
Hidden Lives of Exo

"Well somebody needs to shop, and its not going to be me. I have to go into the studio to record because someone lost my tracks..." D.O. sent a withering look to the manager who waited outside the front door. D.O. slammed the door, leaving the other members to decide who was going to shop.

Chen walked past, his eyes glued to his phone, shouting out "Can't." He then slammed his door shut. Blaring music then reached the remaining members ears before a very pissed Kai, who looked to have just been woken up emerged from his room. He kicked Chen's room a couple times before giving up as Chen didn't turn down the loudly playing 80's love songs. Kai retreated back into his room muttering curses darkly.

After Kai was out of the room Suho nominated himself out of it, playing the leader card. Sehun quickly feigned sleep as he felt Kris's eyes lazily fall on him, faking a couple of snores to play it up. Kris snorted before looking at Luhan who coughed a couple of times, shrugging his shoulders and mouthing 'I'm sick'. That only left Xiumin, who was grinning stupidly at his laptop screen. Must be watching youtube videos again. Great, so he has nothing better to do. Kris thought to himself before clearing his throat, trying to get Xiumin's attention. He continued to ignore Kris until he said his name.

'Xiumin... ahhhh... yeah. Forget it." Kris soon lost confidence as Xiumin looked up, tilting his head to the side, with an all too sweet face that said 'yeah... I dare you. Just ask. Go ahead.'  Kris shudders recalling what had happened the last time Xiumin looked like that. Kris sighed as he realized that Xiumin was his last option.

He lifted himself off the couch, walking over to his and Tao's room before dragging Tao out who loudly complained about Kris ruining his selfie 'aww gege... that was a good one. You better buy something for me' Kris only nodded, too fed up with everyone before he put on his shoes. Sehun quickly rushed over to them having somehow miraculously woken up from a very deep sleep, spewing some nonsense about the food he wants, mentioning the brand name and some other useless things that Kris will never remember. 

"Wait. Wait, wait. Tao... make a list I will never remember this."

Tao grabs some paper and a pen and Sehun begins gushing about all the lastest foods that he needs.

"Okay okay, so first we need Krunchers, and with those you absolutely need chocolate milk-"

"Whoa.... what the hell is a... kruncher?"  Tao asked, his eyes squinting.


"You.... You don't know what Krunchers are." Sehun had a look of disbelief.

"Krunchers are only the most best chips ever known to man." After seeing Tao still had no idea he began elaborating. "Jalapeno chips... you know. Spicy chips. You were eating them with me on Luhan's bed last week." Tao had a look of recognition.

"Shh... what if Luhan hears. You know how he is about his... bed." Tao whispers the last word, while looking around in case of Luahn sneaking up on him. It had happened before.

"Though those were some good chips..."

"Also you need to get cheddar potato chips, ruffled. Make sure they are ruffled, that is very important." Sehun says as he looks over Tao's shoulder as he writes the list.

'We are in definite of some beef jerkey, Baekhyun found my stash. Don't forget the the... long, tube things.... you know.

"No I do not" Kris said, rolling his eyes at his maknae's stupidity.

"You know they start out liquid... then they freeze..."

"I know what he wants. Popsicles." Tao finishes for Sehun.

"I think that's it then. But I'll call you if I think of anything we need."

Kris loses his patience and snaps at them to hurry, before wondering why Sehun would have any reason to stay at the dorm.

"Sehun, why don't you come with us?"

"Uhh... Can't. I'm too sweaty. Yeah... Sweaty." Sehun finished rather stupidly, then grinned, before running to the dorm.

They were almost out the door before Sehun came back.

" I need instant mashed potatoes. I'm all out." Sehun stands expectantly, waiting for Tao to write it on the list before running back in.

Before long Tao was successfully in the car, Kris driving to the nearest market.


Sehun finds the elusive Lay in the kitchen, hovering over a steaming pot.

"Ugh... what are you making? Kris and Tao are coming back with some crazy amazing snacks."

"Hmmm... but your snacks upset my stomache, and this is some medicinal stew that's good for you sinus." Lay continued to mix his stew that was beginning to smell different. Sehun couldn't really say if it was good or bad.

"Why are you even here?" He says because Sehun was distracting him from his stew making. "This stew is very unstable, just the slightest change in temperature can render it... inedible."

Baekhyun enters the kitchen, eyeing Sehun.

"Oh look a wild Sehun in its natural habitat." Chen says as he walks in after Baekhyun, followed by Xiumin and Chanyeol. D.O follows them in their search for food, having come home from recording earlier.

