The Unexpected Peace Offering

Unexpected Love

Zelo's POV

I opened my eyes and felt that its a little bit cold inside the room. I pull my blanket from the side of the bed and cover it to my body. I wonder why the room is kinda cold. I looked around and saw that all the windows are widely opened. I can still feel the breeze from the beach that lingers on my skin. I stretched out my arms and searched for my phone on the side table. I looked at the time on the screen. It's 6:30 in the morning. I dig my face to my hands and took a deep breath. I wonder if Claire is already awake. I try to get up and thank God my is not that in pain anymore. I went out from my room and start wandering downstairs. The house is really quiet and empty. I think Claire is still sleeping. I walk to the kitchen and found some toasted bread on the table and some fresh sliced fruits. I pick a slice of orange and place it to my mouth. I open the fridge and found a box of fresh milk. Upon closing the fridge I found a purple stick note on the fridge's door. I pick it and read the message that on it.

"breaksfast on the table, if you don't like it cook something you like. I have school today. I'll be back before 6.Lock the door when you leave. Your spare key is inside the jar beside the oven."

Oh! Claire is still a student. I didn't think about that before. Since all I did are perform on stage, do some TV guesting and prepare for our comeback nextyear. I look at my phone and check the date today. Today is October 12. My eyes got widened when I realize that we have an appointment to a certain company.I quickly gulp the box of milk and munched a piece of bread and fruits.

After I took a shower and fix myself I remember that I still don't know the exact address of this place. I text my dad to asks him what address of this house. Thank God dad replied back as soon when I send my message. I text the address to our manager so that they can pick me up here.

"hey!" Daehyun greeted when he opened the van's door

The other members welcome me with their warm smiles.

"so this is the house your living?" Yongguk asks

"ah, yes"  I answered

" you have a nice house Zelo" Jongup complimented

" Thanks"

"shall we go now? we don't want to be late. Manager hyung is waiting" Himchan interrupts

I quickly get inside the van and sit beside Daehyun. I put on me earphones on my ears and let myself enjoy the beat of the music.

Hours later we finally arrived to our destination. As usual there are so many baby's thay waited for us outside the building. Many of them are waving some banners and screaming for our name. Youngjae waved at the baby's through the tinted window of the van, as if they can see him. We went out from the van one by one. The baby's scream got more louder when we went our way to the entrance. The Security guide us inside the building and to the room where we are gonna sign our contracts.

Claire's POV

I have to finish this quiz no matter what happen,even though I didn't know what to do. Because many things happened this last few days I didn't had the time to review our lessons. I think my head is just going to blow up anytime because of this solutions. Uhhhh! why did the letters had been mixed with the numbers?!

"10 minutes left" the teacher said

Uuuhhhhh! I really need to finish this now! I don't know the solution and the answers.

I slowly look at my seatmate's test paper to gather some answers. I hurriedly write what I saw from her paper. I promise this will be the first and last cheating incident that I'm going to do. Suddenly the bell rings,  Our teacher start collecting our test papers. I look at my watch to check what time is it. I quickly fix my things and went out from our room.Upon reaching the gate, I've decided to visit to the grocery to buy some fruits for my dad and mom. I want to visit them before I go home. I bought a two basket for them. I decide to go to my mom first.

When I finally arrived at my mom's house I found her in the garden watering the plants.

"mom" I yelled then swiftly put my wide arms to hug her

"oh, youre here Claire! I didn't expect you to come" she said as she hug me back

"I want to surprise you" I said

"really, well you surprised me!"

"oh, I bought some fruits for you" I muttered handing it to her

"thank you sweetie. well how about the other one?"

"oh this? umh, it's for dad!" I answer

"alright, are you staying for dinner?" mom asks as she continue to water the plant

I'm about to say yes, but the Junhong just pop out on my mind. I really wanted to stay here for dinner but I need to go home before six. I need to cook dinner for him. I just plastered a smile on my face.

"uhm, I need to go home early. I need to cook for dinner" I answered

"what? cook dinner? don't you have maids to do that?"

Oh Shoot! I just remember that mom didn't know that I'm not living on the mansion anymore.

"ahhh, I promise that I will cook the dinner tonight for dad" I simply said

" really? well that's good" mom reply

I look at my watch to check the time. Its already 5 pm. I said my goodbye to my mom and hurriedly went to the mansion. The maid welcome me when I arrived. Dad is still resting on his room while granny is on her friend's house. I went to my dad's room and found him sleeping. I decided not to wake him so I just told to the maid to tell my dad and granny that I'd dropped by.

I hurriedly went to the bus station and waited for a bus. When a bus arrived I go inside and look for a seat. As I have my way home I watch the city lights fade away from my sight. Suddenly I didn't realize that my eyes are slowly shutting.

