Chapter One

My favorite restaurant

Chapter One


After my fifty push-ups, I sat straight to catch my breath, after some seconds I walked toward the showers to freshen me up before going to work.
It was 7:30 am and evey day it's the same routine, I wake up at 6:00 am, prepare myself until 6:45 am and I leave to make exercices until 7:30 am.
After the warm shower, I put my work clothes and leave to get my boring day.
In ten minutes, I was already behind my desk, analyzing some documents. Boring

*knock knock knock *
« Yes ? Come in »
The door open slowly and my secretary's face appear,
« Boss, Mr.Im called a minute ago, he want an appointment with you to discuss about a new project he have on mind, I said I will call him back after asking you, but he said that if you're okay, he want to discuss in a special place. »
« Oh, okay, where ? » I said lifting my head up to look at the boy.
« In a restaurant in Gangnam, Mr.Im said it's the best restaurant he had ever been »
« Hmm, call him back and say it's okay, I will come, don't forget to ask for the adress. Thanks SungYeol » I said with a little smile.

After he left, I went back to my work, reading, signing and writing some papers.
Sometimes, I check my phone to see if my friends will text me, but like always, they don't.
« Ooh gosh it's so boring ! I want to kill myself with those papers ! Aarg ! »… Yes, I speak to myself, but it's the only way to stay awake, so you could understand me... right ?
After what seems like an eternity, I get up to get some coffee, but when I passed the door, SungYeol stopped me.

« Boss, I called Mr.Im, he gave me the adress and the time, you have to be there for 12:30pm » he said while giving me a little note.
I took a quick look to the little paper, I've never been in this restaurant before... Well, it's not a surprise since I never eat at restaurants, I always order some food when it's late and I'm still in my office.

When the times drew near, I get ready to leave with SungYeol. I gave the adress to my driver and he start the car.
« Are you nervous Boss ? What if the project is not good ? And what if he force you to accept ? Maybe he's not a nice man you know and- »
« SungYeol ! Calm down, it's a simple meeting you know ? Plus, I already collaborate with him in the past, and he is a nice man, don't worry, he's not gonna force me if his project  » I stop him while laughing.
« Oh... Okay... Sorry... I get too far... And yes he seems nice, I spoke with him on the phone » My secretary said while scratching his neck from ambarassment.
I chuckled before turning my gaze to the window. The weather was good, and I felt like it was going to be a good meeting.

After 10 minutes, the car parked in front of a beautiful restaurant, I get out of the car after my driver open the door for me, and I was standing on a red carpet leading to the restaurant's big door. I started to walk with SungYeol behind me with some documents. When I was in front of the entrance, two mens open the door for me. The inside was all in red and gold, with statues in gold, drapes in red, tables with both...
My mind was full of 'What the  ?! Where am I ? In a sanctuary for gods and goddesses ?!'. Even if I am rich enough to get a confortable life, I've never been in a place with this atmosphere.

« Miss ? Can I help you ? » I snap back when a man in suit came to me.
«Ooh yes, I search Mr.Im, I have a meeting with him »
« I see, please follow me. » The host said bowing his head.
I started to walk when I saw him going away.
After passing a few pretty tables, I saw a familiar man who stoop up with a smile when he saw me.
« Miss Know, it's good to see you, please sit down » The mid-ages man said while shaking my hand.
« Mr.Im, how are you ? I'm sorry I was so busy lately I haven't had the time to call you » I apologized sincerely while sitting, Mr Im and I haven't the same age, but he is a very kind man, we get along very well, I like working with him.
« Don't worry about that, I know you're busy, but you're still my favorite working partner » He said with a sweet smile which I replied with the same sweetness.
« So ! We should start ordering » the mid-aged man waved at somebody for the menu.
A young woman approached us with four menus, when I lifted up my head to take mine, it was like everything was stopped... Well, everything exept my heart who was beating like Crazy ! Ooh my Gooosh I think I am dying !!
She is the most beautiful person I've never seen, she is like a goddess, a goddess in a goddesses sanctuary. The worl can end now, after seeing an angel I can die in peace.
Her hair was a perfect light brown. Her eyes.... I think it's the most beautiful part of her. Those doe-eyes were piercing all my body... And her hand... Oh my god I touched her hand !! Our hands touched when she gave me my menu, her skin is so-

« Miss Kwon ? Are you okay ? You look pale. »
Aaarg at this moment I hated Mr.Im for breaking my brain-self-talking moment, but wait... If he didn't gave me an appointment here I could not have met this girl... So I take back what I said, I like so much this man... Kekeke
« Oooh.. Hm yes I'm fine, don't worry about me, it's just that I fought someone called me in heaven » My eyes widen when I realized what I just said, but then I saw the goddess smiled awkwardly, oooh her smile... Oh no, I'm starting again, Control Yourself Yuri ! I shook my head and  turned my gaze to her again, I gave her my sweetest smile and then the mid-aged man interrupted me again... Aaiiish !
« Alright, thank you for the menus Yoona » he said with a gentle smile.

So... The Goddess is called Yoona... Pretty name for a mi-angel/mi-goddess... kekeke





So~ This is the first chapter of my first story x) So don't hesitate to comment for letting me know what you think, even if it's a negative comment x)
Thaaanks :D

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Chapter 6: aaaaaaaah /whispers/ youneedtoupdate
When will you update?
ynyltroiper #3
Chapter 6: thanks for the update authorsii..^^ even though its a short chapter i enjoyed it as usual..n i hope yoona could spend more times with yuri..
update soon:)
ynyltroiper #4
Chapter 5: awww...yoonyul.. n authorsii i think mr im is yoona's father..right???? hmmm..can't wait for the next chapter..update soon..n thank you for updating this lovely chapter..^.^
Chapter 5: O cielos espero actualización autor..... yoonyul <3 son un amor...... !!!!!!
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter hihi ^__^
ynyltroiper #7
Chapter 4: usual dis chapter is daeeeee..bak n yoonyul...arrrgghh...they're so cute n i'm really curious about yoona's family..
thanks for the update<3^^
yangyul #8
Chapter 4: deabak..just deabak!!!:)
Chapter 4: Asdfghjkl Yul Is So Gay!! XD
Btw I'm curious about yoongs family..
Chapter 4: aaawwww yul is soooooooo nervous ! this is cute ! yoona try to make convo <3
someone got a kisss <3 hahahaha well this is from yul's pov we dont know yoona's pov :p
thanks for the updatee