Save a Prayer

Hidden Lives of Exo

Sehun walked into the bathroom only to find Chen brushing his teeth with his spare toothbrush.

"Hey man... is it okay if I use this?" Chen gargled to Sehun.

"Yeah I guess.... I usually just use that for my eyebrows anyway.... you know, to like, shape them."

Chen just stopped brushing and had a total 'what the ' face on before Sehun continued.

"Haha, just kidding. I don't do that, cause that'd be weird."

Chen was left alone, in a state of bewilderment, as Sehun flounced away, still wondering if he was serious or not. The maknae was quite the wild card.

Chen left the bathroom to find Suho banging the water heater on the table in the kitchen.

"Why....won't you work.... Useless" Suho's mutterings were enough to wake up Kai, who was passed out on the couch, drool on the side of his mouth.

Suho continued to bang the water heater as D.O. woke up. D.O. was not a happy person on a good day, much less when he was hungover. Wrestling the heater out of Suho's hands, he plugged the cord in and filled it up with water, turning it on. Suho, who had no clue what just happened, went about filling up cups of hot chocolate, for a quick hangover remedy. Suho claimed it was a trusty go to method to solve all sorts of problems; hangovers, sore backs, runny noses, you name it.

Before long everyone was awake, craddling a cup of hot chocolate before they had to make it to their schedules. Just a normal start to a normal day, right?

After everyone's draining schedules it was time to return home, some members staying behind to get in some extra choreo practice or work on vocals. Suho returned quite late in the day, having been working on some last minute vocal exercises.

As he opened the door to the exo dorm, the first thing Suho noticed was the smell. It should be brought to attention that Suho is very peculiar when it comes to scents (ie; his multiple candles and air fresheners) and should come as no surprise that Suho (a usually very calm person) will lash out at the source of said smell.

It was bad.

It smelled like one of Sehun's deadliest farts. The kind where you don't even want to breathe through your mouth it was so bad, bad.

The source turned out to be none other than his fellow leader and his partner-in-crime, Chen.

Kris and Chen, when unsupervised and left to their own devices, would unconciously migrate to the kitchen, them being so called 'chefs'.

The kitchen was a total mess. Pots and pans left everywhere, floor decorating the floor and walls, however they managed that. An ominous smoke rose from the oven.

Suho (naturally a clean person, though only further fueled by the threat of D.O. should anything happen to his kitchen) sought to save the kitchen from further damage and pulled the pan out of the oven.

Whatever it was, it was steaming and had morphed into one huge black block. Suho would later be told that they had tried to make meatballs, but it looked anything but. More like a flaky pastry, though by no means edible. It had somehow connected and become one large meatball patty. A meat block?

Suho quickly put the two at fault to work, having them scrape off the burnt remains of the block, hoping to get the kitchen back to its immaculate state D.O. usually left it in before he saw.

He saw.

And he was not pleased.

More so because Chen had so happened at that exact moment to fling his burnt meatball at Kris, who ducked just in time for it to hit D.O. smack dab in the face.

Well .

Chen could be found locked in D.O.'s famous headlock (refer to Chanyeol, rest in peace) struggling to stay alive in this harsh world.

"The did I say about my kitchen?! Huh? Huh!" D.O. squeezed Chen tighter remembering the full extent of the mess he made.

It would take all of Suho's persuasion skills and hot chocolate know-how to get D.O.'s fingers off of Chen's already limp neck (he had passed out long ago).

And a promise to get D.O. new cleaning materials to help clean the kitchen up again. So Suho rounded up the rest of the members and they left to find the el dorado cleaning supplies.

If there's one thing Tao hates the most its waking up to an empty house. Oh and ghosts. He also fears taking showers alone. Okay.... so maybe he has a lot of things he hates but back to the story.

Tao disliked being alone. He was almost always never alone, and when he was he usually would be very scared and unsure of himself. Don't get him wrong he was a man of course, but moving to an entire different country with an entire different language that he had only a limited understanding of was quite daunting.

So it came as quite a surprise to find everyone gone. Not even Sehun was home (who would only go outside for something that would benefit him unless physically forced).

Roaming the halls in search of any life, be it friend or foe (ghosts be a real threat, okay?!), he counted himself lucky when he found nothing.

No ghosts. No scary sounds.

Just when Tao finished that thought a horrifying screech sounded from behind him.

'Okay.... What the was that?!' - Irrational side of Tao spoke up immediately.

'It was probably nothing.... right?' - The more rational, yet still chicken side of Tao tried to calm himself down.

The screech happened again, this time louder and seemingly much closer to him as he stood stock still in the hall.

