Chapter 6

Their New Chapter

The following weeks passed by in a blur. The sessions were doing Kibum well. Ever since the incident with Hyeon he'd been more cautious around Jinki because he never wanted to see fires in his eyes like the last time, around Hyeon because he never wanted to be accountable for causing harm to his own flesh and blood and around Taemin ( somewhat) because he didnt want to pique Jinki's interest on the avenue of Taemin's feelings and Kibum's insecurities.


If Jinki's heart could swell anymore it would surely burst. He saw his husband returning, the person who he fell in love with coming back to him and seeing Kibum feed, bathe and bond with Hyeon without succumbing to tears and exasperation made him want to drop to his knee and propose again.

Amongst the other wonderful things occuring in Jinki's life was the deal that Lee Sooman approved. The confirmation had him jumping in glee and releasing a deep breath knowing that bankruptcy was omitted from the picture. That evening he returned home and took them all out to dinner. Taemin was delighted probably way more than he should've been.


"Good morning, Taemin." Jinki greeted when he entered the kitchen. Taemin replied just as cheerily and scraped some scrambled eggs from a pot on to a plate nearby. Jinki was in such a good mood that he enveloped Taemin in a hug from behind though it merely lasted a couple seconds it was enough to have Taemin's knees feeling week and his legs almost giving in. It made him wonder if his onesided affections were returned somehwat, that Jinki felt something as well, that Jinki liked him a little bit. Jinki was a man and men had weaknesses. One of those weaknesses was falling for a princess while you had a queen. 


"Thanks for making breakfast."


"No problem. I'm gettiing paid to do it so just doing my job." Taemin's tone was a tad sombre but Jinki being drunk in his happines did not notice. 


He busied himself getting a tray and assorting some plates.


"I'm giving Kibum breakfast in bed." Jinki says. "He deserves it and since I'm taking a break from work for a week I can spend more time with him."


Taemin watched Jinki through the corner of his eye. He wouldn't be needed anymore. Kibum was well on his way to recovery and everything could be taken care of again.



After Jinki had watched Kibum put their five month child to sleep, he accosted him right there in the nursery.


Kibum had to restrain himself from laughing out loud to wake the sleeping boy.


"Suppose he wakes up and sees us?" He asked when Jinki started showering his neck in kisses. 


"Let him see us."


"You bastard!" Kibum whisper-shouted which had his husband snickering under his breath. "I will not let my baby see us in the act because you're oh so ."


"But.." Jinki's big hands travelled down the small of Kibum's back and settled on his firm backside. Kibum smirked and Jinki bit his bottom lip awaiting a snarky comment. When none came, he squeezed the plump mounds of flesh which had Kibum snickering as well. The sound had Hyeon stirring in his sleep and they hurriedly made it out of the room to avoid having to endure a crying session.


"That loud mouth of yours will get us in trouble one day I'm sure."


"Want to find out...big boy?" Kibum asked in his most breathless and most seductive voice thatm already had Jinki's body reacting at what was to come.


Jinki strong arms scooped him up from the ground and he hurried to their bedroom. Along the way Kibum acted like.a defenceless princess being whisked away by her prince charming which made them giggle at their silliness.


When they burst open the room door, kissing and tearing at each other's clothing only to jump apart when they saw Taemin holding one of Jinki's jackets.


"Oh my gosh!" Kibum screamed in fright with hand on chest.


"Taemin.." Jinki breathed heavily. " What are you doing in here?" He demanded not at all proud to have Taemin be a witness to their tryst. " How.did you get in here? "


Taemin shrugged and placed the jacket back in the closet. " You left the and I was checking to see if laundry needed to be done"


Kibum and Jinki exchanged looks.


"No the door was not open. I saw Kibum lock it this morning. Do you have a key?"


Taemin panicked at seeing Jinki soserious having been caught in his own lie. He delved into his pocketand retrieved the key which he handed to Jinki. The confrontation had Kibum angry.


"Why does he have a key to our bedroom Jinki?"


Jinki's forehead rippled in confusion by his husband's accusation in the form of a question .


"Why would he have a key if you didn't give it to him, huh?!" 


"K-Kibum I have no idea."


Kibum looked at him real good with arms folded across his chest. Jinki knew that stance anytime of the day. Kibum thought he was lying.


He scoffed and ordered Taemin out of the room.


" Baby, I swear I didn't give Taemin a key to our bedroom. Why would I do that? Giving him the authority to waltz in at anytime, anytime of the day. This is the one point on the house that's only accessible to us."


Kibums face softened and his hands dropped to his side.


"I believe you,Jinki. I'm getting better we don't need him again. I can take care of Hyeon now. I know I can. I'm getting better."


"I know you are honey but I dont want to the responsibilities on you as soon as you start feeling better. I don't want you feeling pressured and going through it all over again. Just give him a couple more days."


Kibum huffed.


"He likes you, you know" Jinki's eyes.widened to size of saucers. "He can't help it, you're too pleasant not to like. But I don't trust him. He was just in our bedroom feeling the fabric of your work.jacket, isn't that creepy?"


Jinki cocked his head in thought and considered it creepy as well.


"I'll deal with this." He assured Kibum. "I'll change the lock if you want-"


"Change it."


Jinki nodded."I'll let Taemin go in a few days." Kibum sighed at that suggestion but nodded anyways avoiding Jinki's eyes.


