
Their New Chapter

“Hyeon usually wakes up by this time.” Jinki whispered.

Kibum lifted his messy head form is husband’s chest to look at him. Jinki saw Kibum running the words   over in his head and knew he was right. The clock nearby read 6.30 am .They were accustomed to the piercing cries at that particular time of day but the morning was deafeningly silent apart from Kibum’s and Jinki’s labored breathing.

“You think he’s giving us more time to..” A smirk surfaced on Kibum face as he straddled his husband, their bodies flushed against each other, chest to chest and hearts beating in tandem. A gasp escaped from Jinki’s lips and he chuckled.

“I’m pretty exhausted from last night.” He brought to hands to Kibum’s hips anyway.  

“Liar.”  Kibum shifted and Jinki thrashed his head to the side, slightly frustrated. Over the sounds of their giggles a crashing was heard making them freeze in place. Jinki eyes widened in fright and confusion and Kibum’s face mimicked the same expression. Kibum rolled off in a hurry and began getting dressed and Jinki followed. The sound was awfully too loud and close for Hyeon not to react in such a way to alert his parents. Soon all the unthinkable started flooding Kibum’s frantic mind and knowing that Taemin was somewhere roaming the house and having access to his baby did not bode well especially since he was becoming very skeptical of the helper.

Kibum tied his robe with shaky fingers and shuffled out the bedroom and down the hallway to the nursery. Jinki was right on his tail.  They arrived to find the door ajar and the crib pushed to the other side of the room.

“What?” Jinki hurried over whilst Kibum stood in place, shocked and paralyzed by fear. “He’s not in his crib.” Jinki said and raced out then down the stairs leaving Kibum in the nursery trying to calm himself down. He was getting better. He was. Hyeon was fine too. Taemin probably had him. His baby was fine and so was he.  It was the most inopportune time to have a panic attack.

With quick , short strides Jinki checked the guest room to see Taemin’s stuff all packed, the swimming pool and the living area. With each room accounted for, his heart fell a little. Especially when he saw the crystal vase by the panels doors in pieces. A vase that huge couldn’t have fallen by accident. It would have to be pushed by someone and that thought made him wary.

“Taemin?!” He called and a faint, muffled answer led him to the kitchen where he found the young man cooking breakfast and Hyeon sleeping nearby on the counter. Jinki ran and got a hold of his son.

“Good morning Jinki.” Taemin greeted after tasting whatever he was cooking.

“What the hell is going on? Explain this instant.” Jinki demanded, voice gruff and serious.

Taemin turned off the stove and looked at Jinki.

“Tell me why you took Hyeon from his crib and had him down here in the  heat and on the counter? He could have fallen to his death. Why did you remove him from the nursery?” Jinki spat.

“You hired me to take care of him, didn’t you? That’s what I’m doing.” Taemin replied, getting angry.

Jinki scoffed and called for Kibum who came running in and sighed in relief at the sight of his baby in Jinki’s arms. Hyeon stirred awake as Kibum took him outside to get some fresh air. They both needed it.

“First of all young man do not speak to me like that. It seems as if you have forgotten your place in my house. I’m your employer and what you did just now was completely reckless putting my child in danger and having us worry.”

Taemin fumed at Jinki speaking to him like a child. So he took a glass from the counter and threw it against the wall, making Jinki jump.

“I take care of Hyeon. I’m a better parent than Kibum will ever be.” He said calmly. “Jinki, look at me. I’m normal. I can give you children too. Look at me. Look at would we could be.” He reached for Jinki’s hand and placed it against his flat stomach. Jinki jerked his hand away in an instant.

“You’re sick, you need help.” Jinki’s tone was laced with disgust.  “You need to go now.”

Taemin looked at Jinki as if the latter were insane. “I couldn’t have read the signs all wrong, right? Giving me a ride, calming me down when Kibum blew up on me, coming to me when you were stressed and…and that back hug in the kitchen the other day?”

Jinki lips were taut as he digested Taemin’s words. He couldn’t believe what was going on right now. This wasn’t the Taemin he’d hired but who exactly had he hired. He was just a boy the agency sent and he didn’t do a background check yet he trusted a stranger enough to take care of his family.

He delved into his pocket and took out an envelope. It had three months work of pay. It would be more than enough until Taemin found another job. He didn’t even care at that point whether he found a job or not, he just wanted him gone. Now he realized Kibum’s skepticism. Kibum had always been the more sensitive one to see things he wouldn’t until it was too late.

“Here. Please leave. You’re already packed so it seems like you already knew we were letting you go.”

Taemin opened the envelop and  peaked inside but he refused to leave.


“I love you.” He fisted Jinki’s shirt. “I love you more than him. I do.”

“Taemin get off of me!” Jinki screamed and frantic footsteps were heard.

Kibum began screaming not knowing what to do and another man who tried to pry Taemin away from Jinki.

“Taemin! Taemin stop.”

Jinki managed to scurry away and call the police as Kibum comforted him. Taemin finally calmed down after the man, who they found out to be Minho restrained him.

At the mention if his name, Jinki immediately asked, Minho as in Taemin’s boyfriend who goes to college but Minho couldn’t have worn a more confused look. Boyfriend of course not. Minho was a good friend of his.

While the police took a report Minho filled them in.

Taemin? He’s not working to go to college. He doesn’t need college. In fact his parents own a chain of resorts in Japan. He’s a runaway. He’s the rebellious type, taking drugs and such but I tried to wean him off of that. It worked until he discovered he liked acting. I think this was some kind of fantasy for him and he enjoyed it.

B-but he visited you since he’s been working with us, Jinki’s meek voice supplied.