Zelo's POV

"yah! Stop it! whatever you say! I will not fall for that clumsy girl!" I defend

"huh! youre just saying that because youre still living with her for almost two days!" Himchan said

" I repeat! I WILL NEVER FALL INLOVE WITH THAT GIRL! EVER!" I marked  then all of them start to laugh

"but, can you believe it?! your living with the girl who spilled the potato soup before!" Yongguk stated

"they're destined for each other" Youngjae joked

" no we're not!" I said then pouts my lips

"the important thing is, you should finish living with her for 100 days!" Daehyun muttered

"youre right Daehyun hyung!" I agreed

"not going home yet?" Jongup asks

"hmmm. not yet! why don't we eat to a restaurant? my treat!" I said

"omo! really?" they ask

"you don't like?" I joke

"of course we do!" Himchan clarified

We went to a Japanese restaurant and enjoyed the every dish that served to us. We talked so many things and ended our dinner happily. Suddenly Claire just pop on my mind. I remember that she will be home before six. I look at my watch and it's already 7 pm. I wonder if she's already home and took her dinner. But what if shes not having her dinner yet?

I decided take out a bento for her. And give it as a peace offering. I wonder if she will accept this?

When we finished having our dinner I decided to go home early so that I can give my peace offering to Claire.

"goodnight Zelo!" Jongup said as I get out from the van

"good night hyung" I respond

"Thanks for the treat man" Daehyun said

"no problem" I replied

As soon we said our goodbyes to each other they finally leave. I'm so glad that I had a great time with them. I miss living with them on the same house. It's alright! because after 100 days I'll be back to my normal life with my hyungs and to my career. As I walk to the front door I realize that the lights in the house are still off.

"She's still not here?" I asked to myself then look around

I pick the keys from my pocket then unlocked the front door. The whole house is so dark. I search for the main switch of the lights using the help of a little bit light from my phone. When I found the main switch I quickly switched on the lights. I just realized that this house is kinda big. I went to dinning room and put the bento on the dinning table. So Clumsy Claire is still not here. I look at my watch to check what time is its.

"hmmm, it's quarter to 8 already, where did that girl go?" I said

As I went to my room to change my clothes I noticed Claire's room. So instead of heading to my room I proceed to Claire's room. I knocked on the door but there is no response so I just open the door and walk in to the room. As I switch on the light I look around the room. The room is just a typical room it's not like what I imagined. I expect this room to be full of pink things but I only found out a little brown soft fuzzy bear with a plaid ribbon on its neck sitting on the bed. I smile and found it really childish to have a bear at this age.

As I wander around the room with the bear on my hands I found a little balcony outside from the room. I opened the sliding door and went to the balcony. The breeze from the outside is really nice and refreshing. You can see the view of the front gate from here. I took my time just looking the stars above the sky. The sky is like a black blanket with a shiny beads on it.

Claire's POV

I Slowly opened my eyes when I feel that someone is patting my cheeks and shoulder.

"hey miss, missy wake up! hey!" a voice said as I blink my eyes rapidly

"hey missy, are you planning to go home or sleep here in the bus? the voice continue to asks

When I finally opened my eyes I looked at the window and found a unfamiliar place. Suddenly I realized that something is wrong. I look at my other side and found a man standing beside me.

"where am i?" I asks

"your here at the bus station miss" the man answered

"what? bus station?"

"its the Han station miss"

"Han station? did you mean I....."

"yes, I think you enjoyed staying on the dreamland for a long time" the man said

I sigh in realization that I over slept here in the bus. I check the time on my watch and realize that it is already quarter to 8. Uhh?! Why did this happened to me?!

"is there another bus going back to Gong station?" I ask to the man

"ah yes" he answered

"where is it?"

The man look outside through the glass window and look at his watch.

"ahh, you better hurry up missy, the bus is about to leave in 2 minutes" the man stated

"what? 2 minutes?!" I replied

I quickly get out from the bus and find the other bus going to Gong station. When I finally found the bus it is about to go. I run as fast as I can just to catch that bus. Luckily the driver stop the bus and let me ride in. That was close I thought I will end up here on the station waiting until morning comes before I can go home. I swear I will never sleep on my way home again.

I dropped at the shed where the house is just walking distance. As I walk my way to the house I just realized that the house is located at the edge of the neighborhood. The lights are on when I arrived. I wonder if Junhong is mad at me right now because I didn't cook dinner. I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water. On my way upstairs I found a square box on the dinning table.