Tao, being too scared to run past where the sound originated and dive into his bed, ran to the kitchen.

He could work with knives. He could protect himself if need be.

Just as he made it into the kitchen, the front door slammed open revealing a very upset Luhan. Luhan proceeded to stalk to his room and slam the door shut.

The rest of exo piled in not long after, with grocery bags full of cleaning supplies.

"What's up with Lu?" Tao asked, totally forgetting about the ghastly screech coming from the bathroom.

Sehun looked oddly guilty before he said he was going to bed.

Lay spoke up, "He's just been off lately. Probably something about his sleeping patterns..." He squinted his eyes, trying to figure it out.

Tao instantly got the idea to check his horoscope.

"I must consult the stars!" He said, pulling out an old leather bound book from nowhere.

Everyone just kinda shut him out when he started rambling about how Venus and Saturn were aligning themselves.... yada yada yada. Although if Sehun were here and not PMS-ing out in his room, he would be avidly listening.


Lay decided to go to bed early (not to make sure Luhan was sleeping alright, of course not) to begin working on some of his new pieces.

He opened the door only to see Luhan turning so his back faced the door. Lay, being the nice (not....more like extremely clingy) chingu he was, scooted under Luhan's blankets and onto his bed. It seemed that Lay had momentarily forgotten Luhan's phobia of having someone other than himself in his bed, and was promptly kicked onto the floor.

Lay just sat on the floor, still not understanding what happened, before Luhan finally felt sort of guilty and turned a light on to see if Lay was alright.

With the lights on Lay could see that Luhan had been definitely crying.

"Hey.... are you....alright, man?" Lay had never been that good at comforting others crying (although he was rather good at crying himself) and so he didn't exactly know what to do.

Luhan sighed, "Just go to bed Lay."

"Did you wanna talk about? You know you can always tell me anything."

Luhan scoffed, remembering all the times Lay had ignored him when he wanted to talk late at night and couldn't sleep.

Luhan sighed before deciding that maybe telling someone would get it off his chest.

"Sehun kissed me." He blurted out before he could change his mind on telling Lay (who, lets remember, at keeping secrets, but yolo).

Lay only started laughing out loud which really annoyed Luhan, who got defensive and asked what was so funny.

"Sehun has the biggest crush on you. Has had the biggest crush on you even before debut." Lay chuckled. "The real question is why he took this long to finally grow some balls and make a move."

"Yeah, but that's exactly it. He doesn't even remember making a move on me. He was drunk." Luhan sighed.

"So, you want him to remember it, though." Lay said, trying to make sense of the whole situation.

"I.... I don't know. I just don't know." Luhan turned off the light. "Let's just go to bed."

For once Luhan didn't want to talk at night. Lay was at a loss, and seriously hoped the maknae would get off his and make things right. Luhan just wasn't the same.

The kitchen had been cleansed, and the world had righted itself for D.O., who was now the sparkly clean counter in the kitchen.

Kai walked in, giving D.O. a weird look as he smiled at the marble reflection of himself.

"Hyung.... did you make this? They're really good." Kai spoke around a mouthful of something that D.O. could not even have a nightmare of cooking.

It was too late.

He had already eaten so much of it.

The plastic bag filled with the meatball coagualtion opened and partially eaten.

And Kai.... Oh Kai....the poor thing. Had eaten it. Half of it.

D.O. couldn't even warn Kai before he felt a wave of nausea hitting him.

Let's just say D.O.'s spotless kitchen wasn't so spotless as he vomited on the newly clean marble counter top.

D.O. had always had a weak stomach.

Chen had helped D.O. into his bed, giving him a bowl should he puke more.

D.O. grabbed his shirt sleeve before Chen could leave, to go clean up the mess in the kitchen.

"Sorry.... about today. And the strangling." D.O. stumbled his way through an apology to Chen who was quite surprised as it had been the first time ever since knowing him for..... four years. Baby steps, Chen, baby steps.

"It's no big deal. We all know how you are with your kitchen." Chen smiled down at him.

D.O. coughed before trying to awkwardly go about inviting him to his rather exclusive anime sessions (exclusive meaning only himself invited)

"If you want you can watch that new movie that came out.... with me."

Chen laughed (because awkward Soo is adorable, duh) before agreeing.

"Sure. But we can watch that anime you've been talking about instead. I'm cool with it."

D.O. was just happy that he scored such a good roommate.

Before Chen left D.O. yelled a "It better be spotless" to Chen who had so graciously offered to clean up his puke.

Pfft. Ungrateful.

(He'd have it no other way)


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Creepin-on-idols #1
Chapter 5: This is awesome. Update soon okay. Fighting!!