The First Chapter: Trouble

Love? Love. Love!


“How do you like the uniform?” Jongin asked, glancing back.

“A little too bright for my liking but it looks really cute.” I straightened up and smoothed down my jacket.

“Looks good on you though.”

“Thanks.” I laughed and slapped his back playfully.

After deceiving his text last night, we agreed on the time for him to pick me up. I wasn’t all that comfortable turning his offer down. I mean he was so nice to even ask, how could I possibly turn him down. It was 7 when I left my house. I didn’t really need to go to school that early but since it seemed like he always go to school early, I agreed to it anyways. I guess it’s good to come to school early to get use to the surrounding anyways.

“Why do you go to school so early?” I asked as we got closer to the school.

“Dance practice.”

“Oh.” I nodded. “You really practice a lot huh?” I said, looking elsewhere.

“How about you? Going to school so early.”

“Just want to get used to the school.” I lied. I couldn’t just say that I only went to school this early because I didn’t want him to be late on his schedule. Although I knew that he would probably go out of his way to come pick me up at anytime, I still felt uncomfortable to ask that much out of someone I just met the day before. “I’m thinking about going to the music room to practice, too.” I lied again but then, it was not such a bad idea after all. I need some practice anyways.

He hummed a reply and nodded.

“This might be a super dumb question, but…” I hesitated, “Why are you so nice to me?” I just wanted to get it out because no one has been so nice to me like this before, especially from someone I just met. “If this is about Mr. Lee then you don’t have to worry about it. It was probably kidding.”

The bike jerked to a stop and followed that was a little pause.

“I just want to help you until your wounds heal completely. It was my fault yesterday and I don’t feel comfortable letting you walk to school when you’re not completely healed yet.” He didn’t turn around.

“It’s not all that serious though. I can…” Something within me told me to just let it go since he said with such firmness that I felt his feelings would get hurt if I argue myself out of it. “Thank you.” I said softly.

It seemed like he wanted to tell me something as well but he just biked on after another little pause.



He was the first one to be at the dance studio. The school was pretty much empty with a few earlybirds hanging around the practice rooms of their department.

“Can I watch?” I sat down on the bench.

“Yeah, of course.” He chuckled as he was coming out of the changing room. He changed into some comfortable clothes and left his uniform dangling from his gym bag.

I inched myself over to his bag and folded his uniform for him. I am not a neat freak but seeing unfold clothes bugs me. When I put his uniform in his bag, I saw a few icy hot spay bottles, athlete tapes, knee braces, and something that seemed like a lower back brace. This guy must get hurt a lot. Seeing so many of those made me cringe a little.

“Thank you.” He chuckled. I smiled and sipped up his bag. “Oh can you take out my water bottle for me?”

“Yeah, of course.” I ped it again and dug through the messy bag but no water bottle was found. “Um… It’s not in here.” I looked up.

He facepalmed himself, “I must have left it on the dinner table.”

“I can go and get you one.” I laughed and offered.

“Oh thank you again!” He exclaimed, “You know where the vending machine is right?”

“Yeah, right around the corner.” I laughed and took my wallet from my bag and left. “I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t get lost now.” He called out, making me laugh a little.

I’ve seen a machine somewhere near the art building. Following my already poor sense of direction, I slowly made my way to the end of the Art Building and luckily, there really was a machine there. You can see the Music Building and even my classroom from there.

While putting the money into the machine, a loud clinking of metal against the floor jerked my attention toward the Music Building. A girl wearing a black cap and a mask quickly picked up what seemed to me like a spray paint bottle and rushed out of sight before I could call out for her.

“Well, that was strange.” I mumbled to myself as I pressed for water on the machine before looking back at the direction the girl fled to. “She was wearing our school uniform so she probably is an art student.” I shrugged off the weird feeling and took my bottles of water and left.



“I’m glad you didn’t get lost.” Jongin chuckled as soon as I entered the room.

“I’m not all that bad you know!” I protested jokingly.

“Oh. So it’s Yoomi.” I jumped a little when I heard Sehun’s voice rang from the other corner of the room. “I was wondering who the lucky girl was.” He ran over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“Morning.” I smiled and handed him one of the water bottles.

“Why are you here so early?” He took the bottle and went to his bag. “Don’t tell me… A date? Already?” He jumped and eyed the two of us.

Jongin raised his hand, threatened to hit Sehun, “I just gave her a ride. That’s all.”

“Oh I see.” Sehun skipped to his way to Jongin and sang.

I went back to my seat on the bench and it was just 7:20. As the two began to dance, my eyelids began to get heavier. Getting up early was finally taking its toll on me. I blinked to keep myself from falling asleep but the music they were dancing to did not help at all. I finally gave up and slowly lied down and rested my head on Jongin’s gym bag. “Just ten minutes.” I murmured before drifting off to dreamland.



“Oy!” My eyes shot opened at the loud call. Blinking a little to identify the people in front of my, I finally realized that Sehun and Jongin were staring at me, amused. I slowly got up and rubbed the back of my neck. Gym bag does not make a good pillow.

“Did you sleep well?” Jongin handed me my backpack and smiled.

I chuckled and nodded sheepishly.

“It’s time to go to class. We’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.” Sehun said, already walking away.

I glanced over at the clock, “7:59?!” I literally choked on air as I saw the time. “So much for 10 minutes.” I scolded myself as I followed the two to class.



“Well, that’s strange.” Sehun stopped in front of our classroom after parting ways with Jongin at the stairs, “The bell rang, how come it’s so loud in there?” Sehun reluctantly slid the door opened and walked in.

“Sehun!” Someone called.

There was something strange lingering in the air as I entered the room. Everyone in the room was looking at me upon my entrance. Sehun and a few of his friends were hovering over my desk.

“Yoomi!!!” Miyeon ran to me from across the room and hugged me tightly.

Taking my eyes off the other staring classmates, I asked, “What’s going on? How come everyone is being so strange?”

The girl was on the verge of crying as she looked up at me. Still as confused as ever, I made my way to Sehun.

“What’s going…” I tucked the hem of his jacket before seeing what was going on for myself. There was writing all over my desk. I pushed Sehun out of the way to get a clearer look.


Go back to hell, !

No one wants you here!

Stay away from my man, you !

Crazy !

Go die!

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Chapter 6: Why are you such a good writer authornim. This is your 4th story i read and it's as good as the others too! I really wish i had found your stories earlier!