"Hey." Kibum eyes were planted to the floor."Hey." Jinki lifted his chin with the tip of his index finger. "I love you, ok. Not Taemin, though I'm grateful for his assistance , my heart belongs to you, Hyeon and our future children." Kibum raised his eyebrow at the last mention but chuckled nonetheless.


"I love you too."


Jinki touched him again attempting to resume y time.


"Ah ah ah. Buy the lock." 


"You know withholding is a crime?"

Kibum laughed. "Just buy the lock."




Fingers shook, heart raced and lips quivered; Kibum was nervous. He exhaled and stepped up. The whirring of the scale had him breathing hard in order to calm himself down for the moment of truth.


"Yes!" He screamed when he saw that he was back down to his original weight before the pregnancy. All those salads.and exercise and reduced meals helped and it only took five months.


"I can eat anything I want right now." He clapped excitedly and got dressed and headed to the nursery. He felt like taking Hyeon for a stroll around the complex.


"What are doing?"


"Watching him sleep." That unnerved Kibum.


"I'm going for stroll. Can you please get the stroller?"


Taemin glanced up from the baby in his arms. Kibum went closer and gently took Hyeon into his hold and watched Taemin go downstairs.


He kissed his son's head and let out a ragged breath.


Whilst walking Hyeon, children at play came to coo over him. It fascinated Kibum how young children are always amazed by kids younger and smaller than them. He continued strolling around, getting some sun on his skin and revelling in its warmth.




Hyeon's cry pierced the night air and Kibum was already on his feet. 


"I'll get him this time." Jinki offered though he was dead tired but Kibum had been such a darling the past few weeks he didn't want to take advantage of it. Kibum smiled in relief and kissed Jinki as he passed.


Hyeon stopped crying as soon as he felt his father's arms around him.


"Just wanted be held huh?" Jinki kissed his temple and checked if a diaper change was in order. Tomorrow would be the day he sends Taemim off and he was nervous. It would be sudden but he has already planned to give him two month's pay in advance maybe three until he could find another job.







I think this story will be ending soon. Thanks for always reading and comenting and even for being silent.


btw Im sooo in love with f(x)'s RED LIGHT ALBUM !!! omg i listen to it errday!!!


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the story is complete!! thanks for always reading!!


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Chapter 3: Yes we do, now continue on writing writer-nim!
Chapter 7: Wow.. Taemin.. Just wow. I dint expect that from him.
But im glad onkey is getting better. Everything is better
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Wow I can't believe that this fic has come to an end! Really didn't expect the whole twist with Taemin (and I was a little confused as to how Minho suddenly appeared in the house haha)! I liked how in the end, Jinki finally make himself clear to Taemin, and even though it triggered Taemin's episode, everything came together nicely in the end, allowing the Jinki/Kibum couple to sort of heal their relationship through this period of their lives and leading them back to normalcy! The little scene at the park in the end is so fluffy and cute and I'm just so glad that Jinki/Kibum regained their peace of mind and are able to spend quality time with Hyeon! I really enjoyed reading this fic and would love to read any spin-off fics from this! :) Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 7: It's over?! Noooo! Lol
He was actually crazy, forming weird imagined lives. I was wondering why he suddenly didn't care about Minho anymore. I loved that twist! So unexpected.
I'm going to miss getting these updates :(
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad and reassured about Jinki's commitment to Kibum (thanks for addressing this!) and it was really awesome to finally see Kibum gaining control of his life and making a full recovery :) As for Taemin, hope that his storyline arc can be resolved without causing him too much hurt, after all it is easy to fall in but difficult to fall out of love :| I also wish that Kibum would be less conscious about his weight cause he's just perfect in Jinki's eyes no matter what and I do fear this weight obsession might cause him to relapse in future! Nonetheless, I love this chapter and the whole fic and I'm just sad to see it end haha! Looking forward to the next chapter to see how everything ties up :)
Chapter 6: poor taemin, he fell in love with someone that is already with the love of his life, it must be very hard, but the best is for him to go and find another person that will be only his, if he stay in that house he will suffer and change into a person that he isn't, I'm glad that kibum is doing well but I hope his obsession with his weight won't interfere again with his child and husband.
Chapter 6: *sigh* oh thank god. I was seriously getting scared that this would turn into some affair story, which in my opinion, would ruin its appeal to me. Even if it does, I'm happy that Kibum isn't being overly paranoid about it and flat out told Taemin "he's mine" and alerted Jinki. I love that you covered that, so even if there is cheating, it's not the same story being told.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I'm glad that Kibum is is improving and I did like seeing him interact with Hyeon more! I expected that Taemin would want to be a permanent part of Jinki's life but I really hope that he could just back off from Jinki/Kibum's relationship seeing as Kibum's still having unstable temperaments and it must be heartbreaking for him to see Jinki/Taemin interact while feeling helpless about Hyeon :( I liked the little confrontation scene between Kibum and Taemin, it was well written and made me tense up about whether Kibum or Taemin would just spill, haha but neither did! :) In this fic I noticed that Jinki tends to be quite harsh on Kibum, so I'm wondering whether it's intentional so as to highlight how nice Jinki is to Taemin? :) And I have this feeling that Jinki also has some sort of feelings towards Taemin... :O Would love to read the next chapter soon! ^^
Chapter 5: please taemin. stay away from jinki. dont disturb their family. just stick to minho please please...