Miss You


Yoona’s P o V

              “Soo Bin... you... you know what?”, I asked her. Actually, I knew what she knows. I’m just... not really sure. She sighed, “That guy, I mean, your friend. He is... a vampire. Right?”. “Mwoh? How did you know that?”, I asked her. I was so surprised, how did she know that???? “Oh, no, Soo Bin... Don’t tell me that you are....”, I was cut by her, “No! Miss! I’m not one of them. I’m a human!”. Oh.... Thanks, God! “So, how did you know?”, I’m so curious. “Well, I’m not a vampire, but my mother was.”, she said. “Your mother?”, I asked to make sure. She just nodded, “One night, I was waiting my Mom in the livingroom with my Dad. Usually, she would arrive in eight o’clock from her office. But, that night, she didn’t come. We were so worried about her. The next day, my family was searching for her, but we couldn’t find her. We asked the police for help. But, still, we couldn’t find her. Until one day, someone knocked our door. I and My Dad opened it and surprised that it was my Mom. We were so happy that finally she was back. But, I felt something strange. My mother seemed so pale and sad everyday. One day, she told me what happened. She said that she met a woman that night and then she attacked her. She then her blood. My mother was faint that time and the woman brought her to her place. The woman took care of her. She said she felt guilty because attacking my mother and her blood. The woman told my mother that she was a vampire and she needed blood that night. She had no strange that night, so while she was seeing my mother walk alone, she immediately attacked her. Fortunately, she could control herself, so my mother still alive. After a month had passed, my Mom came back to our house. But, she didn’t want to live as a vampire. She said she better die than became a vampire. She told me everything about vampire, but she never told my Dad. She didn’t want him to worry. The day after she told me her story, I woke up earlier in the morning because I heard someone screaming. I went outside and... and... I was so shocked because I saw my mother was burning herself. I didn’t know what to do. My father was already gone to work. I tried to destroy the fire but... but I was too late. My mother had already passed away....”, Soo Bin finished her story with tears falling hard from her eyes. I immediately hugged her. “I’m so sorry Soo Bin....”, I broke the hug and wiped her tears. She forced to smile, “It’s okay, Miss Yoona.... I just remember my beloved Mom. Well, she told me everything about vampire, like a vampire has pale skin, light-brown eyed, and they smell like mint. They have to drink blood to live. They  are so fast, and strong. Nah, first time I saw your friend, I immediately know that he is a vampire. He smells like mint.”, she explained to me. “Huh? Really? I never know that he smells like mint!”, I asked. Soo Bin just chuckled, “Well, you have to try to smell him next time.”. “I don’t know that I want to see him again or not, Soo Bin. You know, he can kill me anytime, right?”, I bowed. Soo Bin caressed my hair, “Miss, that’s true that they are dangerous, they can kill anyone if they want to. But, not every vampire is mean. Some of them be friend with humans too and protect humans. And I think your friend is not mean. I believe, he won’t anything bad to you. Now, eat you dinner and rest. I have something to do in the kitchen. If you need me, just go there!”, she said as she walked out of my room. I just stared at her until she disappeared. I ate my dinner and then tried to sleep. But, I have a lot of things to think about. I stared at the ceiling until my eyes closed.

              I heard my alarm rang. I woke up and took a bath. Then I walked to the dining room and ate my breakfast. I felt so lazy to go to campus. I was afraid to meet Seohyun, Kyuhyun, and of course Siwon. I didn’t know what to do if I saw them. Well, I would try to avoid them. After finishing my breakfast, I drove my car to my campus. I parked it and then... I saw Seohyun’s car arrived. I got out from my car and went to my class so fast, but suddenly someone caught my arm, “Yoona....”, it was Seohyun, fortunately she was alone. I looked at her eyes, not saying anything. “Look, Yoona, I know what you are feeling now. But, please please please, don’t be scare of us. We won’t do anything bad to you. I promise! Actually, we don’t want to be a vampire, but we could do nothing! So, please, don’t try to stay away from us. We are your friends, right?”, Seohyun said with teary eyes. I felt guilty, “Seo.... I just... I was just shocked to know that you are... different with me. I’m so sorry that I’m scared of you, but that’s what I feel now.”. “So, don’t be! Don’t be scared of me, Kyuhyun Oppa, and Siwon Oppa, Yoona! We won’t do anything bad to you, believe me! And we want to protect you from Hara.”, she said and I felt her sincerity. I sighed and smiled to her. Then we went to the class together.

              Seohyun sat next to me. “Hmmm, so, how are you, Yoona? I worried about you. Your body got so much pain after Hara attacked you, right?”, she asked me worriedly. “I’m fine. I’ve treat my wounds.”, I answered simply. Well, actually, I wanted to ask her about Siwon. But, no! Stop thinking about him, Yoona! “Do you want to know about Siwon’s condition?”, suddenly Seohyun asked me. “Huh? How do you know?”, I asked. She just smiled at me, “I just guess, so, it’s true that you want to know about his condition?”. Aish... it was embarrassing! “Yah!  I... I don’t want to know! I just hope that he is fine.”, I said while blushing hard. “Well, actually he isn’t fine. He seems so weak. He feels so sad because of you. He is thinking about you all the time, Yoona.”, Seohyun told me. “I didn’t ask you! And I said that I didn’t want to know!”, I said to her. “Yoona, don’t you care about him? Why are you so mean?”, she said almost scream. I just shrugged.

              The class ended. I walked out of the class with Seohyun. Then, suddenly I saw Kyuhyun waved his hand to us from far away and beside him was... Siwon. Seohyun waved her hand too to them. Oh My God! They came to us. “Seo, I need to go. Bye!”, I turned around and ran to my car.


