
My Jinki, I Love Thee
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As Jinki drove Taemin to school the next day, he groaned, seeing his reflection in the mirror. He had told the salon artists to make sure his hair wouldn’t turn out pink, but instead, they’d dyed his hair blonde. To complete his forced transformation, Taemin even broke his precious glasses in two, reminding Jinki dully that he had contacts that he looked a lot better in.

“You look fine, hyung.” Taemin chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully as he watched the elder fix his hair for what seemed like the millionth time, “In fact, you look better now than you ever did. Hell, if I didn’t know you so well, I would date you.”

Jinki didn’t know if he should have been flattered or disturbed by Taemin’s words, so he chose to ignore them, parking his car in the lot and stepping out with his books tucked under his arm, raising an eyebrow at Taemin, “I have work today, so I can’t drive you home. Will you be alright?”

“Of course I’ll be alright, hyung.” Taemin said eagerly, saluting playfully at the elder, “Now go and knock them dead.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Lee Taemin?” Jinki asked with an unamused expression, but the younger had already bounced away and Jinki seemed to be talking to himself for a moment before he shook his head and walked into the building, “It’s not like I have anyone to impress, anyway.”

Except, the moment he walked into the hallway, he regretted it and considered leaving the building all together when noticing Choi Minho and the two Kims walking his way. They didn’t see him of course, and it wasn’t like he wanted them to see him, either.

However, the moment right before they fully passed the elder, Kim Kibum turned to him with his eyes and mouth agape, “No freaking way. You’re the one that I dumped the dye on, right?”

Jinki cautiously took a step back when realizing Kibum was talking to him, with the other two staring at him as well. Jinki let his eyes run over them for a few moments before his eyes landed on Jonghyun’s, who was looking at him with a gaze he couldn’t understand, then to Minho; who held an excited gleam in his eyes.

Then, he turned back to Kibum, nodded, and continued walking.

“If I knew that you looked like this, Lee Jinki, I would have personally dumped that bucket on you years ago.” Jonghyun said, and Jinki paused mid-step, turning to him once more, but Jonghyun was already stepping closer to him, snickering under his breath, “Did we enlighten you into making a few changes?”

Jinki was left dumbfounded, as were Kibum and Minho. Jonghyun had become a person that Jinki couldn’t stand b

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 13: I hope you will update this story soon ^_^ I'll patiently waiting for this fic ❤ i love it so much ❤ fighting (\^.^/)
YukiiOnna #2
Chapter 13: Omg i really really hope that you will continue this story one day! I cried when they were at the grave my god the tears just shot up .. Such a good story! I really hope you will continue it.. Hwaiting author-nim \(^_^)/
Chapter 13: Hope you will continue this story. I love it so much.
Soulights #4
Chapter 13: will you continous this ?
Sidhe21 #5
So will this be started again?
satsueki #6
Chapter 13: I cried ,_,
this is beautiful. I hope you will continue this story
Chapter 13: I m hitting my head on the wall. How did I miss reading your stories earlier???? You are so very good. This one superb story. Wowwwwww
faniee #8
Chapter 13: I read this again. Please update authornim. I'm waiting for the next chapter. Jinki is so cuteee ^^
hunhan_enthusiast #9
Chapter 13: oh, please update!
yeahonho #10
Chapter 13: hahhaa.... so cute