The First Chapter: Family

Love? Love. Love!


“Yoomi-ah, let’s go together.” Miyeon suggested as we packed up. I knew very well why she wanted to come along. She hadn’t stopped talking about Jongin since we got back from his dance class. The poor girl was obviously in love with him.

“Okay.” I smiled and put away the last of my stuffs.

“I’ll walk with you guys.” Sehun offered.

I turned to him, confused. He just shrugged. “Okay then. Let’s go together.” I laughed.


“So, I heard that you guys are trainees?” I brought up since I was really curious about all the trainee thing in SOPA because according to Miyeon, the majority of the students attend this school in hope of being recruited by some company.

“How did you know?” Sehun stopped from his track and looked down at me.

“I have some insiders.” I joked. “Miyeon told me.” I looked over at Miyeon. The girl had been going nonstop about the amount of SM trainees in the school and also everything she claimed she knew about Jongin and Sehun.

“I was wondering how you know so fast.” He laughed and scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah I am. And I trust that you heard that Jongin is a trainee, too.”

I nodded and continued walking.


I looked up at the sound of Jongin’s voice. He was leaning against the gate with his bike.

“Hey! Sorry, did you wait for long?” I waved and ran over.

“No.” He laughed, “I just got here.”

“Ey!” Sehun came up behind me with Miyeon and greeted his buddy. “What are you doing here?”

Miyeon shyly waved at Jongin, hiding behind Sehun and me. Jongin smiled and waved back, making the girl squeal a little just enough for the three of us to hear.

“Oh. He offered to take me home.” I said, seeing that Jongin was careful with his words.

“Ohhh, I see.” Sehun sang. “Well, I guess I will be leaving then. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Sehun walked off and got on a black car.

“Bye. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I waved after him.

“Uhm… I guess I will go, too. I’ll see you later, Yoomi.” Miyeon said after standing there for a while.

“Okay, I’ll see you.” I smiled and gave her a hug. She seemed reluctant to leave.

After Miyeon took off, Jongin hopped on his bike and gestured me to do the same. I gladly hopped on and secured myself on the back seat.

“I’ll take off now.” He announced before paddling away.

I sat, grabbed tightly on his shirt for balance. It was windy and my dress was threatening to fly everywhere. I had to constantly grab onto it to prevent it from revealing everything under it.

“Here. Use this.” Jongin, as though sensed my discomfort, swung the jacket he hung on the handle back to me.

“Oh!” I exclaimed as I caught it. “Thanks.” I put it over my lap.

“It’s a bit windy, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” I laughed. “I will never wear this dress again.” I joked.

“It looks pretty on you, though.” He said, making me blush a little as I muttered a “thank you.”

“Where do I go from here?” Jongin asked as we passed the place where he almost ran over me this morning.

“My house is straight ahead.” I pointed, “It’s really easy to spot.”

“So how’s school so far?” He tried to keep a conversation going.

“Good so far.” I chuckled. “The school is beautiful. The teachers are nice. The food is good and the students are really friendly.” I turned to look back at the school, far away yet still beautiful.

“Sounds like you really like the school.” He laughed and looked back at me. “I’m glad you feel that way.” He said with such pride.

“Yup.” I nodded and smiled. “And my house is the second house on the right.” I added as we approached my house. I could see mom and dad waiting for me by the gate. Oh gosh. What are they doing?

“Are those your parents?” He asked as we got closer.

“Yeah.” I sighed. I could see them glaring at Jongin as he slowed down.

“Hey there. Who is your friend, Yoomi?” My mom quickly went by my side as soon as the bike came to a complete stop right in front of the gate.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” Jongin got off his bike and bowed politely at them.

“Hello.” My dad coldly said with his hands behind his back. Jongin was surprised but he just smiled.

“Dad, stop pretending to be tough. He’s just a friend I made at school.” I said as I made my way over to my dad. He looked at me and turned to Jongin.

“Nice to meet you.” My dad offered Jongin a handshake, which he gladly took. “Thank you for taking…”

“Oh my. What happened to your knee?” My mom freaked out when she saw my bandaged knee. My dad immediately left Jongin side and came to check.

“It’s nothing, mom. Just a tiny teeny scratch.” I ensured them and looked up at Jongin. He carried such a guilty look on his face it was pitiful. “It’s ok.” I mouthed to him and nodded.

“How did THIS happen?” Regardless of what I said, my mom was still panicking, looking throughout my body for any more wounds.

“I…” I started with my lame excuse when Jongin cut me off.

“I’m sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Park, I should have been more careful.” He made a 90 degrees bow and stayed like that.

“Oh.” My mom looked at my dad and then at Jongin again before making her way toward the poor boy, “Oh no. It’s okay. She deserved it. Don’t worry about it.” She tapped his shoulders and told him to look up.

“Mom!?!” I whined as the other three laughed.

“What’s your name again?” My mom took his hand and caressed it.

“My name is Jongin. Kim Jongin.” He smiled such a sweet smile.

“Aw, what a beautiful name just like its owner.” My mom exclaimed, clearly captured by his beauty.

“EW! Mom! Stop flirting! He’s my friend!” I went over to Jongin and pulled him away from my mom’s grasp. “Dad! Do something! Contain your wife! She’s out of control!” I turned to my dad who was just standing there, amused with the whole situation.

“I get it. I get it.” My mom clicked her tongue and went back to my dad’s side, “This girl. You don’t think mom also has her man?” She linked her arm with my dad’s and said with pride.

“But. He’s not my…” I protested before realizing that my arm was linked with his as well. I quickly let go and stepped back, keeping a good distance between us.

“Jongin. Why don’t you join us for dinner?” My mom offered, smiling.

“Oh.” He looked at me and then at my mom, “I would love to but I’ve got to go. I have practice tonight.” He politely put down the offer.

“Oh. You do?” I asked, fascinated. So that’s what being a trainee is like, practicing right after school. He nodded.

“Oh well, that’s too bad. Maybe next time?” My mom insisted. Oh mommy! So shameless!

“I’ll look forward to it.” He smiled and grabbed his bike.

“Alright. Be careful on the road now.” My mom smiled and began to make her way inside.

“Okay. I will see you tomorrow then.” I said, following my parents.

“Oh. Yoomi…” He called.

“Huh?” I turned around. It looked it he wanted to say something so I turned back to my parents and told them to go inside first.

“Yeah?” I went next him.

“Uhm… Can I maybe get your number?” He said shyly, touching the back of his neck nervously.

“Huh?” I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say.

“Oh. You… you know, since we go to the same school… I thought it would be convenient if we have each other’s…” He stuttered. His nervous expression was so cute I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Here.” I giggled and gave him my phone and took his from his hand. I typed in my phone number. “You can call me whenever you want.” I smiled and gave it back.

“Alright thanks.” He smiled and gave me back my phone. “I will see you tomorrow then.” He said and quickly paddled away.

“Bye!” I called out after him and waved before catching up to my parents who were evedroppping the whole thing.

“He’s cute, isn’t he?” My mom nudged me with her elbow.

I looked up at her and smiled, “Yeah.”




              New message from Kim Jongin :) 


Hey!!! What time are you going to school tomorrow? Do you think I can take you to school?

                                                                           9:25 pm


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Chapter 6: Why are you such a good writer authornim. This is your 4th story i read and it's as good as the others too! I really wish i had found your stories earlier!