Namja. I am a namja.

He's Annoying.

Enter you, 18 years old. 

Enter Taemin, 18 years old.

"Excuse me?!" you said, holding your hair in your hands as if it would stop them.

Taemin looked at Key with his eyebrows furrowed together. "Why would we want to do that?"

"Well if the fans saw a girl, they'd go crazy. They wouldn't suspect anything if a boy went to the lobby, right?" Key reasoned. "Besides, she doesn't have much to flaunt there." he murmured, swaying his head to the direction of your torso, Instantly making you cover your chest in defense. "They won't suspect a thing, I know it. Taemin you're as small as she is; lend her some of your clothes and I'll go find some hairstyles on the internet."

Without another word, everyone quietly nodded and went to arrange a bunch of materials for the sudden makeover you were about to go through.

"Wait. Wait, wait, WAIT." you said, still seated on the breakfast table. No one but Minho stopped to approach you, letting out a small sigh. "I know you don't like it—,"

"Of course I don't!" you argued, shaking your head and drawing back a little.

"—but would you rather Taemin lose his career because he was seen with you?" he ended, trying to give a consoling smile but looking like a scowl altogether. He was right. If any rumors errupted about Taemin dating, which was strictly prohibited as it said in his contract, Taemin might lose his career as a dancer. He might have to give up his dream — the dream he worked so hard to achieve. He might have to give up the very reason he lived, and that couldn't happen. No matter how much you loved your hair, no matter how much you wanted Taemin all to yourself — he couldn't give up the only thing he wanted so badly in life.

Jonghyun emerged from the bedroom, scissors and towels in hand. He gave you a weak smile as he laid them onto the table and cleared away some of the breakfast dishes.

Onew returned with Taemin's shoes. He had placed socks at the end so they wouldn't be so loose on your feet, which was considerate of him. He then went to the kitchen with Jonghyun, probably to wash some dishes and clean up a little as there was nothing else to do.

Minho just sat in front of you, sometimes looking up to see the expression you made and sometimes looking at the kitchen to glance at what his hyungs were doing. Though it should have been awkward because of the silence, the apprehension dissipated all the awkward airs in the room.

"What about this one?" Key said, emerging from the bedroom with his laptop. It was even shorter than Minho's Ring Ding Dong hair. To some degree, it was even shorter than Taemin's hair.

"Is... is there another one?" you wondered, wanting to preserve as much of your hair as possible. 

The fashion-crazy star then changed tabs to a different hairstyle. Oddly enough, it was Taemin's smiling face with the bowl cut he had in the post-Lucifer era. "You're kidding, right?"

"Why are you being so picky?"

"But isn't it my hair?"

"We don't have a lot of time! Just hurry up and choose something!"

You looked at the room around you, 6 males all staring at you with their eyes clouded with worry. In a spontaneous event, you pointed at the only person who smiled in the room.

"My hair?" Onew asked, tapping his hands on his chest.

"" you nodded.

Key looked at Onew and then back at you, imagining the possible outcome. "I think it'll work. I'll lend you some of my wax." He said, which in turn signaled Jonghyun to wrap the towels around you. Minho disappeared into the washroom, probably to grab the said hairwax. When your neck was all bundled up with the towels, your heart beat faster as Key opened and closed the scissors. Jonghyun and Onew watched like little kids while Taemin remained silent, wordless since breakfast.

"Here I go," he said, snipping the first bunch of hair. Instantly, the left side of your hair felt lighter. Soon your head was so light it felt like you were bald, if not for the bangs that reminded you that you still had hair. Twenty minutes in and Key was already working on the layers, making sure they resembled Onew's layered, scruffy hair.

Jonghyun nodded, walking back to view the hair as a whole. "Assa, it looks good."

"Mmm. Mini Onew?" the leader teased, patting you on your lap.

Minho the blowdryer he carried with him and blew all over your head, making sure there were no loose pieces of hair. Jonghyun uncovered the layers and layers of towels all over your neck and Key soon followed, pushing you into their washroom. "I'll bring the clothes in a second."

