4. The Notebook

She's My Guy

Chapter 4

Dara’s POV

“Jiyong, are you okay..?” I asked again.

I was sitting on the floor with my arms huddling my knees. 

I didn’t really know what to do since he hasn’t really said anything at all.

It’s already 8.00am now and classes have already started. 

I know I shouldn’t be skipping school but it would be irresponsible of me to leave a sick person alone here wouldn’t it? Not that I’m providing much help though, sigh.

I whipped out my phone and sent a text message to Youngbae to inform him that Jiyong’s sick so we’re probably not gonna go for classes today.

They said they will try to drop by and that attendance didn’t really count so I didn’t have to worry.

What’s up with this school? Do grades really not matter? Aish.

“Arghhh…” He’s awake! 

I dropped my phone and got on my knees, leaning at the side of his bed.

“Arghh!!!” He was screaming and thrashing his head about. “It ing hurts!” 

“What..What should I do!!” I didn’t know what was happening but I felt useless. And helpless.

“Pain…. killers… ” He struggled a reply and I began ransacking the nightstand beside his bed. I took out a bottle of white pills and passed one to him. 

He swallowed it without any water and used a pillow to cover his head.

I heard his muffled groans and I could tell the pills were taking its own sweet time at having any effects.

It probably took about 3 minutes before his breathing started to cool. 

I watched as his chest heaved up and down at a slower motion.

He’s not in pain anymore.

I gave a slight touch to his arm but he stayed in the same position.

Did he fall asleep?

I carefully and gently removed the pillow from his face which showed his eyes, they were closed.

I sighed and tried to gently slide his pillow back under his head.

I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do now. 

I’ve never taken care of a sick person before, it was always Bommie or Chaerin taking care of me!

Aigoo, what if he doesn’t get any better??

Think Dara, think!! What would Bommie do if you were sick?

Ah, she always used a wet towel to help cool my temperature!!

I jumped up from my spot and went to dig for my face towel in my luggage.

I went to the nearest toilet and filled a small basin with water, being careful not to spill any of it when I carried it back to our room.

After I wrung all the excess water out of the towel, folded it into a nice rectangular shape before placing it on his forehead, making sure to brush his blonde hair away from his face.

All I could do now was just to wait till he wakes up. 

Both my palms were at the side of my face and I was resting my elbows on his bed. 

Now that I’ve finally got to see his face up close, I realised he has really long eyelashes. 

And nice brows.

A sharp nose.

Thin y lips. 

Wait! Why am I admiring his features?!?!

I’m just… bored I guess. Yeah, that’s probably it!

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps though, so relaxed and stress-free. 

He should keep this face more often, instead of always being like a conceited pig. 

I covered my mouth once I realised I was giggling to that thought.

I don’t know how long he needs before he wakes up….




Writer’s POV

‘!’ Jiyong’s head was throbbing. ‘I hate these bloody migraines!’

He groaned as he slowly pried open his eyes. 

The room was dimly lit, making him wonder if it was still morning.

He rubbed my temples as he slowly tried to remember what happened before this. 

‘Who gave me those painkillers? Or was that just a dream?’

He reached for his forehead and felt a damp cloth. 

He took it off and raised a brow at the pink fabric, sighing when he realised his dream probably wasn’t a dream after all.

As he tried to get up, he felt something blocking his thigh.

Jiyong glanced down and saw a sleeping figure. It was Youngmin.

‘Why is he sleeping at my bedside? Has he been watching over me all this while?’

He furrowed his brows as he started to have more and more questions. 

‘That’s… nice of him. I guess.’

He slowly tried to lift his body up but crashed back down when an increased throbbing began in his head.

“GOD DAMN IT!” His body was twisting in pain as he clutched onto his head again.

Dara bolted up from his voice and rubbed her eyes. 

She saw Jiyong curled into a ball in front of her, shivering slightly.

The pounding headache was starting to disappear but it still hurt badly.