Siwon’s P o V

              I and Kyuhyun was walking to Seohyun. She was with Yoona, but suddenly Yoona was gone. Well, it must be because of me. She didn’t want to see me. Yoona, it was so hurt to know that you are avoiding me.... Seohyun ran to us and greeted, “Annyeong, Oppa....”. Kyuhyun kissed her forehead. “Seo, did you talk to her?”, Kyuhyun asked. Seohyun nodded and then looked at me, “Well, seems like she doesn’t hate us. I think, she’s still a little bit scared.”. “So, why did she run away when she saw us?”, I asked. “Just like I said, she’s still a little bit scared. Don’t worry, Oppa.... I think she will accept us soon.”, she tried to cheer me up. “Didn’t you tell her that Siwon is thinking about her all the time?”, Kyu asked again. “I told her, Oppa. But... she acted like she doesn’t care. I think, she is actually care about Siwon Oppa.”, Seohyun answered. I sighed, “Well, since she seems doesn’t care about me, I’ll stay away from her for awhile. If she doesn’t want to see me, it’s fine.”. Then I started to walk.


Yoona’s P o V

              The next day I went to my campus. I saw Siwon while I was walking in the corridor. I immediately turned around and took another way. I still avoided him. I just didn’t ready to meet him. After class ended, I decided to go to library. I searched books for my assignment. After I got the book, I walked to the empty table, I decided to do my assignment there, then suddenly I saw him. Oh, no! I stopped my step. I cancelled my plan and was about to go out of the library when I realize that he noticed me. He looked at me for awhile but then he stood up and walked away. He went out of the library. What? He avoided me too? Suddenly, I felt so sad. My heart was hurt.

              It’s been a week since I knew that Siwon, Seohyun, and Kyuhyun were vampires. I didn’t see Siwon these days. Where is he? I never saw him with Kyuhyun anymore. Usually, Kyuhyun would come with Siwon to meet Seohyun after our class ended. But, these days, Kyuhyun just came alone. I never saw him too anywhere in this campus. But, I always saw his car in the parking field. So, he tried to avoid me too, right? Well, I was the one who avoided him first. I sighed.

              I was walking to my car, suddenly my foot hit a stone. I was about to fall, but someone caught my body. Oh My God, don’t tell me that the one who catch me now is.... I turned to face the man. Aish.... It’s not him. I felt so disappointed. “Uhm.... Are you OK?”, the man asked me. “Ah.... Yeah, thanks for helping me.”, I said as he released me. He just smiled at me and went away. Aaah! What was I thinking? Yoona, you wished that the one who caught you was Siwon, right? I suddenly remember the first time I met him. Just like this accident, I was about to fall because of my foot hit the stone then he suddenly caught me. He hugged me. Forget it, Yoona! I started to walk again. I felt my tears falling then I immediately wiped my tears. Suddenly, someone handed me a handkerchief. I lifted my head, “Si... Siwon?”. “Take this, I think you need it!”, he said coldly and I received it. Then he walked away. No, I can’t let him go! “You avoided me these days, right?”, I suddenly asked and he stopped walking. He turned his body to me then stepped forward. He smirked, “Why do you care? You avoided me first.”. He was staring at me, waiting for my answer. “I... I....”, I didn’t know what to say. “You what?”, he asked. I couldn’t handle this anymore, “YES! I CARE! I care about you! I feel so sad when I couldn’t find you anywhere. I feel so sad to know that you avoided me too. Yeah, I know, this is my fault. I was the one who avoided you first. I pretended that I don’t want to see you.”, I shouted and cried. “But, I couldn’t take it anymore.... I miss you. I miss you, Choi Siwon. I miss you.”, now I whispered. Suddenly, Siwon pulled my body and hugged me tightly. “Yoona....”, he said. “I... miss... you so much!”, I said while sobbing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Yoona.", he said. I cried harder. "Ssshhhh, don’t cry anymore. I’m with you now. I won’t avoid you anymore....”, he whispered. “I miss you too, Yoona, I miss you so badly. You don’t have any idea how I wished I could see you and hug your body like this.”, he said. We broke the hug, then he wiped my tears. I looked at his face and I could see his teary eyes. “Actually, I didn’t avoid you. I just gave you time to think. I just didn’t want to force you to see me until you want to see me.”, he explained. I just smile to him, “I’m sorry. I avoided you first. I just didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe that....”, I was cut off because I felt his soft lips on mine. He wrapped his arms around me as he pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked, but then I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He kissed me hungrily. His tongue entered my mouth. I could feel his sweetness. His kiss felt sooo good. I couldn’t breathe now! No! I needed some air. I pushed him, but he was so strong. Oh My God, I thought I was going to faint now! Then I couldn’t remember anything.

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Elf2004 #1
Chapter 15: I have given up on this fanfic ever being updated again
I do hope that author-nim will prove me wrong
But I know he wont
Chapter 15: 2018 and I'm still hoping for an update
kimkaixwife #3
sounds interesting!
Ganesha407 #4
Chapter 15: update soon!
Chapter 15: Please update this story authornim, actually I'm not into this type of genre but I like your story very much !.. thank u and GBU for tour lecture :-)
Chapter 15: I hate Kibum in this story.
Please update soon!!
hii,,new reader here,,
i like your story..
can't wait for another update..:D
Chapter 15: finally!! another update! thou its kinda short, but its ok, at least you find time to update this...thank you authornim!
Stand4SeoKyu #9
Chapter 15: Whooaaaa, Finally u're update this fic authornim..
Sooo the triangle love just begin,,,
Chapter 15: updated!
finally :)))
sorry, i can't reply all comments
but, thanks for giving me comments
keep support =n_n=