Seven: Feelings

Inamorata | Completed

"Ji. I want ice cream." I said tenderly.

Now here we are in a fair, and of course - my love is wearing a disguise again. He didn't bother to put up much because it's getting dark already. Certainly, no one would be able to recognize him.

We enjoyed a lot of rides, as a matter of fact we toured the entire fair. And eating ice cream will serve as my consolation.

"Baby, let's go home. I'm tired already" he howled.

"Yada yada~ I want an ice cream, the caramel flavor Ji! If you don't buy me one, then there's no way I will go home with you!" I said sulking.

I'm not really the type of boyfriend who asks a lot from their boyfriend, nor am I materialistic. I just want an ice cream, I badly want it.

"Baby. Don't be -"

"I want ice cream." I said pouting.

"Fine." He surrendered.

I secretly celebrated in my mind. But I didn't show it to Ji - I fear that he withdraw his words.

The ice cream parlor is quite far from where we stood - it must be the reason why Ji didn't want to indulge me. 

Ji Yong, being my sweet and patient boyfriend - walked with me hand in hand towards the ice cream vendor when we finally sight it. I can finally eat Caramel ice cream!

"Ice cream please." Ji said as we got closer.

The vendor nodded then manually removed the cover of the ice cream. My eyes searched the flavor that I like - but I never saw it.

"Eh? No caramel?" my face crumpled.

"Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, purple yam.. are the only flavors available." Ji said, as if talking to a young naive.

Ts, I have eyes Ji. I wanted to say.

"Ts. I want Caramel flavor." I said, insisting it.

"Baby? Don't be so -"

"No one will go home without my Caramel ice cream!" I said crossing my arms below my chest.

"We're not buying, sorry." Ji said shyly to the ice cream vendor before pulling me by hand.

"Baby, we will go home now. O-kay?"

"No one's going home!" I said dryly, and yet my voice is still warm and soft.

"Baby.. I already -"

"No one's going home." I repeated my words, pouting.

Ji scratched the back of his head then took a deep breath before saying, "Fine. But we can't find it here. So we'll just stop by in a convenience store.. on our way home, okay? I promise."

"Okay." I said rejoicing. I smiled at him mischievously.


As Ji promised, we stopped by at 7-eleven to buy my sweet ice cream.

"Ji! Where's my caramel?" I smiled, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Fine, sit here and wait. I'm just lining up to buy you ice cream." he said patting my head.

"Okay." after hearing me say that, he quickly disappeared infront of me and did what he said.

Not long after, he came with a Caramel-flavored ice cream in hand. The smile on my lips widened as I saw it melting in his hands. I quickly took the ice cream in my hands and it.

"Thank you Ji. Tha -"

My eyes widened.

"Ji, did you see that?! Isn't it Suho of EXO?" I said, feeling overwhelmed.

"Bom, you must be mistaken. Tch, stop mentioning EXO. They're our rival in music industry. If you ever see him, do not -"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence as I stood quickly and ran out.

I need to get his autograph! I'm a big fan EXO, but Ji didn't know about it. I'm not used to narrating things about such stuffs.

I was in too hurry that the ice cream I'm holding slipped my hand. I catched up to him, just before he was able to ride in his car.

"Wait!" I immediately run into him then poked his back.

He turned to look at me, "Yeah?"

"Are you by any chance, the almighty Suho of EXO?" I said with starry eyes.

He removed his shades, "I am." a broad smile plastered in his handsome features.

"OH MY GOSH! I'm a big fan of EXO." I hugged him and jumped excitedly.

"Hahaha, chill. Want an autograph?" he said in a cool manner.

I nodded a few times, "YES! Can I also take a picture with you?"

"Sure. You know what? You're such a beautiful lady." he winked at me.

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! My idol just winked at me. Gawsh! I had always dreamed of this moment. I'm really happy he's infront of me now, is this for real?

I poked his cheek, "It worked! You're really here." I said excited.

"Yeah, you're not dreaming. Did you bring any piece of paper with you where I can write? Uhm, for autograph."

It made me wonder for a while, "N-no, sorry." my voice full of regret. Why did I not bring one?

He stared at me.

"U-uhm. Can you write it in my hand instead?" I winced.

"No. It's not -"

"Why not?" I pouted.

"I mean.. You might get your hands dirty. I'll just hand you a poster, I have my signature in it." he said smiling.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, jumping.

His eyes flashed, "Are you alone?"

The smile on my face suddenly faded as I heard his name, I have completely forgotten about Ji.

"N-no." having said that, I turned my back against him and was about to leave but he caught my hand.

"I thought you wanted to take a picture with me? Besides, I haven't given you the poster yet." 