“Yah…” She rubbed his back slightly, as if trying to soothe whatever pain away.

Dara didn’t know how to help him or make him feel better. 

She just wanted him to go to sleep, because sleep always made her headaches go away.

When his breathing returned to normal, she sighed in relief.

She slowly withdrew her hand away when Jiyong suddenly held on to her wrist.

It made her flinch slightly at their contact and she held her breath.

“Don’t stop that..” He tugged Dara’s hand back to his back and set it down.

“Just till I fall asleep, please.” His voice was so soft but Dara still caught it.

She started to his back in gentle motions, feeling a little shy about it.

‘He seems so different from his usual self….’  She thought to herself.

Unlike his cold and intimidating self, this side of Jiyong made him look like just a little boy.

Dara sighed once again, appreciating how they could be so comfortable in this silence.

It probably sounds ridiculous, but Dara actually liked this side of Jiyong.

He was so vulnerable and fragile, in need of shelter.

She liked the idea of being able to give someone shelter. To be his shelter.

She shook her head at that amusing thought and continued to his back.

It probably continued for about 10 minutes before she stood up and took a glance at his face.

He was in a deep sleep by now.

Dara picked up her pink towel that has fallen to the floor and soaked it in water again.

She repeated her steps previously and walked out of the room soon after, giving him one last glance before disappearing into the hallway.

She peeked through the numerous rooms and decided to use this time to explore the dorm a little.

‘We don’t even need these many rooms!!’ She told herself and shook her head at how ridiculous these rich kids were.

There was a mini theatre, an entertainment room, a billiard room, a home library and four toilets!! 

Did she also mention that there was a grand piano on the first floor? 

It was so excessive.

She made her way down to the kitchen at the ground floor and gawked at it.

The fridge was huge and there was a long table spread out in the centre.

A door on the left side of the kitchen led to the wine cellar where there was a huge array of dated wines.

‘How could he be living alone in such a place?!’

Dara never liked the idea of big houses, it always gave her a lonesome feeling.

She made herself a glass of water before bringing another glass up with her, placing it at Jiyong’s nightstand.

As she set it down, she noticed a black notebook with a disfigured peace sign at the top of it.

On the spine of the book, a beautiful font engraved: 지용

She glanced back at Jiyong, making sure he was asleep before slowly taking a peek into the notebook.

She gave it a casual flip and found lots of written paragraphs.

The notebook was half complete with sketches here and there.

Dara didn’t have to guess who the writings belonged to. 

Although the paragraphs were messily written at different points of the page, his consistent scribbly font made the book look so beautiful.

She flipped back to the first page and read:

i am water

soft enough to offer life,

tough enough to drown it away



And the second:

i’m tired; i tell my friend 

“go to sleep”

he doesn’t understand



And the third:

what is more deadly; a gun or a thought?

a gun gives you the opportunity

but a thought pulls the trigger



And the fourth:

right in my forest

where it’s dark and deep;

i gladly offer myself,

eternal sleep


Dara gasped as she read the fourth page.

‘Why.. is everything so sad..?’ She asked herself.

She slowly turned her head towards him and looked at his face.

His sleeping face showed no signs of worry, he looked so peaceful.







A/N: Didn't expect this update so soon didn't you?

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Chapter 6: Authornim? I really like the plot of this story... Can u update please? Been a while since u updated this fic.. Hopefully u will come back juseyo...
Reader09 #2
Chapter 6: Update please!!! Dont stop. ..its good!!
thrhzmn #3
Chapter 6: Pls continue this story authornimmmmm pls jeball
daragon_vip #4
Will you continue the story authornim????
Please update this I'm begging you!!!
Chapter 6: I wish you'll finish this story. Love the plot, similar to Hana Kimi. Please update this soon!
Chapter 6: Update pls.. love the badass 2ne1 ❤❤❤
Chapter 6: Haha oh myyy..update please...
Chapter 6: update please...
Chapter 6: Where is the next button? Update authornim.... love the story.... <3