The First Chapter: Friends

Love? Love. Love!


After two hours of campus-touring and uniform-fitting, I finally got to class. The music department building locates all the way in the back of the school so there was a bit of walking involved. The two front buildings are for the two big As’: art and acting. Third years classes are on the third floor, pretty easy to remember where your class is.

“Quiet down, guys. We have a new student.” I could only hear bits and pieces of the announced as I waited outside with the principal.

The door opened a moment later and we were signaled to come in. I glanced over at Mr. Lee, waited for him to go in first. He just smiled and gestured me to go in.

“Come on in, don’t be shy.” Someone from the back of the room laughed.

Standing next to Mr. Hong, my homeroom teacher, I smiled and introduced myself. “Hi guys. My name is Yoomi, Park Yoomi. It’s really nice to meet you all. I’m looking forward to a great school year with you guys.” I tried my best to give a good impression. I might be friendly but teenagers are scary, especially when they’re in their own den.

“Very nice!” Mr. Hong laughed and looked around for an empty seat. “You can go ahead and sit next to Mr. Oh.” He pointed at the seat next to a really grumpy looking guy. “Mr. Oh, raise your hand.” He demanded and the boy followed. The boy has a handsome face, one of the best in the class. His hair was well-trimmed and styled simply with fringe covering his forehead swept slightly to one side. He had a face of a celebrity.

“Thank you.” I smiled and made my way down the rows of starring students.

“Interesting choice of outfit for school.” My seatmate commented as soon as a sat down.

I looked down at my dress and dusted away the last few grains of dust left from the fall earlier. “Not the first thing I would choose to wear but thank you.” I smiled and offered a handshake, “Yoomi.”

“Sehun. Oh Sehun.” The boy nodded and took my hand.


After two classes, it was lunchtime and Sehun invited me to join his group of friends for lunch. I gladly accepted since the other girls in class did not show any interest of eating lunch with me and I think he saw that as well.

“So where did you move from?” He asked as we walked down the stairs to the cafeteria.

“Kyungbok High.” I said, trying to remember the direction from my class to the cafeteria.

“Wow. That’s a good school. Why did you move?” He stopped a little to look at me, slightly shocked.

“Your school offered me free tuition until I graduate to join their music program.” I smiled.

“Wow. You must be really good.” He said with such admiration that I couldn’t help but laughed.

“I’m ok, I guess.” I shrugged.

We finally enter the cafeteria after 3 sets of stairs and one long hallway. The smell of delicious food hit me like a ton of bricks: I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. There were a lot of students getting in lines to get food, too many. If there is one thing that I hate the most, it would be waiting in line. I just never seem to have enough patient for it.

Seeing my expression as I scanned the lines, Sehun grabbed me by my arm and pulled me toward one of the tables, “Let’s just get a seat first.”

“I guess.” I followed without any mentioning of my protesting stomach.

“What do you want to eat? We have…”

“Hey Sehun!” A girl’s voice interrupted Sehun’s introduction of food. Myy stomach dropped. “Who do we have here?” The girl sat down next to me and made a thorough scan of me from head to toes. “Hi!” She gave me the brightest smile I have even seen in a long while. F(x)’s Sulli? I knew that this school has a lot of singers attending it but I never expected to actually talk to one of them.

“Hi there.” I smiled and nervously looked over at Sehun, signaling him to introduce this friend of his.

After a few good seconds of inspecting the situation, Sehun stepped in, “This is Sulli. She’s a Fourth Year.” He then turned to Sulli, “Sulli, this is Yoomi, she just came in this morning.”

“Wow! You’re really pretty!” Sulli exclaimed with the most excited tone of voice.

“Thank you! You’re even prettier!” I blushed a little, trying to match up with her level of energy. And you’re f(x)’s Sulli!!! I wanted to scream it out.

“You guys are pretty early today.” Another member of the group made his appearance or rather, their appearances.

A tall, skinny guy with a really small face and another shorter guy took the seats next to Sehun.

The three proceeded with their little ritual handshakes before one of the newly arrived noticed my presence.

“Who’s that?” The tall guy asked Sehun. “New?”

“Hi. My name is Yoomi. I just transferred to Sehun’s class.” Learned from Sulli, I took the initiative and introduced myself first.

“Oh cool! My name is Junhong but some people call me Zelo.” The tall guy smiled and reached over the round table for a handshake.

“I’m Taeyong.” The handsome, shorter guy waved and smiled.

“Suzy!!!” Sulli always gave me a heart attack when she suddenly stood up and yelled. Suzy? Miss A’s Suzy?

The two ran toward each other and made some of the most high-pitched squeals before returning to the table.

“This is Yoomi, she’s new.” Sulli introduced as soon as they settled down.

“Hi.” I was still shock. Does this mean that the others people in this table are potential kpop idols? I glanced around the table. It makes sense. I agreed with myself after scanning all their beautiful faces.

“Suzy. Nice to meet you.” Suzy smiled and reached out her hand. I smiled and took it.

The groups began chatting and none seemed to be too interested in getting lunch.

“Can we go get food?” I leaned over to Sehun after tucking on his uniform jacket for a few times and whispered.

He laughed and nodded, “In a bit.”

I pouted. That was not the response I was waiting for.

“Do you know where Jongin is?” Sehun turned to Suzy and Sulli, “He’s taking forever and someone here is hungry.” He laughed as he glanced over to me.

