
Back In Time



We pulled up to a parking lot and Chanyeol helped me out of the car. “I’m pretty sure you know where 
I’m going to take you, right raindrop?”He asked. “Neh, I do, I’m so excited.” I replied in full excitement.
We walked hand in hand along the side walk when we reached a big gate I gripped his hand tighter.

It’s been so long, I can’t believe I’m back where I first met Chanyeol. Finally Chanyeol opened the gate
“Welcome back to Chung Hua Elementary School.” I feel like my smile reached all the way up to my ears.
I can’t feel all the emotions I had when I first walked in here for my first day of school. It’s like I can see
holograms of myself and Chanyeol in front of me. It was amazing and very genuine. We started to walk
around the school and looked inside some of the class rooms we once were in.




Chanyeol was a year older than me but we were in the same class because I got excelled when I was in the
first grade, so instead they placed me in second grade. That’s when I first met him; we were put in the same class.
It was hard for me since I was a year younger than everyone and obviously smaller than everyone but believe
it or not Chanyeol was short like me too. Well that was years ago now he’s a skyscraper. I had nowhere to sit
back then and everyone was looking at me it was really awkward, so I just sat near the back of the class in an
empty chair. I guess it was really obvious that I was scared but there was a boy that said hi to me and it was Chanyeol.
He wasn’t looking at me weird but instead he was very friendly to me. From then on we were inseparable. 




As we walked along the hallways laughing and remembering our memories in this school we bumped in to
one of our old teacher. We talked for a while and I found out that Chanyeol changed when I moved away when
we were in fifth grade. I didn’t really asked a lot about how he changed, I’d rather him tell me about it than
me nagging for answers and sure enough he started to tell me when our teacher left to go back to class.
“…I guess you can say that I became little bit depressed when you left, after all your my best friend.”
He confessed to me. “…I’m sorry, I’m sorry for leaving you…” I apologized with my head held down.
I didn’t know what to say I felt bad knowing for a while he wasn’t the smile Chanyeol that I know and
I’m the reason for it. “Ani you don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong, I just missed you a lot.” 

He said while he lifted my chin up and tucked a strand of my hair on my ear. “Arraseo? Don’t be sad okay this 
is supposed to be a fun day.” He reminds me. “Ahh raindrop look!” Chanyeol pointed toward the old 
recess field. We ran towards the open area. It’s just like how I remembered it. I nudged Chanyeol on
his shoulder and ran away. 
“Yah, tag your it!” I as I tried to run as far away as I can.
“Hah! Bring it on rain drop!” he started to 
move towards me. Laughing I yelled “It’s already been brought!
You can’t catch me!”




Back then I always win in tag so I’m sure I still have it. I’m never going to let you win Park Chanyeol.
As I was running away from him I looked back to see that he was gaining on me. I forgot to factor in the 
fact that he might not be fast but he has the longest legs and all I can see are all the big strides he was taking.
Then I knew that I’m screwed. “Ahh, what the hell?! 
This isn’t fair anymore.” I wined out loud.
Chanyeol only gave me a maniacal laugh.
, , I’m so screwed! 




Then Chanyeol caught me from behind. He grabbed my waist and lifted me off the ground.
“Aish, I forgot how long your legs are!” I said while laughing. “Yah Park Chanyeol you finally won
now let me down.” I demanded. “Aniyo!” he argued and started to spin me around. “AHH!
Chanyeol, your m-making making m-me dizz-dizzy!” He finally put me down but everything is
still spinning. “Aigoo~ am I done spinning yet?” I held my head to steady myself. “Haha,
mianhae raindrop.” He said and held my shoulder. “You’re sorry but your still laughing!” I exclaimed.

After I finally gain a hold of myself we left our school and went to the car. Chanyeol told me it’s
time to go 
to our next destination.




We drove through familiar streets and avenues, through the places and areas we used to visit
when we were kids. We even drove through the places I used to hide in when I'm mad at Chanyeol
and I didn’t want to talk to him. “Woah you knew about my hiding spots?” I asked him in shock.
“Neh, I did. I knew about every single one of them. I didn’t want you to be alone I was worried
something might happen to you.” He confessed. I was totally taken back, I didn’t know he knew
about it I thought I was the only one. “In that case then, gomawo.” I smiled back at him and
he returned that smile to me.