"U-uhm, m-my boyfriend -"

"So you already have a boyfriend. Alas." he said, winking at me.

I've suddenly felt the awkward situation, "He he he. Okay, then we'll take a picture. Just for remembrance." I said, glancing inside the 7-eleven where I left my boyfriend.

He's not there. I particularly nonplussed.

I took out my cellphone. Good thing my cellphone has a camera infront, this will be quick - hang on Ji.

He put his arm around me.

"3 ... 2 ... 1 ..." I counted.

*Tsup* *click*

My eyes widened. He kissed my cheek. Ommo. No, don't worry Bom. It's just a fan service.

He held my hand and handed me the poster.

"Take care, beautiful." he gave me spatial smile.

"O-kay." therewith - him entering the driver's seat of his car.

I looked around and checked my surroundings like a missing child searching for her mom.

My breathing break loose as I spotted Ji's vehicle parked in a distance.

I walked closer to it.

I saw him standing on the side of the vehicle. I - slowly approaching him,

"Y-yah, Ji. Let's go home."

Why do I feel like I did something wrong?

"Thanks for making me wait." his voice cold, he glanced at my hand where I held the poster before boarding the driver's seat. Thus, I sat on the passenger seat.

The deafening silence mediate us, I broke the silence -

"Ji.. You know what? I was able to take a picture with my idol." I pulled out my 


"J-Ji. Please drive slowly." I said softly.

His speed is off-limits. I fear our safety.


I didn't speak anymore.

Ji was probably angry because I discarded the ice cream - he exerted a lot of effort just to buy me an ice cream. I wasted his effort.


I saw him sitting in a corner, leaning against the wall - his hair dripping wet and he wore a gray loose shirt. My love is looking fresh and handsome whenever he's dressed formally, is he going somewhere?

He did not talk to me last night when we got home. This is my chance to talk to him. I need to apologize.

I approached him and knelt before him so I can stare at him - eye to eye. I was about to touch him when he spoke,

"Why?" his tone still cold.

"Uhm, Ji. It's about last night." I said, stuttering.

He looked at me, "What about last night?" he has a blank expression in his face.

"Uhm. I-I'm sorry." I said tenderly.

He smirked, "For what?"

My pulse suddenly raising.

"I-it was because I didn't ask your permission before leaving you last night. Plus I dropped the ice cream you bought me. I thought that I might -"

"Are you done? I'm leaving." he stood up.

I stood in front of him, "Ji."

"Oh?" he said, boredom etched on his pretty face.

"I already said I'm sorry." my lips curved downwards.

I felt a sudden pang on my chest. He refused to accept my apology.

"You don't even realize your mistakes." he said, his gaze penetrating.

"What have I done wrong?" I said softly, I sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm going." he walked towards the door and opened it.

I looked down - spontaneous tears dripping my cheeks.

He turned.

To my surprise, he briskly walked up to me.

He gently pushed me onto the bed. And in a swift motion, he's towering over me - I'm trapped in his arms.

I gasped, my tears flowing continuously.

"If you really want me to forgive you." 



"Then kiss me." he said seriously.

"K-kiss you? I-I'll be t-the one to kiss you?" I felt my heart frantically beating in my chest. I can almost hear my heart beat on my throat.

Then I realized one thing.

My love.. is actually jealous.

"You won't?" his gaze directly on my eyes.

"What.. but -"

I was not able to finish my sentence when he stood - leaving me on the bed. But before he could even take a step forward, I was able to pull him closer to me.

The action making him lay down beside me. This time, I did not hesitate - in a fast movement, our lips met. I just initiated a kiss - a first.

"I love you. Jealous." I said right after we split up the debris. I wiped my wet cheeks.

"I love you too. I'm sorry for acting that way. I was just afraid you'll find someone better. And leave me." he said whispering the last two words.

I grinned, "Let's get married then."

And in response - he kissed me firmly on the lips.

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chaebom21 #1
Chapter 8: ahh love this story so much! :)
Chapter 8: A nicely written romcom!! This is like the 2nd or 3rd gbom fic I read. Be honoured bcos I like it ^^
Chapter 8: Ended already? Thanks for the happy ending... please write gbom story more..
Chapter 8: omo ended already? ah im soooooo happy they got a happy ending here <3 please write more gbom stories i will be waiting for u ^^
Dy0531 #5
Chapter 8: I love this story! So fluffy! GBom FTW! ♡♡
Yongshincouple #6
Chapter 8: Daebak! <3
Chapter 7: Ahh.. they still too young to get married. ..
Chapter 7: whaaa love it! update soon pls <3
bommiejjang #9
Chapter 7: Update juseyo~~~~♡♥♡