Chapter 3

Their New Chapter

Kibum’s aching shoulder woke him from the short nap he’d taken in Hyeon’s nursery. At times his mind was inundated with thoughts of whether he and Jinki really did create the little human that was sleeping so peacefully among his teddy bears in his crib. 


His eyelids were like gently crushed flower petals, his nose a cute button like the one’s on his onesies and the feel of his tiny fingers like being stoked by feather, light and.. Kibum was glad that he could now appreciate those moments since he’d been committed to his support group and seeking therapy with regards to his depression.


 He smiled as he the wispy air on Hyeon’s head. No one should have to miss out on these precious moments.


Kibum trudged down the stairs, barefooted, the tile cold against the sole of his feet. As he approached the kitchen he heard faint chopping sounds.


“What are you doing in my kitchen?”


The knife clanked to the floor in an instant.


“I was just cooking dinner."


“Dinner?” Kibum echoed. “But it’s a Thursday.”


Silence followed.


“Jinki  didn't tell you that I cook on Thursdays?"


Kibum asked, his boice strangely calm and low and having a dangerous undertone to it. Taemin opted for a smile and picked up the knife.


"No he didn't and you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake you." Taemin chose his words carefully and his speech was eloquent which irked Kibum who felt inefficient in the other's presence. It was hard on him. It truly was and the sight of that boy flitting about his home every day only reminded him if how inadequate he was to push Jinki to seek help from a boy that was probably barely out of high school. It was a direct blow to Kibum's pride.


"I understand." Kibum nodded , a smile etched on his tired face. "Get out."


Taemin eyes widened at the sudden change in attitude. Bewildered,  confused and a bit scared he was. Kibum's order was like a snake's venom, laced with poison not a pitch hinting nonsense. Frozen in place, momentarily speechless and heart raging ,Taemin didn't notice when Jinki arrived home.


"Hey honey." Jinki greeted his husband and spared him a kiss to the lips. The tension dissipated immediately when Kibum smiled at the sight of Jinki's cheerful face. They marvelled at each others face and exchanged kisses which the younger of the two seemed eager about. However, their little display of affection ended when Taemin cleared his throat purposefully.


"Oh Taemin!" Jinki laughed, "Sorry about that. I see you started dinner."


"Yeah about that.." he began tentatively.


"It's a Thursday. " Kibum simply interrupted.


"Oh! Ohhhh!" The realization came to Jinki.


Taemin excused himself and went to his room to calm doen, hands shaking along the walk to his quarters.


"I'm sorry about that. " Jinkj apologized.  Kibum crossed his arms across his chest, upset at Jinki for forgetting that Thurdsay was the day he prepared special meals. His dedicated cooking day. Jinki was surprisngly leaving or forgetting about some things.


"Hey." Jinki approached and brought his arms around Kibum's waist. "I love you." He whispered.


Kibum exhaled and relaxed.  Sometimes those simple words did wonders and all he needed to hear.


Jinki knocked on Taemin's door and opened it when a muffled voice told him to come in. Jinki saw Taemin seated at the edge of his bed looking at his hands tucked on his lap.


"Kibum is very...passionate about cooking on Thursdays." Jinki began as he aimlessy walked around the room. "He's a very loving person once you get to know him." That sentence earned the younger's attention. His face was contorted in a confused expression. Jinki expected that. He was always the one to put up with and endure Kibum's 'episodes'. He shuddered at the term but couldn't help it.


"He's been nothing but rude to me." Taemin explained." sounding defeated. "I think everything I do is an offense to him. He refuses to talk to me and when he does , is to reprimand me. I don't think working here-"


"No, no no!" Jinki quickly interjected, taking a seat beside Taemin. He couldn't afford for Taemin to quit at that point in time where work was piling up and time was rationed to spend among caring for Kibum, looking after Hyeon and having some alone time to himself.


"Don't take it personal. My husband is only going through a hard time. It gets better." 


A smile graced Taemin's full lips and Jinki thought he looked better that way. 




Hyeon's shrill cry shattered the night's silence and had Kibum slipping out of his dreams to tend to the child. He padded quickly to the nursery to see the littlr one crying his tiny heart out. First he was rocking him side by side, to calm Hyeon down. Kibum then fetched a bottle to see if he was hungry. When that failed a diaper check was in order and Hyeon continued crying.


Kibum, sleep deprived and currently feeling pangs of hunger grew frustrated and angry with each passing minute.  At one point in time he placed back the child within the confines of its crib and paced the length of the room. He pulled at the ends of his hair and tried taking deep breaths,  Hyeons seemed to calm doen for a while but cried even louder afterwards. 