Driving around, we laugh and reminisced about what we used to be. I was so lonely when I was in Canada.
I was constantly bullied. I didn’t have much friends because I was considered a nerd, all I had was unnie.
Now that I’m back I feel much more at ease because I know I belong here.
We now are heading on a very
familiar street. Omo, this is my street!  This street was where I used to live. From a distance I can already 

see the gate to my old home. Out of excitement I quickly grabbed on to Chanyeol’s arm. He chuckled from 
the sudden skinship. He finally parked the car in front of the gate. I didn’t wait for him to open the door
for me instead I hopped off the car as quick as I can, but I forgot I was missing something. “Ahh~ I forgot I
don’t have the keys to this house.” I frowned. I suddenly heard clanking sound in front of me. There it was
Chanyeol holding up the keys to the house with a bright smile on his face. “You really think I’d take you here
un-prepared.” He smirked.




“Well I thought you just took me here to see it.” I said. “Of course not. I asked noona for the keys so that we
can see it from the inside.” I nodded and he handed me the keys. I opened the gate and let myself in, the
front yard looks like it had been taken care of it still looks good just like how we left it. Then I opened
the front door and entered the house in which I grew up in. Chanyeol followed me into the house. 

I looked around and it’s like I was just here like I never left. All the furniture the pictures still looks
the same in the exact same place they were. Then I saw Chanyeol doing the same thing I was, looking
around the house and remembering all the memories we made here. I caught Chanyeol’s sight and he
started to walk towards me. Then I remembered, I quickly gave Chanyeol the keys and sprinted my way
up the stairs. 
It should be here! It should be! As I ran, I found myself in front of my old room. I entered
my room and walked towards my bed. I opened the drawer on my bed side table and underneath all the
old text books there it was the picture I forgot ten years ago. I took the photo and held it near my chest,
I couldn’t feel my legs and I abruptly sat on my bed I could see all the dust fly surround beside me.




It’s still here, my favorite picture of Chanyeol and me. I forgot to bring this with me and I regretted it
so much. I only noticed that I forgot about it when I was unpacking my things in Canada. I didn’t want to
tell Chanyeol. I was embarrassed. 




 I can hear Chanyeol’s rapid footsteps coming towards my room, he rushed in and asked me.
“Yah, raindrop! are you okay?” He asked sounding alarmed. “…neh” I whispered. “W-what’s that?”
I looked up at him and I knew I had to confess. I can’t keep it from him anymore, even though I was
embarrassed I knew had to. “T- this this is… umm…” I stuttered. I didn’t know how to start.
Chanyeol please don’t be mad at me… “Remember my favorite picture of the two of us?” 

I showed him the photo and he took it from my hands. “I meant to bring it with me but I forgot,
not because I didn’t want to bring it I honestly forgot to bring it. I thought I packed it with me but
I was wrong.” I held my head down because I felt so bad. It was really important to Chanyeol and I.
“I didn’t want to tell you I left it because I was embarrassed and I didn’t want you to think I didn’t
care about you and I just left it. I’m sorry Chanyeol, I’m sorry for leaving it and I’m sorry for not
telling you.” I was trying to hold back my tears I didn’t want him to pity me. Chanyeol crouch down
to my level and caught my eye. I expected a frown or angry eyes on his face, but instead it was his
warm smile that greeted me. “Y-you’re not mad me at?” I asked him. “Ani, how could I be? You didn’t
mean to leave it I know that plus look at us in here we’re so cute! Well I’m cute I don’t know about you.”
He teased as he held the picture near me so we can look at it together. “Yah~ that not fair I was a tad bit cute!”
I argued and smiled at him.



Nothing I do seem to bother him. He’s still the same Chanyeol. This is exactly why I missed him so
much he was the only one to understand me and forgive me even though I made mistakes.

I asked Chanyeol to lock up the house and this time I made sure I put our picture in my bag.



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Thank you for Trailer © shiningangelmel | Invisible Crowns for my beautiful trailer!! ^_^


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hi unnie :3
update soon! :)
Chapter 7: We shall do it tonight. Mwahahahahahaha.
Yah mianhae! LOL I was forgiven!
Chapter 6: Awww, hear the base go, boom boom boom menboong! Channie, wae so cute. UNNEH! WHY DID YOU FORGET HUH? BAD BAD BAD GIRL YOU SO BAD BAD BAD BAD.
Chapter 5: Omg, the story so far is well written! Im looking forward for the upcoming chapters!!
Chapter 5: Boom Butterflies! *wings* *wings*
Ayna_Expressionistic #8
Chapter 1: ya!~ Unnie! Haha, is deez a fluff??

Ah whatever. BUT honestly?! SUUU FAR ME IS LIKEENG IT. Huh, I wonder how Chanyeol's personality is actually like in this story. ^o^