"what's this?" I asks then opens the box

"a bento" I muttered

Upon looking at it, it seems so delicious. Suddenly a weird sound just came out from my tummy. I remember that I still not having my dinner. As I took a gulp I feel so tempted because of the bento infront of me. The bento is really nice.The onigiri and the tempura is really mouth watering. I try to pick a onigiri but I remember that this is not mine. I think this bento belongs to Junhong and it's not good to touch or eat the things that belongs to him. I put back the cover of the bento and just decided to make a milk for myself.

As I walk my way to my room I notice Junhong room. I wonder if he's already asleep or still scanning his stupid IPhone  *imitates his annoying voice*

Maybe he's already sleeping. I proceed to my room and took a shower. As I dry my hair with a towel I found December my bear sitting at the edge of my bed. It's kinda odd seeing him sitting at the edge. I remember putting him at the top of the bed. But why did he end up here?

gaahhh! nevermind! I took him and place him beside me as I continue to dry my hair. When my hair is finally dry I decided to drink my milk and go to sleep because I still need to go to school tomorrow. I hugged December tightly and close my eyes.

Zelo's POV

As I woke up. I scan my phone and received some messages from my hyungs, manager and also from my dad. I open the message from my dad

" good morning son! is everything alright there? please be nice to Claire because she's a nice girl and try not to fight. I'll visit there soon. take care"

When I finished reading my dad's message I get up from my bed to take a shower and fix myself.

As I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen I noticed that the bento is still on the table. I wonder if Claire didn't notice this bento or did she just ignored it. I didn't notice her arrival here last night so I didn't know the exact time she got home. But I think it's impossible not notice this big box on the table. I sigh in realization that it's not a good Idea to give her a peace offering. I went to the kitchen to have a glass of milk. As I drink my milk I saw Claire heading her way here in the kitchen while fixing her things. Claire got surprised when she saw me. Her expression is kinda cute.

"Goodmorning" Claire greeted

"Goodmorning" I replied then smile

She opened the fridge to get the milk, took a bowl and opened the box of cereal. It's so quiet between us two right now. She didn't speak while preparing her bowl of cereal.

"ah, I want to ask....." we both spoke

I got surprised when she spoke at the same time I spoke to her.

"okay, you go first" I offered

"ahhh no, you go first" she replied

"uhm, I just wanted to ask you if where did you went last night, youre supposed to be here before six right?" I asked

"ah, about that? I got over slept at the bus last night so I ended up heading to the Han station" she answered

("really? she over slept? hahaha!" )

"ah, is that so? well how about you what do you want to asks?" I stated

"uhm, its not that important but I just wanted to asks if.... actually when I had arrived here last night I noticed a bento at the table" she said

So she noticed the bento on the table. Then why didn't she eat it? it's for her after all. I'm so right she did ignored it! but why is she asks about the bento?

"what about it?" I asked

"uhm, I just wanted to ask if it's yours?" she added

I wanted to say that it's not mine. It's for you clumsy! it's my peace offering for you!

I can see the expression of her face that waiting for my answer. Lying will not help me at this point. I run my fingers to my hair and bit my lower lip.

"it's for you" I muttered then look away

"what? for me?" Claire muttered with a confused face

" I bought it for you as a peace offering for what I reacted last time, but I guess you didn't want this" I explained as I take the box from the table

Suddenly Claire's hand grasp my arms trying to stop me from walking out.

"I didn't say that I don't like that" Claire muttered then removed her grasp from me

Claire said those words with a gentle voice. I can't see her expression because she's looking down.

"if youre giving it to me I will accept it" she added

I didn't know what will I response to her. I took a gulp and hand the box to her looking from the other side. She took it from me without hesitation.

" don't expect that I will do it again" I said

" what?"  she muttered

"nothing" I replied then start heading my way upstairs

"wait!" she said

"what?" I respond then paused on where I am standing

"thank you" she said

I secretly plastered a smile on my face and continue to head to my room.

I guess we're okay now.


A/N: Enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading :)


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Sure, reading about the badmembers being with each other is great but people need to pay attention to the ones with OC's like this too ;w;
and the ending

XDD jk jk
I liked it ^^
This fic was fun, i was always checking my subscriptions to see if it updated, I liked it a lot author nim ^w^
Chapter 25: this was one of the fluff stories that i like the most. i love the ending. ^^

diannan #4
Chapter 25: Waaaaah daebak!!! I have truly enjoyed this story and want to thank you for giving me something to do when free!
shafarf #5
Chapter 24: Aishhh update soon authornim!!! I'm looking forward to this story!
Chapter 24: WH ATI STHIS
Magical_Laynicorn #8
Chapter 22: Such a teasing chapter )o)
diannan #10
Chapter 21: Hmm did she hear him confess or not?