The First Chapter:Terror

Love? Love. Love!

Go back to hell, !

No one wants you here!

Stay away from my man, you !

Crazy !

Go die!



“Wh… what?” I stuttered at the carving and the words sprayed onto my desk. My head was a mess. I couldn’t recall what I did wrong that I would deserve such hate. It was only my second day. How?

“What’s going on here?” A loud, deep voice rang from the doorway, causing everyone to go back to their seats, leaving only Sehun and me standing, staring at what’s left of my desk.

Someone stepped to my side as I looked up: Mr. Lee. He was shocked as he got a glimpse of the writing and as though he saw the terror in my eyes, he slowly escorted me out of the room before sending Sehun back to his seat.

I was still in shock even when Mr. Lee told me to go back to class after almost an hour of comforting and questioning if I can recall any one that could possibly be the culpit. Honestly, I did not know the answer to that. It was my second day and my first day was nothing but warm welcomes and nice classmates.

“Don’t worry about much, okay? We changed your desk and we will for sure find out whoever did it.” Mr. Lee patted my back as he sent me into class.

“Thanks.” I smiled and took a deep breath before sliding the door open.

As expected, as soon as I entered, everyone turned to look at me. I looked over to the direction of my seat and caught Sehun mouthing: “Are you okay?” I smiled and nodded.

“Ms. Park, please go to your seat.” The history demanded and I obeyed without a reply.

When I passed by Miyeon, she tucked on my sleeve and asked if I was okay. I smiled. How sweet of her. I was so happy to be able to make such amazing friends.


The few periods after the incident were quiet yet watchful. I could feel many pairs of eyes watching me, observing my behavior. Of course, I managed to act like nothing was wrong but there was a certain fear in me that kept on creeping back every time I glanced down at my desk. Sehun, noticed my uneasiness, offered assuring smiles every time I tensed up a little.

The time leading up the lunchtime was painfully long and when it was over, I felt a sudden assurance at the thought of seeing Jongin and his friends at lunch. They can be my escape route. For some weird reason, I had came to trust them even over such a short period of time that we have known each other.

Miyeon asked to join us for lunch; I couldn’t say no to her and Sehun, although reluctant at first, gave in to the idea since he couldn’t bring himself to say no either.

“What do you want today?” Sehun cocked a smile as we stopped in front of the menu posted on a cute little stand.

“I think I’ll just get a sandwich.” I chose the first thing I saw on the menu. I didn’t have much appetite anyways; anything would have been fine for my little stomach.

“But there’s bulgogi today!” Sehun exclaimed, offended by my choice of food. The boy sure is passionate about a lot of random stuffs.

“Fine. I’ll go with whatever you choose for me.” I couldn’t help but chuckled a bit.

“Ohorat!” He skipped his way to get in line and Miyeon and I followed.

“What are you getting, Miyeon?” I asked as we walked to the line.

She was scanning about, looking for something or someone. My guess was Jongin.

She gasped a little when I asked her again and tapped her shoulder for her attention. “Oh, I think I’ll just get a salad.” She said quickly, pretending to act normal. I smiled at her. I can’t say that I don’t know the feeling of having a crush on someone and wanting to see them wherever I am at school. It’s understandable and perfectly normal.


We paid for our food and went to the table. Sulli and Suzy were missing, as expected. From what Sehun told me, they are only at school for 30% of the time.

Zelo and Taeyong were already eating when we arrived. They seemed shocked at another addition to the table as Miyeon also pulled a chair and sat down next to me.

We exchanged a short greeting before started on our food. Sehun got me a plate of bulgogi with rice and a bowl of soybean paste soup, same as his.

It wasn’t long until Jongin arrived at the table with his plate of food and we started chatting. It seemed like they wouldn’t chat until all the members had arrived and Jongin was always the last one to come.

“Miyeon.” I looked up at the mention of my name and Taeyong was talking, “I heard something happened to you this morning.” He said it in such a chill, and calming manner that it almost seemed like an okay thing to me for a moment.

I tensed up a little. Sehun and Miyeon immediately looked up to observe my expression.

“Something happened? What happened?” Jongin sounded alarmed as he put down his chopsticks and gave me his full attention.

I cleared my throat, finding it hard to explain it. I didn’t know where to start.

“Oh! Is it that desk vandalizing thing?” Zelo asked innocently. “I heard some teachers talking about it during gym class but I didn’t know who the victim was.” He leaned forward and rested his arms folded on the table.

“Wait what? Desk vandalizing?” Jongin’s eyebrows knitted as he repeated the term.

“Well… Uhm…” I tried to explain, “We went to class today and there was uh…”

“Someone trashed her desk with insults and death threats.” Sehun explained shortly and cleanly.

“What?!” Jongin blurted out causing the rest of us to jump a little.

“I’m okay though. Don’t worry about it.” I smiled weakly. Miyeon seemed especially conscious about Jongin’s reaction to the news. I grabbed her hand, which was clenched tight under the table and offered her an assuring smile and shook my head a little, trying to tell her that there’s nothing between Jongin and I. She relaxed a little but I could still see some tension in her eyes.

“Do you parents know about this?” Jongin asked again, a little calmer now.

“Mr. Lee offered the call but I told him it was okay. It’s not like it’s a big deal. I don’t want them to worry.” I explained. “If something serious happen in the future then I will tell them but I don’t think this is that big of a deal.”

“Alright, but I’m taking you home today, okay?” Jongin sank back into his chair and reminded me. The boys seemed surprised at Jongin’s suggestion but didn’t ask any question.

I nodded and smiled.

“Oh!” Miyeon gasped as she checked her phone, “I forgot that it’s my turn to pass out the notebooks today. Ms. Kim just texted me.” She quickly got up and walked away, “I’ll be leaving first. Thank you for letting me have lunch with you guys.”

“Wait, Miyeon, I’ll go with you.” I got up but Miyeon was already on her way out.

“It’s ok. Just enjoy your lunch, I’ll see you in class.” She smiled brightly and waved before running out.

“She’s pretty nice, isn’t she?” Zelo commented as he watched her run away.

“The best!” I smiled and gave him a thumb up.

We ate in silence for a while more before my phone rang.

“Hey, Miyeon? What’s up? Do you need help with the notebooks?” I picked up and assumed that she needed my help.

There was a brief silence on the other side.

“Miyeon? Hello? What—“

“Yoomi…” Miyeon’s voice was weak and shaky.

“Miyeon? What’s wrong?” I panicked and stood up.

“Some… Someone snuck into the classroom and… and… your stuffs… Oh my god Yoomi! Who would do this? Why would they do such a thing?!” Miyeon stuttered as her voice broke and she burst into crying.

I was confused. There was such terror in her voice that I got a chill. “Don’t… don’t worry. I’ll be right there.” I said quickly before getting off the phone.

“Yoomi, what’s wrong?” Sehun stood up and grabbed my shoulder.

I turned around and started shaking, “I—I think something happened to Miyeon.” I said quickly before breaking free and ran out.

“Yoomi! Wait up!” 




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Chapter 6: Why are you such a good writer authornim. This is your 4th story i read and it's as good as the others too! I really wish i had found your stories earlier!