“Who?” I looked away and rubbed my stomach and we all laughed.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see him in history. Probably in the dance studio or something.” Sulli shrugged.

Jongin? I’ve heard that name somewhere before.

“Hey guys. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.” A similar voice came from behind and made me jump a little.

I looked back and, of course, it was the guy from morning.

“Oh! Hey! Yoomi right?” Upon seeing me, he exclaimed and pulled out the seat next to Taeyong across the table.

“Hi.” I smiled.

“You guys know each other already?” Suzy asked, shocked by the sudden friendliness between us.

I looked over to Jongin, he was obviously embarrassed, thinking about what happened this morning.

“He almost ran me over this morning.” I laughed and showed them my bandaged hand.

“Jongin!?!” Everyone on the table turned to him and gasped.

“How many time did I tell you to at least look around when you’re riding your bike?” Sulli scolded and made a threatening face.

“I know, I know.” The guilty boy scratched the back of his neck.

“Are you ok?” Suzy reached over and took my hand.

I smiled and nodded. “It’s just a scratch, nothing serious.” I ensured them, keeping my knees away from sight.

“Let’s eat!” Sehun announced, the announcement that I had waited for since morning. I thought I could have died from hunger if they were to talk for a few more minutes.

We proceeded to go get food when the lines of people have thinned out quiet a bit. There were some fans around when Sulli and Suzy got in line. Some took pictures, some were just too shy to even get close. The two smiled and waved when their names were called. Wow.

“They don’t really go to school that often.” Sehun explained.

I let out a long “Oh” as I watched the two made their way up to the front of the line and got their food. Zelo and Taeyong followed as some of the girls swooned over their perfect features.

“What do you want?” Sehun said, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

“I don’t care. I’m just hungry.” I shrugged and whined a little. “By the way. Are you always so friendly with people you just met?” I joked, looking at his arm, which was around my neck.

Obviously taken back, the boy took his arm off of me and backed off. “Whoa, there!” He raised his hands up, surrendering.

“Stop being such a flirt, Sehun. Leave the poor girl alone.” Jongin laughed and pulled me closer to him, pretending to protect me. Sehun pulled me back and raised his fist threateningly. All three of us laughed.

“So, food?” I brought back the subject as soon as my stomach began to protest once again.

“Bibimbap is good.” Jongin reclaimed his place next to me and suggested with a laugh.

“Pizza is good, too.” Sehun added.

“Can I have both?” I shrugged and glanced at both of them and inserted a bit of aegyo.

“Since it’s your first day and I already almost ran over you, we’ll buy. Just go back to the table first.” Jongin nudged Sehun and took off before I could refuse.

“But… It’s ok…” I called after them but they were already in line. “Ok.” I sighed and returned to the table with the others.

“You’re not eating?” Sulli asked after seeing me returned to the table empty-handed.

“They offered to buy me lunch.” I bit my lower lip and sat down.

“Wow. Sehun really is extra nice today.” Zelo commented as he munched on his pizza. “I wonder why.”

To think of it, it is pretty odd how friendly and nice he is. I mean I just met him like 3 hours ago.

I was drowned in my thoughts when the two returned with trays full of food. Jongin now took a seat next to me and pushed the tray with a bowl of bibimbap, a cup of water, a carton of banana milk, and a bag of sweet bread toward me.

“Thank you.” I smiled and accepted my food.

“I got you pizza but he said you would like bibimbap better.” Sehun pouted from across the room.

“I’m fine with either.” I smiled and turned to Jongin. But I do like bibimbap better.

“So, Sehun, we were talking about how abnormally nice you are today.” Suzy put down her fork and looked up from her plate of greens.

“What? What’s wrong with me?” Sehun said defensively.

“Don’t even try, bro.” Jongin chuckled, “You would have never agreed on buying lunch for anyone.”

“I had extra money.” Sehun protested.

I followed their conversation back and forth as I stuffed spoons after spoons of rice in my mouth.

“Come on! Spill the beans!” Zelo urged.

Sehun groaned, frustrated. “Fine, fine.” He finally sighed. “It was supposed to be a secret.” He mumbled behind his breath and looked over to me. I stopped eating.

“Tell us!” All five of them yelled.

“Ok!” Sehun whined. “The old man Lee asked me to be nice to her.” He pointed at me.

I went on JPG mode and froze. Who the hell is old man Lee? And why would he want Sehun to be nice to me? And why does Sehun have to be nice to me if the man told him to?

“Why?” Sulli narrowed her eyebrows.

Sehun shrugged. “I mean she did get a full ride scholarship to attend this school.”

“You did?!” Suzy turned me toward her and asked with eyes widened.

I nodded. “Is that bad?” I didn’t move.

“No! That’s wonderful! Are you from any agency?” Sulli took a break from her food and tilted her head.

“Agency? No.” I said innocently.

“I heard that the school had successfully scouted a piano genius. That must be her.” Taeyong finally spoke with his cheek propped on palm.

There was a silence and everyone starred at me. I just shrugged and smiled.

“Now that makes so much more sense.” Zelo blurted out, breaking the silence.

“Wow. That’s so cool!” Sulli exclaimed and clapped her hands.

“Well now that we know, you need to play for us some time.” Jongin smiled the sweetest smile.

I nodded and smiled. “Sure will.”



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Chapter 6: Why are you such a good writer authornim. This is your 4th story i read and it's as good as the others too! I really wish i had found your stories earlier!