"I can"t take this." He mumbled and began shaking.


"Jinki!" He cried. "Jinki!" He peered over the crib at the unhappy baby. What wrong with you ,he thought.  "Jinki you bastard get in here!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Soon there were thudding of footsteps coming down the hall.


"Kibum!" Jinki looked at the distressed adult and then rushed over to to his son trying to hush or at least offer some warmth or comfort.  Taemin peaked inside to see Jinki tending to Hyeon and Kibum a cying mess in the corner.


"Taemin please take him." Taemin nodded and did just that but not before observing Kibum's meek state ehich contrasted significantly with his attitude earlier in the kitchen. After Taemin left Hyeon's cries could still be heard for the following 5 munites until he grew exhausted Jinki supposed.


Kibum was a sobbing mess, his body racked by hiccups and coughs.


"He , he just wouldn't Stop!" He explained between sobs whilst Jinki cradled his small form. Kibum was having one if his mini meltdowns again.


"He's fine now." Jinki whispered and kissed his husband's forehead.

"I can't do this. I can't." Kibum repeated.


Jinki only held him closer and stronger. "You can do this. I believe in you. "


From the doorway Taemin couldn't help but admire their relationship and desiring what Kibum had, someone to care for him unconditionally. 






 people still read my chaptered stories? 😥😥😨😩😰😳

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the story is complete!! thanks for always reading!!


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Chapter 3: Yes we do, now continue on writing writer-nim!
Chapter 7: Wow.. Taemin.. Just wow. I dint expect that from him.
But im glad onkey is getting better. Everything is better
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Wow I can't believe that this fic has come to an end! Really didn't expect the whole twist with Taemin (and I was a little confused as to how Minho suddenly appeared in the house haha)! I liked how in the end, Jinki finally make himself clear to Taemin, and even though it triggered Taemin's episode, everything came together nicely in the end, allowing the Jinki/Kibum couple to sort of heal their relationship through this period of their lives and leading them back to normalcy! The little scene at the park in the end is so fluffy and cute and I'm just so glad that Jinki/Kibum regained their peace of mind and are able to spend quality time with Hyeon! I really enjoyed reading this fic and would love to read any spin-off fics from this! :) Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 7: It's over?! Noooo! Lol
He was actually crazy, forming weird imagined lives. I was wondering why he suddenly didn't care about Minho anymore. I loved that twist! So unexpected.
I'm going to miss getting these updates :(
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad and reassured about Jinki's commitment to Kibum (thanks for addressing this!) and it was really awesome to finally see Kibum gaining control of his life and making a full recovery :) As for Taemin, hope that his storyline arc can be resolved without causing him too much hurt, after all it is easy to fall in but difficult to fall out of love :| I also wish that Kibum would be less conscious about his weight cause he's just perfect in Jinki's eyes no matter what and I do fear this weight obsession might cause him to relapse in future! Nonetheless, I love this chapter and the whole fic and I'm just sad to see it end haha! Looking forward to the next chapter to see how everything ties up :)
Chapter 6: poor taemin, he fell in love with someone that is already with the love of his life, it must be very hard, but the best is for him to go and find another person that will be only his, if he stay in that house he will suffer and change into a person that he isn't, I'm glad that kibum is doing well but I hope his obsession with his weight won't interfere again with his child and husband.
Chapter 6: *sigh* oh thank god. I was seriously getting scared that this would turn into some affair story, which in my opinion, would ruin its appeal to me. Even if it does, I'm happy that Kibum isn't being overly paranoid about it and flat out told Taemin "he's mine" and alerted Jinki. I love that you covered that, so even if there is cheating, it's not the same story being told.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I'm glad that Kibum is is improving and I did like seeing him interact with Hyeon more! I expected that Taemin would want to be a permanent part of Jinki's life but I really hope that he could just back off from Jinki/Kibum's relationship seeing as Kibum's still having unstable temperaments and it must be heartbreaking for him to see Jinki/Taemin interact while feeling helpless about Hyeon :( I liked the little confrontation scene between Kibum and Taemin, it was well written and made me tense up about whether Kibum or Taemin would just spill, haha but neither did! :) In this fic I noticed that Jinki tends to be quite harsh on Kibum, so I'm wondering whether it's intentional so as to highlight how nice Jinki is to Taemin? :) And I have this feeling that Jinki also has some sort of feelings towards Taemin... :O Would love to read the next chapter soon! ^^
Chapter 5: please taemin. stay away from jinki. dont disturb their family. just stick to minho please please...