok said, responding a little late.

The boy laughed at his reaction.

          “Hi; and don’t worry, you’re not intruding at all. I’m Kim Jong Dae; I am a new trainee,” he said.

Jong Dae, Min Seok thought. Kim Jong Dae…


          Xiumin got dressed in the clothes that Luhan had picked out for him. Luhan was right: they were comfortable casual clothes that fit his typical style, but still managed to look neat and clean cut. He checked himself one last time in the mirror before heading into the living room where he found Chen sitting on the couch with Lay. As Xiumin walked in, Chen stood and smiled.

          “You look nice,” Chen said.

Xiumin bowed his head in embarrassment.

          “Thanks,” he replied.

          “Are you ready, hyung?”

          “Ne,” Xiumin said.

Chen offered his hand to Xiumin, who paused before taking it in his own.

          “Well, we’re off,” Chen said to Lay who remained on the couch.

          “Have fun,” Lay said.

And with that, Xiumin’s first date with Chen began.


          They began their day at their favorite restaurant. It was a small place that they’d visited many times before. They sat in their usual booth and ordered their food. Xiumin had feared that things would become awkward between the two of them, but Chen made him feel at ease and there were no period of silences. They talked about their lives in general, their friends, family, and themselves. The food came and both of the boys ate it happily. After finishing, the server came with the bill and Chen insisted on paying.

          “I’m the one who’s taking you on a date, hyung, so I get to pay the bill,” Chen said, giving the money to the woman.

Xiumin scratched his head and looked away. Chen grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the restaurant. Walking hand-in-hand down the street, Chen slowly led Xiumin to their next stop.

          “Where are we going?” Xiumin asked.

          “You’ll see,” Chen said, seeming to be in no rush whatsoever.

Xiumin found that he was very tense for no reason. He was here with Chen and everything was going well, so why was he so nervous? There were a few people shooting them glances now and again, but so far no one had approached them to ask for their signatures or pictures. He needed to relax. He slowed down their pace of walking and looked at Chen. Chen returned his gaze and smiling happily, pulled on Xiumin’s hand to bring him closer. Their shoulders brushed into each other gently. Chen finally slowed down and came to stop in front of a small movie theatre.

          “Here we are!”

          “The movies?”

          “Ne. I thought it would be better to go a smaller theatre and avoid the mall, just so nobody bothers us,” Chen said, smiling.

Xiumin smiled back and they walked in. Chen bought the movie tickets; only because he insisted once again that today was his treat. They were going to see a comedy. After purchasing popcorn and a drink to share, they entered the already dark theater. Walking to the seats near the back, the two sat down. Chen put the drink in the cup holder between them and offered the popcorn to Xiumin. Xiumin hesitated, eyeing the popcorn. The nutrition facts raced through his head as he figured out how much food he would have to pass up later in the day if he ate this.

          “Hyung… You don’t need to diet anymore; you can eat as much as you want now,” Chen said encouraging the elder.

Xiumin’s eyes met Chen’s and then quickly looked away.

          “Right,” he mumbled, taking a few kernels.

Chen looked at him, concerned. He put his arm around the smaller and leaned in close to his ear.

          “You’re perfect just the way you are,” Chen whispered, his lips grazing Xiumin’s ear.

Xiumin’s eyes closed and he breathed in sharply, feeling Chen’s breath tickle the small hairs near his ear. He slowly exhaled, smiling. He opened his eyes as Chen pulled away, leaving his arm around him. He munched on the popcorn all through the commercials. Luckily, Chen had purchased a large; otherwise, it would not have lasted through the first half of the movie. Chen kept his arm around Xiumin through the whole movie as they laughed so hard tears came to their eyes. As the credits began rolling, Xiumin turned to Chen to say something, but stopped when he saw the other staring at him.

          “What? Is there popcorn on my face?” Xiumin asked, brushing off the area around his mouth

          “No…” Chen said.

          “Then what is it?” Xiumin asked, narrowing his eyes.

          “You’re just so handsome,” Chen said plainly.

Xiumin eyes widened, surprised at how casually Chen said this. Chen smiled warmly and lifted his hand to Xiumin’s cheek. He looked him in the eyes and leaned in, pressing his lips against the elder’s. Xiumin’s eyes closed and he felt the tension leave his body. Something about kissing Chen just felt completely right; as if he were made to do it. Xiumin placed his hands around Chen’s neck, wanting to pull him closer and deepen the kiss, but he felt something press against his stomach, in his way. Xiumin pulled back, wanting to see what was blocking them. The armrest stopped them from getting any closer than they were. Xiumin sat back in his chair, sighing crossly. Chen laughed quietly to himself, standing up. He grabbed Xiumin’s hand and pulled him up. They grabbed their trash and left the theater.


          Chen pulled Xiumin down the dark streets, laughing. While they had been in the theater, it had begun raining and the two boys ran through the rain hand-in-hand, not caring about how wet they got; they were happy to just be together. They laughed about how drenched they’d become, at how ridiculous they must look, running through the rainy night like lunatics, and at how the other members would react when they entered the dorm, sopping wet. When they finally made it to the dorm, they were soaked to the bone. They were breathing heavily too. Xiumin looked up at Chen, whose breath could be seen in the cold air. Chen looked back at him and they began laughing again. Chen pulled Xiumin into a one-armed side hug. They stopped laughing, but Chen didn’t let go just yet. He lifted his other arm and hugged Xiumin tightly, enjoying how warm he was.



          “We should go inside before both of us catch colds,” Xiumin said logically.

Chen laughed and Xiumin could feel it, vibrating against him.

          “Arasseo, let’s go, hyung.”





A/N: So much fluff~~ I feel like I might be getting cavities from this sweetness <3 In case you didn't catch it-that random part in the middle that was all italicized was a flashback :) Since it was when they were still trainees, before Exo was formed, I decided to use their real names~ Anyways, as always, thank you for reading; it makes me happy to know people are enjoying my fanfic. Please leave comments! I'd love to know what you think~ Any opinions on having a HunHan special chapter?

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this goes on my reading list :)
Canxiubemybaby #2
Sparrownat97 #3
Chapter 25: Chen, it's not what you think!!! (/QoQ)/
Please update soon~~
Chapter 16: no one can be like jongdae when he sing . Ugh
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 21: That was so cute!!!
ankimanika #7
Chapter 21: awww... the loveydoveyschene. i can't help cringing my fingers. >.<
safarisunset #8
Chapter 21: I really hope that Chen doesn't continue to think that it's his fault...and Sehun's eye-twitching made me laugh haha
2ne16543 #9
Chapter 21: I love this update, but I still have a foreboding feeling that more drama is to come :( ..... I still love this story though :D and I can't wait for more.