He did. I thought he was the one visiting from Japan but he seemed too  obedient for some reason. The whole time he kept talking about this Jinki dude. I thought he’d gone and gotten himself a mate but his calls weren’t adding up and the last call he made came from this address. So I took it on myself to endure the 5 hour ride and come out here.

W-why, what was the issue? Kibum managed to ask.

He said he was getting married. I think he’s having problems differentiating between his fantasies and reality.

Kibum let out a choked sob and Jinki cradled his small form.

I can’t take responsibility for what he did but I’m so very sorry for what you guys experienced. I’ll ensure he gets help.

Jinki kissed Kibum’s forehead and looked at a sorrowful Minho one last time.

He took away our piece of mind. Jinki said shakily. He took it all away. He was one hell of an actor.



After the fiasco Jinki  took a break from work. He needed it. He needed to be there for his family, to compensate somehow for what was lost. The recovery process was a hard one but he felt responsible. He had been to one to go and seek help without Kibum’s input. He’d gone and made the decision without consulting his partner and this was the poisonous fruit of his labour. Kibum was very forgiving because he understood that Jinki loved him and only wanted the best for all.  Kibum bounced back well from the depression and Hyeon got bigger every day. Laughter became more effortless and smiling became second nature again but it would be a very long time  before another help ventures through their front door or any door for that matter.



“This year has been a tough ride.” Kibum said as he opened the picnic basket, the wind bowling through his hair.

“It has.” Jinki replied whilst feeding Hyeon tiny pieces of the ham sandwich. The wind was cool and the park scenery was refreshing. They were trying out this family time thing and it was working. Families were about, walking dogs, eating ice cream and playing with their kids. Jinki could definitely see himself doing that with Kibum many years to come.

Hyeon squealed when a dog ran up to him. Kibum heart swelled at the sight of his one year old having the time of his young life. He couldn’t ask for a better son or a more loving husband.

“I’m going to take him for a walk down by the pond.” Jinki said getting to his feet and cleaning up their area. “Want to come?”

Kibum nodded and got to his feet and waited until Jinki gathered their basket and sheet from the grass. He refrained from bending whenever possible since he was still in his first trimester and the nausea hadn’t gone away as yet.

As Jinki took his hand in his he felt immediate reassurance. When he found out he’d gotten pregnant again, he cried but Jinki was the one to assure him that things would be better this time. This time would be better. They would make better decisions and having the experience with Hyeon, they would aim to be better parents as they embarked on another chapter of their lives.





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the story is complete!! thanks for always reading!!


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Chapter 3: Yes we do, now continue on writing writer-nim!
Chapter 7: Wow.. Taemin.. Just wow. I dint expect that from him.
But im glad onkey is getting better. Everything is better
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Wow I can't believe that this fic has come to an end! Really didn't expect the whole twist with Taemin (and I was a little confused as to how Minho suddenly appeared in the house haha)! I liked how in the end, Jinki finally make himself clear to Taemin, and even though it triggered Taemin's episode, everything came together nicely in the end, allowing the Jinki/Kibum couple to sort of heal their relationship through this period of their lives and leading them back to normalcy! The little scene at the park in the end is so fluffy and cute and I'm just so glad that Jinki/Kibum regained their peace of mind and are able to spend quality time with Hyeon! I really enjoyed reading this fic and would love to read any spin-off fics from this! :) Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 7: It's over?! Noooo! Lol
He was actually crazy, forming weird imagined lives. I was wondering why he suddenly didn't care about Minho anymore. I loved that twist! So unexpected.
I'm going to miss getting these updates :(
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad and reassured about Jinki's commitment to Kibum (thanks for addressing this!) and it was really awesome to finally see Kibum gaining control of his life and making a full recovery :) As for Taemin, hope that his storyline arc can be resolved without causing him too much hurt, after all it is easy to fall in but difficult to fall out of love :| I also wish that Kibum would be less conscious about his weight cause he's just perfect in Jinki's eyes no matter what and I do fear this weight obsession might cause him to relapse in future! Nonetheless, I love this chapter and the whole fic and I'm just sad to see it end haha! Looking forward to the next chapter to see how everything ties up :)
Chapter 6: poor taemin, he fell in love with someone that is already with the love of his life, it must be very hard, but the best is for him to go and find another person that will be only his, if he stay in that house he will suffer and change into a person that he isn't, I'm glad that kibum is doing well but I hope his obsession with his weight won't interfere again with his child and husband.
Chapter 6: *sigh* oh thank god. I was seriously getting scared that this would turn into some affair story, which in my opinion, would ruin its appeal to me. Even if it does, I'm happy that Kibum isn't being overly paranoid about it and flat out told Taemin "he's mine" and alerted Jinki. I love that you covered that, so even if there is cheating, it's not the same story being told.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I'm glad that Kibum is is improving and I did like seeing him interact with Hyeon more! I expected that Taemin would want to be a permanent part of Jinki's life but I really hope that he could just back off from Jinki/Kibum's relationship seeing as Kibum's still having unstable temperaments and it must be heartbreaking for him to see Jinki/Taemin interact while feeling helpless about Hyeon :( I liked the little confrontation scene between Kibum and Taemin, it was well written and made me tense up about whether Kibum or Taemin would just spill, haha but neither did! :) In this fic I noticed that Jinki tends to be quite harsh on Kibum, so I'm wondering whether it's intentional so as to highlight how nice Jinki is to Taemin? :) And I have this feeling that Jinki also has some sort of feelings towards Taemin... :O Would love to read the next chapter soon! ^^
Chapter 5: please taemin. stay away from jinki. dont disturb their family. just stick to minho please please...