Chapter Three

My favorite restaurant

Chapter Three


After my second meeting of the day, it was already 6:30 pm, I havn't seen the time pass by because  Yoona was still on my mind, I wasn't 100% in my meeting room, my heart was somewhere else, and you know where right?

So when I finished, I came back to my office to complete some files until 7 pm. I took my things, switched off all the lights and left.
I get in my car and started driving to my exercise/sport club.
When I reached it, I took my bag with my sport clothes and get in.
I changed and started doing some warming exercises then hit in a boxing bag.
I need to let out all of my energy and to stop thinking about Yoona, she didn't get out of my head for a minute... I think I'm going crazy... Over her...

She's like a music which don't want to get out of your head, you sing it the whole day just for it to leave you in peace, but with a song, usually when you sing it it does leave... So maybe I should try...
“Yoona...?”  I tried once... she's still on my mind
“Yoooonaaaaaa” Still...
“Yoona ! Ohooooh Yooooonaaaaaaaa !!” She don't want to leave aaaaarggg.... Okay ! Then don't leave, you're gonna be with me in my shower and in my bed kekeke

So after more or less one hour, I stoped practicing and go to take a shower... With Yoona.. Eheh, then I put on comfortable clothes and go back to my house.
I ate and did all my night's routines until going to bed.
I fell asleep after 20 minutes of thinking about Yoona and tomorrow.

*Bip Bip Bip Bip - *
I groaned as my alarm clock rang, I turned it off and get up to get to my shower with a wide smile on my face. Usually I hate mornings... But today is different, I think it's going to be a Great day, I'm going to see my Yoona !
So I get ready and leave to go at my sport club then at 7:30 am I went to my office.

I began to fulfill some documents then I started to get borring, so I took my phone and called someone.

“Hello ?” She picked up after five ringtones.
“Hey midget ! Did Hyo tell you to book your evening for me ?” I said
“Yep, why ? You want to bring us to your sport club ? Are we going to see some males abs ?”
“No Byuntae ! I want to go to restaurant, can you come with me ?”
“You ? To the restaurant ? Why ? Did you met someone ?” She asked surprised
“Well... Sort of... But I will explain later, pick me up at 7:30 pm to my office, don't be late !”
“Oooh so you really met someone, it's great Yuri ! You finally chose someone ! I hope it's will work out with her” She sound excited through the phone, a smile appeared on my face. Yeah, she know that I'm more into girls than boys, when it comes to date someone, I'm very... picky... That's I don't date that much, Taeng knew that if I want to see her again that means she's special, and she's right.
“Thanks, but I'm afraid you know, what if she's not interested ? It's almost impossible that someone like her is into girls too... But I want so bad to see her again you know... Since yesterday she didn't left my head” I was getting nervous, the probability that she's into girls too is so thin...
“Don't worry too much Yul, who's said... Maybe she like you too” She tried to confort me.
“I hope so... Anyway, I have plenty of work to do, so I'll see you later Tae Tae, thanks, don't forget to pick up Hyo too, be in time !” I said looking at the fills on my desk.
“No prob' ! Don't worry, you made me curious about who this mystery girl is, I won't be late, see u later !”

With that, we hang up and I returned to my work.
I didn't have any appointment today so I spent my day behind my desk exepting for the lunch, I get out, but only to buy a sandwich and came back for eating behind my desk. I didn't want to ask SungYeol to go for me, I wanted to stretch my legs, I don't like to stay sitting the whole day, I am a sportswoman. So why did I choose this job ? Because I like money too Keke

Every two hours, SungYeol brought me a cup of coffee.
More the time drew near, more I was getting nervous and excited.
It was already 7:10 pm, I quickly finished what I started and gathered my things.
I took a dress that I keep in case, and it in the bathroom.
It was the time so I leave my office, took the elevator and waited outside for Taeng and Hyo.
7:27 pm, no sign of them... Aaarg if they're late I'll start to get nervous again.
I paces nervously until I took my phone.
Two ringtones
“Yah ! Where are you ?! I'm waiting !” I screamed through the phone.
“ No need to scream ! Geez, we're almost there so calm down, are you in that rush to see your mystery girl ?” I heard her chuckle
“H-how did you know ….? Ooh right... Taeng.. Thanked her for me Hyo...” I said ironically.
“She thanks you------- She said you're welcome, anyway, we're almost here, so wait a minute !” And she hanged up.
After two minutes, I saw Taeng's car stoped in front of me, I get in the back to be received with two smirks looking at me. I gulped.
“W-what ? Something on my face ?” I asked even if I knew why they were staring at me.
“Or... Someone in your heart...?” Hyo said, eyebrow up and down.
“Tsss... Shut up... And you start the car !” I exclaimed to TaeYeon who was at the driver's sit.
“Ohoh miss Kwon is getting impatient, right Hyo ?” She teased me even more.
“Please kill me already...” I said all embarrassed.
They laughed one more time before starting the car, I gave Taeng the adress and started to move.
“Gangnam ? It must be a chic restaurant” TaeYeon said thinking about the adress.
“What is she ? The boss ?” She continued
“No, a waitress” I replied looking outside
“What ? A waitress ? You, Kwon Yuri, fell for a waitress ?” Hyo laughed again
“Yah ! Don't say things like that ! You will understand when you'll see her” I said with confidence
They didn't arged back and the rest of the ride was silent
“Hey... by the way... Thanks for coming” I said, with a low tone
“It's nothing, don't worry” They smiled

“Here we are !” Exclaimed TaeYeon when we reached the place.
We get out of the car, I was getting more nervous and nervous.
Hyo patted my shoulders to relax me. I took a deep breath and get in with my two bestfriends.

