Chapter Six

My favorite restaurant

Chapter  Six



When I reached the parking lot of the restaurant, I saw her already waiting for me on the side. I stopped the car right beside her and get out to greet her properly.

She wasn't wearing her working clothes, she was wearing a black short short and a black and white teeshirt, it was simple, but even in simple things she looks stunning.

"Hi Yoona" I said with a smile going toward her. She smiled me back but didn't return my "hi".

"Hm... It's better if we go somewhere else...  Don't you think ?" I felt a bit of anxiousness in her voice, I was a little surpised so I didn't tried to stay.

"Oh.. Okay if you say so, where do you want to go ?" I asked opening the door for her.

"Anywhere far from here is fine".

She get in the car, I closed the door and get to the driver's seat.

"Okay, so hmm... French restaurant is fine with you ?" I asked reminding me the restaurants around (but not too around)

"Yeah ! Perfect" She smiled at me. I then began to drive and I saw her throwing a quick glance to the restaurant's entrance.

After some minutes where only the car's engine were audible, Yoona's phone started to ring, she looked at the caller then at me.

"Yuri... I'm sorry I know it's inappropriate but I need to answer this call".

"Of course ! Go ahead, you don't need to ask me" I said nodding. She then picked up and started to bit her lips. I throwed quick glances toward her in the mirror, trying to listen to her conversation, I know it's rude but I can't help myself I'm too curious.

"I know but I can't right now......... No ! ...... Please try again... I beg you..... Okay.... Thanks, I love you....."

When I heard the last three words I unconscioustly speed up, so fast that even Yoona was surprised and almost scared.

"Yuri please can you slow down ?" She asked me, I felt her scariness so I slow down, but then I heard the other person on the phone screamed, the caller was screaming so hard that I could understand everything that she said.

"Yuri ??! You're with Yuri ??!! Are you ing out of your mind ??!! I thought that you said that you'll stop ! And now that I'm taking so much risks for you, you're out with Yuri ??!! Seriously Yoona what are you thinking ??! Do you want us to be dead ??!". After some seconds the caller seems to be calm again, but the fact that I'm included in this weird conversation made me more confused. Why did she tell that she'll stop ? Stop what ? Seeing me ? But we only saw each other (officialy) one time... I turned my head toward Yoona, she was hiding her face with her hand. Then the caller restart talking, but even if this time the voice was calm I could still heard what she/he say.

"Do you even realize what I did for you ? Tiffany and I've always been there for you and that's how you thanked us ? By leaving with her ? She's like the only person that you can't have and you, you go only toward her..... You like danger right ?" I heard both of them chuckled but I was too deep in my thoughts to even realize that we had almost reached the restaurant, I felt a poke on my forearm so I turned my head toward Yoona and saw her pointing at the parking lot, then I realized and turned toward the entrance. I parked my car and waited for her to finish her conversation.

"SooYoung I need to go now, I promise I'll be back in a hour.... Yeah thank you so much.... Bye" She then hung up and turned to look at me with worried eyes.

So the caller was SooYoung, I've already heard that name... But I don't remember where or when...

"I'm sorry Yuri... I know that you heard everything..." Yoona said softly.

I let out a small laugh and turned my head toward her.

"How can I not hear when she scream like that ? Ahah..."

A silence took place but to ease the things I spoke like there was nothing.

"So ! SooYoung is your... girlfriend ...? "

She looked at me shocked, raising her brows.

"Girlfriend ? No ! I thought that you already know, she's my bestfriend, the one who served you and your friends yesterday at the restaurant"

Then I remember who she is and I facepalm myself, how can I forget ? tss...

"Aah... I was joking, of course I know who she is, the tall and scary girl" I said trying to convince her. She looked at me amused.

"Yeah right... So, let's go ?" She said pointing at the restaurant.

I nodded then we get out of the car, I closed the doors and we walked toward the entrance side by side.

After that a waiter placed us to our table, the atmosphere was quiete awkward, I can't stop thinking about the conversation between Yoona and SooYoung, hundred questions popped out of my mind, why can't she be "with" me ? Why is she in "danger" ? Why it's so complicated...?

We choose our dish and after some minutes our plates came out from the kitchen, I've almost never been in a restaurant (beside Yoona's one) so it's the first time I eat french food, and I have to say that it's delicious.

We spoke about random things but the time flies fast and Yoona didn't stop cheking her watch, she only have a hour after all, and it's already been 45 minutes since we're together, we don't have much time left, I was disappointed but if she is in "danger" like SooYoung said, I don't want her to be in trouble...

So after we ate, I paid and we left toward my car, the atmosphere was more cool than before, but everytime there was a silence, my mind go back to the phone call.

I drove her back to her work place, and after I parked my car on the parking lot, none of us spoke, after what seems like an eternity, she finally open .

"Thank you, Yuri. And again, I'm sorry about what you heard"

"Don't worry it's okay" I lied, smiling. She pouted and unlocked her seatbelt before opening the door. I did the same thing and went around the car.

After some seconds of staring at each other, I talked.

"Okay, so you should go if you don't want to be in trouble" I said chuckling, she smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... Thank you for the lunch" She then turned around and left toward the restaurant.

I wanted to ask her when I could see her again, but something prevented me to do so. After some minutes of staring in the blank, I drove back to my office with my confused mind.




Hi ! Sorry for the short and late update but I hope you'll still like it :)

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Chapter 6: aaaaaaaah /whispers/ youneedtoupdate
When will you update?
ynyltroiper #3
Chapter 6: thanks for the update authorsii..^^ even though its a short chapter i enjoyed it as usual..n i hope yoona could spend more times with yuri..
update soon:)
ynyltroiper #4
Chapter 5: awww...yoonyul.. n authorsii i think mr im is yoona's father..right???? hmmm..can't wait for the next chapter..update soon..n thank you for updating this lovely chapter..^.^
Chapter 5: O cielos espero actualización autor..... yoonyul <3 son un amor...... !!!!!!
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter hihi ^__^
ynyltroiper #7
Chapter 4: usual dis chapter is daeeeee..bak n yoonyul...arrrgghh...they're so cute n i'm really curious about yoona's family..
thanks for the update<3^^
yangyul #8
Chapter 4: deabak..just deabak!!!:)
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl Yul Is So Gay!! XD
Btw I'm curious about yoongs family..
Chapter 4: aaawwww yul is soooooooo nervous ! this is cute ! yoona try to make convo <3
someone got a kisss <3 hahahaha well this is from yul's pov we dont know yoona's pov :p
thanks for the updatee