You stood on the cold floor, looking at the mirror and the girl that had a boyish cut — you. You turned your head left and right trying to convince yourself that it wasn't so bad after all, but was dissuaded at every attempt. The knock on the door probably meant Key had Taemin's clothes with him, but when you opened it, Taemin burst through the door and locked it.

For a moment the two of you stood speechless, neither one of you looking at each other or making any physical contact. Then, Taemin gulped and took hold of your shoulders, making you look up to meet his eyes. "Are you... are you okay?"

As grown up as he'd like to be, Taemin still had his sensitive side and having him hurt you versus having him hurt himself because of his career was probably one of the hardest decisions he would ever have to make. "I'm fine," you lied. "Don't I look handso—,"

Interjected by a tight embrace around your neck, he whispered in your ear. "I'm... I'm sorry."

The way he said it sent your heart fluttering, so the only thing you could do in response was to place your own arms around his waist. You stood close to lay your head comfortably between his jaw and collarbone. Anything, for this boy. You would do anything.

"YA." Key knocked through the washroom. You let out a small giggle and opened the door a crack. "You know the dorm is small enough to notice if one of our members have disappeared, right?" he lectured on like a mother who would catch her child in a lie. "Taemin, get out of there!" 

All the way in the living room you heard Jonghyun and Onew laugh like children who felt the freedom of no punishment. Taemin squeezed between you and the door, giving you a small pat on the back as a reminder that it was going to be okay. Key gave him a dirty look while handing you Taemin's clothes, but went to join the other members and their manager in the living room either way.

You unfolded his clothes, holding them close enough to recognize the scent Taemin wore. Even though they were newly washed clothes, his cologne didn't seem to wear off the cloth very quickly. You quickly changed into them, surprising yourself at how well the skinny jeans fit your legs. When you placed on the shirt, another problem arose. As small as Key proclaimed your chest to be, they still showed slight bulges with the shirt. 

You left the washroom to the livingroom and of course, it was Key who noticed it first. "I have something to bind those with." he simply said and scuttled off to his room while all the other members sat in confusion.

When you followed Key, he pulled you with him into the washroom and simply said, "Take it off."

"What, are you serious?"

"I don't have an interest in you! I'm not that kind of guy!" he retorted, leaving you unable to do much else. Hesitantly, you peeled the shirt away and covered your chest instinctually.

"I can't bind your chest with your arms intact." he said directly, taking a professional approach to the whole situation. As he wound the cloth around your body, you couldn't help but utter a small thanks for all he did. "Well someone has to understand your position too, you know. Taemin can play the man all he wants but sometimes you need someone other than a manly figure to be around."

After he placed the shirt back on your body, he spun you around and made you face the mirror. Aside from your eyes, you could pass for a male fashion model as they looked girlier these days. Taemin or Minho could probably lend you sunglasses to cover them up. You thanked yourself for not paying too much attention to things like nail polish and hand creams and hand-delicate products, because your arms definitely looked rather manly despite being slim.

Key moved his head close to yours and looked into the mirror as well, a sly smile making its way to his lips. "Are you ready?"


i promiiiiiseddd!! 

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Dear Paparazzi, thank you for making Taemin realize that she is FAR more important than his career. Amen. /note heavy sarcasm sauce/ Sincerely, Me who is picturing Park Shin Ye out of a sudden, your fault it is! <br />
<br />
Release the kraken and update faster than a gramps crossing a pedestrian lane
omg! xD Just like in You're Beautiful! O: Her long hair is gone :/
Are they going to disguise her as a boy? O_O
meigrace #4
WOAHHH AHHH lol thAnks for thr update cant wai for what comes upnext
XD diva key! I wonder what her mom will say... O.O they should totally go like "oh this is another like JB who looks like a girl."
beebeezy #7
OMONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! >u< My heart went "dugeun dugeun!" XD Only update when you can! o3ov