“Hello, welcome, have you book a table ?” The host asked
Sh*t I forgot..
“Hmm.. No”
“Alright, you're lucky we're not full today, you're three ?”
“Yes, thank you”
I guided us to our table, I searched Yoona from the corner of my eye but I didn't found her.
We sat down and a waitress came to us with our menu
“Hello, I'm SooYoung, I'll be you waitress for tonight, so if you need anything call me and I will come immediatly” She said smiling, she gave us the menu but I was still looking for Yoona
Hyo thanked SooYoung and she left us.
“So ? Where is she ?” Asked Taeyeon looking everywhere
“I don't know...” I said, starting to panic, I wanted to see her so much...
“Maybe she don't work today” Said Hyo, going to the obvious
“Yeah... Maybe...” I said disapointed
I transferred all my frustation on the menu, wanting to choose a dishes that I like.
I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't see that someone was now beside me.
“H-hey” I heard a familiar voice so I looked up and my angel was here.
“Y-Yoona...” I said, shocked by her appearance one more time.
“When you said 'I'll come back' I didn't though you'll do it the next day” she said with her beautiful voice.
“Well... The food here is really delicious... That's why” I said nervously
“Right... Then, enjoy your meal...” Her voice here was like she was ...disappointed.

She leave, I was going to call her back but I felt Hyo and Taeng's stares on me.
“The food ? Seriously ? Oooh right, now I see the similarity with bibim-bap !” Taeng said sarcastically.
“What ? I couldn't tell her that I came because I missed her !” I said a bit too loud, but fortunately she was already far.
“Anyway, I think you have a chance with here, I'm sure of that, the way she looked at  you wasn't a look that we give to a customer” Hyo became serious with that.
“Really ?... Naaah it can't be possible, did you saw her ?? She's like a goddess ! Or an angel !” I said shaking my head.
“Hyo is right Yul, there was stars in her eyes when she looked at you, and she was clearly disappointed when you tell her that you came for the food” TaeYeon added
Maybe they're right... But I don't want to get too fast, because maybe it's just an illusion.
I looked at Yoona who was serving some other tables.
I was really disappointed that she wasn't our personnal waitress.
Then SooYoung came back.
“Have you choose misses ?” She asked, but I was still looking at Yoona, then I felt a hit on my ribs, so I came back to heart, and .. One more time I didn't had the time to choose, so when HyoYeon and TaeYeon was ordering, I took a quick look to the dishes names and when it was my time to order I said the one I stopped by. Then I returned my eyes toward Yoona.
SooYoung seems have noticed that I was spacing out, so she turned to look at where my eyes were landed.
“You kow, if you want to change of waitress you can”
I was going to say yes but HyoYeon cut me
“No ! It's fine” she said smiling at the waitress
“Alright, I'll be back, excuse me” SooYoung said, I watched her going away and then I saw her saying something to Yoona.
! Now she must be thinking that I'm a stalker who kept staring.
After SooYoung left Yoona, the angel looked at me with a surpised look.
I'm dead.
Then SooYoung goes back to Yoona, but this time, it's was my angel who said something, I saw SooYoung nod and left her to go to other tables.
After 5 minutes or more, SooYoung came back with our plates, she was smirking, then she bent down toward me and whispered something to my ear.
“Yoona finished her service in one hour and half if you want, but I want to warn you, she's my bestfriend, so don't do anything stupid” Her voice was cold, the opposite of her voice when we entered. My eyes widened and I gulped.
When she straight up, she put back her soft smile and leave.




Here comes the third chapter ! Hope you liked it Keke

First, thank you to hypercookie for the poster ! :D

Next, thanks to aaaaall my readers, subscribers etc...

And then,

@anastasiaeka : Thanks eheh. Don't worry, I'll NEVEEEER stop loving them together , YoonYul is the best ! keke ^^

@YoonYul-SNSD : You're welcome ahah, and sorry they haven't many moments in this chapter :s but I hope you'll still like it :) They're going to have more moments in the next chapter ;)

@ynyltroiper : And here is the update for you Keke ;)

@YoonYul125 & @minogue : Thanks :) hope you'll like it 

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Chapter 6: aaaaaaaah /whispers/ youneedtoupdate
When will you update?
ynyltroiper #3
Chapter 6: thanks for the update authorsii..^^ even though its a short chapter i enjoyed it as usual..n i hope yoona could spend more times with yuri..
update soon:)
ynyltroiper #4
Chapter 5: awww...yoonyul.. n authorsii i think mr im is yoona's father..right???? hmmm..can't wait for the next chapter..update soon..n thank you for updating this lovely chapter..^.^
Chapter 5: O cielos espero actualización autor..... yoonyul <3 son un amor...... !!!!!!
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter hihi ^__^
ynyltroiper #7
Chapter 4: usual dis chapter is daeeeee..bak n yoonyul...arrrgghh...they're so cute n i'm really curious about yoona's family..
thanks for the update<3^^
yangyul #8
Chapter 4: deabak..just deabak!!!:)
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl Yul Is So Gay!! XD
Btw I'm curious about yoongs family..
Chapter 4: aaawwww yul is soooooooo nervous ! this is cute ! yoona try to make convo <3
someone got a kisss <3 hahahaha well this is from yul's pov we dont know yoona's pov :p
thanks for the updatee