Even if tears sometimes cover your eyes..

He's Annoying.

Enter: You, 16 years old.
Enter Taemin, 16 years old.

"Where are you?" Taemin yelled from the other side of the phone. It sounded like he was at a mall, being chased around by fans or something. 

"I'm in school, I have to study for a bit," you respond, wanting so desperately to go home. 

He had been calling regularly because their schedules weren't as busy. Even his group members, which he loosely called hyungs, recognized you and often reminded him to call you. The phone calls weren't long, and they weren't sweet or anything, but they were composed of Taemin's voice and that was really all you needed. Well, most of the time.

"Oh, haha sure does to be you!" he teased, his laugh bringing small 'ahhh~' and 'oooh's~' about. This kid- did he really have to rub it in?!

"Goodbye!" you replied, abruptly hanging up without waiting for him so respond. Shoving your phone in your pocket, you look at the textbook laid before you and sigh, knowing there was still much to be done. The finals were coming around soon, and you didn't want to cram so there was a good balance of sleep and study. 

To help the studying cause, you also listened to several of SHINee's songs, "A-Yo" being the one constantly on replay. The melody was good, and Taemin telling you that 'Your school rank is three digits, why in the world...?' always drove you to push yourself to become better. "You can sing that all you want, but just you watch!" you whispered to yourself. 

It was 4:30, and school closed at 9. Or at least, that was the time the custodian kicked you out of the building. Understandable, since he would have to go home too. 

"Four and a half hours..." you muttered, timing yourself and preparing for the things you planned on reviewing. 

An hour passed, and still your mood was high. Most of the students already made their way home, so it was quieter and more peaceful. 

Two hours passed, and the far end of the hallway had its lights closed, probably to conserve energy. 

After three hours, because of the quiet, you told yourself to take a small nap, knowing the custodian would wake you up if  the school was closing, anyway. You finished through most of the content, and the remaining could always be reviewed over the weekend. You shut off your music player so that you could save some battery life and listen to it on the way home, so the space around you felt deafening. No matter, the quiet made it so much easier to sleep with...

"You fall asleep alone again..."

Mmm. The melody felt so pleasant. 

"With our song for you, oh, everyone A-yo, everyone..."

Hmmm? It didn't sound like the original version... what kind of dream was this? 

"Your IQ is two digits, your test scores are also two digits...

Wasn't this Taemin's line? Was your conscience trying to tell you to get back into studying? 

"Your school rank is three digits, why in the world?

Your eyes blinked open. Even your dreams were pushing you to keep studying. Before stretching to get back to work, you notice the song hadn't stopped playing. In fact, it only sounded louder. It didn't come with the melody either — just their voices. Why did it sound so real...? Wait. 

"What are you doing at your desk today?"

You looked up, your eyes widening from a surprise. In front of you sat none other than Lee Taemin, the four other shining boys rebelliously sitting on the tables. Even though you were already awake, they didn't stop singing. Instead, they smiled at you as if they were telling you, "You've worked hard, this is from us." 

This kind of happiness was taught to you by Taemin. He taught you that if you were this happy, you could cry, too. 

"Even if tears sometimes covers your eyes," sang one of the members. He was definitely the leader Onew, who looked like a little boy even though he was the eldest. "Never become weak."

They all sang, just like they did in your music player. Except this, this was far better. 

It was hard to stop crying when someone this special did so much more. "How... how did you guys get in?"

"We gave the custodian autographs; his daughter loves us." replied Key, the most fashionable member there was in SHINee. The rest of them laughed, their smiles irresistible to look at.

"Do you have a lot more to study?" Minho asked. He was tall. You always thought Jonghyun was exaggerrating when he complained about Minho's height, but he was really tall. 

Embarrassed, you sigh. "I'll just finish up, really!" 

Minho shook his head. "Take your time, we're going to be here for a while. We have a photoshoot tomorrow morning at a place near here, so it's no trouble for us." he reassured you. 

"Mmmm, we'll help you study." Onew said, tapping his knee for a beat. "The morning sunlight is like you... it might be childish, but I like it." he sang. You already knew what song it was: 'One'. And you also knew that the next line belonged to yours truly. 

"If I'm by your side when I wake up, I have nothing more to wish for." he sang, his face close to yours as he looked over your textbook and notes. Until the custodian came around to close the school, SHINee sang slow, relaxing songs for you to read  the textbook with.

Needless to say, studying had never been so enjoyable.

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Dear Paparazzi, thank you for making Taemin realize that she is FAR more important than his career. Amen. /note heavy sarcasm sauce/ Sincerely, Me who is picturing Park Shin Ye out of a sudden, your fault it is! <br />
<br />
Release the kraken and update faster than a gramps crossing a pedestrian lane
omg! xD Just like in You're Beautiful! O: Her long hair is gone :/
Are they going to disguise her as a boy? O_O
meigrace #4
WOAHHH AHHH lol thAnks for thr update cant wai for what comes upnext
XD diva key! I wonder what her mom will say... O.O they should totally go like "oh this is another like JB who looks like a girl."
beebeezy #7
OMONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! >u< My heart went "dugeun dugeun!" XD Only update when you can! o3ov