How Krystal Almost Stole My Voice
chapter 1 - ITS K-R-Y-S-T-a-l. k, not c.

[Amber's POV]

It is a warm summer night. There is a refreshing breeze entering through my bedroom window, blowing away the still humidity and warmth that stuck to my body like a wet blanket. Despite the cooling breeze, it is far too hot to sleep properly. It is 2:13 AM, I stare at the ceiling as my heat drives, insomnia got worse. It’s times like these where the incessant voices and chatters of my “characters” became restless. I had developed my various “characters” years ago. I’d like to think of them as my council. Each of them are different and ultimately come from a single source, Me. Despite the intimate connections we all share, they are independent from me yet they are ultimately dependent on me. They’re a little hard to describe.

I is kind of a crazy introverted little kid. And so I discovered at a young age that I can willfully dissociate my thoughts and ideas from myself. And soon, I began to dissociate entire personalities, entire characters. Feeding them and watching them develop within my consciousness. I became them and they became me, influencing my every decision as I influenced them. I never told anyone about them. They probably think I had schizophrenia, and for a while I thought I did. It's something a bit different, it never detracted from my life, it just made it more interesting. I could never imagine living my life without them, I'm a part of them as much as they were a part of me. We comunicate each other thorugh my mind. I call them the whisperers. 

Sometimes, the whisperers flies out of my mind. . Why did this whispering things keep on staying in my mind. I go out for a sec, I walk in the middle of the road. Walking,running,walking & running again like I'm free from all my problems. But reality is, I'm ed up. I don't know what to do. Darn! What am I doing? I run back to my house. Take a glass of water. Breathe in my room. I'm blended to a life like this. Trapped in a life with a so-called whisperers. I stand still in front of the window. Then, the whisperers in my mind speak...

"You should sleep"

"And get some rest"

"Yeah, close your eyes, don't think about your problems"

"Shut up you guys.. I know what I'm doing.." 

"No Amber.. You don't know .."

"Hello? I'm the owner of this body... I know what I'm doing god dammit!

They dissapear just like that... This guys already saw how I mad.. I hit my head on the wall until I'm bleeding. That's how I mad. Stupid right? But who cares? I mean.. Duhh.. No one gonna stop me from doing that . Tomorrow I have classes to sit on. I hate them so much. Class? I don't need class! I have money $$$. Billons of money in my bank! I can do anything I want! If it wasn't because of my family, I wouldn't attend those stupid classes. Okay.. I should get some rest.. Fuhh..

The next day...

"Today, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The bald head professor says.

"Hi. My name is Krystal Jung. Ahh.. Ummm.. It's K-R-Y-S-T-A-L. It's K not C. I just moved here. I hope we can get along each other. That's all... Thank you." The new student bows politely.

The bald head professor points at where Krystal should sit. She will sit in front of Amber. She's approaching the chair, but Amber kicks the chair hardly. The chair jumps along with the table because of it. Krystal stares at Amber who is staring back at her. 

"Mr.Liu? What's your prob?" The bald head professor grabs Amber's neck tie.

"This is life. Everyone have a problem. Why you are so caring today?" Amber anwers with a rude tone to that professor.

"You better watch out kid. They gonna kick you out of the school as soon as possible if you have no manners..." The professor tries to scare Amber.

"Hahaha! Dude? I will take back all my constribution for this school. Kick me if you want. becaus eyou know what? I can live with billions of money." Amber stands up and points his finger on the professor's shoulder.

Everybody in the class shock due to what Amber says. Krystal bites her lips. She shakes her head a few times and sit on her place. The bald head professor clench a hard fist in his pocket. No one can mess with Amber, even the teachers. 

Author's Notes: Hey! First chapter updated! I hope you guys like it~ Let me know in the comments box below^^ Love ya guys! Please subscribe to the story~ I really appreaciate it ya know XD. 
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Lysanguyen #1
What is taking u so long.author?
Mp4ever #2
This is good, but kinda wished that it wasn't a genderbender
Chapter 6: Good update! ^^
Chapter 5: Grab that chance to hold her!!!!!! And about the last chapter When I first read it I thought It was Justin Bieber you're talking about haahahah !!
juny98 #5
Chapter 5: its kinda creepy~
Chapter 5: i'll be waiting for next update.... krystal is mysterious...
Tiffanyss #7
Chapter 3: Eyyy Amber be nice to Krystal
KBwayback #8
Chapter 3: woww
can't wait :D