"The are you talking about?" Sehun rolls his eyes. "Where did all this 'wild Sehun' come from, if you're refering to Pokemon that's Lay's thing. Bother him."

"Is there a unicorn pokemon?" Xiumin asks as he sits at the table. 

"The closest would have to be Rapidash. It has a horn and is a horse. So its classified as a unicorn." Lay pipes us excitedly, finally joing the conversation, though momentarily leaving his soup unattended.

"Isn't it obvious?" Baekhyun says refering to the 'wild Sehun' phrase.

No one says anything, Xiumin nodding in agreement. The silence goes on for two minutes, during which Lay's stew turns from a slight pea green to a toxic green hue.

"What the hell are you guys going on about. I still don't understand the whole thing."

"I think its your animal magnetism" Lay states, matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, like you give off this wild boar vibe. At first your all like... 'its just a pig, its where bacon comes from... harmless'. But no. A wild boar will eat your children if you leave them unattended" Chanyeol explains.

Everyone nods in agreement, and the discussion ends. Sehun is left dazed and confused, and retreats to his room.

Everyone slowly filed away after finding no food in the cupboards, Baekhyun curiously peeking over Lay's shouder as he furiously stirred his now neon green soup, a grimace on his face.

"Your not gonna, like, eat that right. I mean... it looks biohazardous."

"I think its supposed to look like that though..." Lay whispered as he looked down into the soup.

Baekhyun shook his head, only leaving after he was sure Lay had dumped the remnants of his medicinal home remedy.


Tao almost lost sight of Kris as he charged through the store like a speed walker. Not to mention that Tao had a cart full of the groups many neccesities, and the store was chuck full of people that he had to maneuver around as Kris continually managed to squeeze through tight spots that Tao could not get through with his cart.

"Kris, can we buy this one?" Tao asks as he catches up to Kris pointing to a frozen pizza.

"No...get that one...the one that is on sale, and you have to get four for the sale price, also make sure you get the meat lovers one, that is Luhan's favorite." Kris replied "This is taking way too long....let's split up. Tao you go and get peanut butter and oatmeal, but make sure it is the dinosaur egg kind, that is the only kind D.O. will eat, he was very specific, and will be extremely angry in the morning if he doesn't have it! I'll be waiting in the dairy section"

Tao was pleased with himself after findinig the peanut butter on his own, but he had a hard time locating the dinosaur egg oatmeal. After five minutes of aimlessly wandering, and finally asking an employee he was successful in finding the oatmeal. He began to search for Kris, but couldn't find him anywhere. He walked down every aisle, and was starting to get scared. He was woried that Kris was going to the peanut butter or oatmeal section, and considered asking the workers to call for Kris over the speakers as a last resort. Luckily he did not have to do this as he spotted Kris in the magazine section. When Kris noticed Tao coming over he suspiciously tossed the magazine he was looking at in with the rest.

"What were you looking at Duizhang?" Tao asks with a smirk on his face.

"Um, that is none of your concern. What took you so long?!" Kris reponded with annoyance. "You didn't even get the right kind of peanut butter, you got the big one, we just needed a small one to last until we could go to the store that sells it in bulk for least you got the dinosaur egg stuff, I thought that might be too hard to find....I don't know why D.O. can't just eat a normal person breakfast."

As they walk toward the checkout lanes Tao's phone starts to go off. Kris sighs as Tao's obnoxious ringtone blares, he knows who it is.

"Just...just don't answer it" Kris says to Tao

"Hyung, it could be an emergency!" Tao says innocently as he answers his phone.

"AREYOUSTILLATTHESTORE!" yells Sehun who is breathing heavily on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, why are you yelling, and why are you breathing like that? I can't hear you too good. Was there an emergency?!" Tao asks with worry.

"Oh, thank god! I almost forgot something really important! We need maple syrup, there is only enough for like one pancake!" Sehun wheezes while trying to catch his breath.

"Ok, ok...but why are you breathing like that." Tao asks.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you tonight when we are doing the face mask."

After finally making it out of the store, Tao is overcome by a sense of vistory and satisfaction.

"Hyung! we did it!" he says as he hold his hand in the air waiting for a high five.

Kris stares at Tao's hand for a minute before complying with an awkward fist bump - high five hand clasp....He too feels a slight sense of pride in their ability to shop for the entire group, and save money doing so.


As the victorious Kris and Tao enter the dorm with the groceries, the entire group happily rallies around them.

"YES! Kruncherssss!!" Sehun screams happily, grabbing his snacks and running away without so much as a thank you.







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Creepin-on-idols #1
Chapter 5: This is awesome. Update soon okay. Fighting!!