Chapter 4

Their New Chapter



Jinki continued to playfully nip at Hyeon's tiny belly and another laugh erupted from his small lips.His giggles and little hands and feet moving about made Jinki's heart swell with happiness. These were some of his favourite moments, playing with his son. Hyeon cooed and laughed. Jinki smiled at the saliva draining from his lips and used the towel to wipe it away. He then took one of his son's feet and kissed the toes. The only toes he'd ever kiss.


A knock at the door disrupted the playtime. It creaked open , retaliating at being forced open.


"Sorry to bother you." 


Hyeon started getting fussy so Jinki lifted him out of the crib and held him. 


"You're not bothering anyone. Right Hyeon?" The baby merely had a distant look in his eyes and began drooling.


Taemin laughed and Jink laughed along. The sun was brilliant that day and everyone was in a good mood including the youngest man of the house. Their laughter merely added to the cheery atmopshere that afternoon.


"I was wondering if I could have the rest of the day off." Taemin's voice was meek whilst he avoided eye contact. Jinki found the request sudden not that he would object but he was rather curious. Despite Taemin being of great help, he didnt have time to make a conscious effort to get to know the young man.


"The rest of the day?"


"I know it is short notice but my boyfriend is in town and I want to see him." 


The rest of the day off? The house had been cleaned and dinner prepared. Kibum was at his therapy session and there was no work since it was a holiday and baby was happy.


"Why not?"


Taemin clapped his hands in glee and his eyes minimized to cresent as his cheeks inflated from the huge grin on his face."Thanks so much!" 


Jinki chuckled at his reactions and continued to rock side to side. Hyeon found it fascinating whenever his father did that and soon he was clapping his tiny hands as well. Jinki smiled at the sight. His son never failed to amaze him. The little human in his arms made his life more tolerable along with Kibum by his side. 


"When do you leave? I can drop you by the bus park."


"In two hours." Taemin checked his wristwatch."Oh thank you so much." Taemin's slender arms came around and embraced him. Hyeon released a really loud scream akin to a hyena's cry which had both adults cooing over his silliness.


Taemin managed to do some additional cleaning before he could afford to get ready. Similarly, Jinki prepared a bath for Hyeon and himself , prolonging their bonding time. 


The car ride was smooth with Hyeon neatly tucked away in the car seat at the back and Taemin in the passenger seat. Jinki used the opportunity to learn more about the other.

"I'm working right now to save my money for college. I do anything that comes my way as long as it's not degrading." Jinki listened and nodded where appropriate. Taemin came across as the ambitous type which Jinki admired.


"So you're excited to see..?"

"Minho." Taemin filled in and smiled shyly earning a light chuckle from Jinki."He goes to college so I only see him every two months when he visits." Taemin swallowed and glanced out the window as they neared the station.


"You remind me so much of myself when I was younger. Unsure and uncertain but keep the faith and it will all work it in due time." 


Taemin spared him a look."Thanks Jinki." The older turned and grinned at him. "You have a very warm household. I hope for that someday." 


"You'll defintitely have it." Taemin's heart swelled at Jinki's word. If only he knew how the simple things like his smile and gentle advice brightened his days.

Jinki dropped Taemin off and bade him good bye. The next stop was to reteieve Kibum from his therapy session. During the drive Jinki rocked to Nsync's Bye Bye Bye which had Hyeon screaming at intervals. Even his baby knew good music.


Jinki's heart skipped a beat when he saw a smiling Kibum greeting him. His husband never looked more beautiful than when he smiled becuase his smile, in Jinki's eyes , was his best accessory. It was what had garnered, captivated his attention from day one and it had been keeping him ever since, the smile and other things.


"Hey you." Kibum gave him a kiss and opened the back door to remove Hyeon from his seat. 


"Oh he's so precious!" Amber praised as she held him. Kibum smiled and combed his fingers through Hyeon's wispy hair. "He's a darling."


"Thank you." Kibum was always modest. Hyeon once again started getting fussy not being accostomed to a stranger's hold. So Jinki offered to take him while his husband and his bestfriend caught up on their lives. 

On the way home, Hyeon fell asleep allowing his parents to converse without having to deal with Hyena cries.


"You should've seen Krystal today. Her body is beyond perfect and she had a baby two months ago. Two months! I need to step up my regime."


Jinki sighed at Kibum's words.

'Kibum you're body is fine. The regime doesn't work for everyone and you've been under a lot of stress lately." Kibum grew quiet afterwards and Jinki could've kicked himself. He knew that Kibum had always had an issue with his weight though he couldn't fathom why. His husband was beautiful with all the flaws Kibum believed he had. Jinki wouldn't want it any other way.

 When they arrived home, Kibum quickly alighted the vehicle, clawed Hyeon from his car seat and marched inside without sparing Jinki a look. 


 Jinki took a deep breath and followed suit. He saw Kibum lounging by the pool with the baby snuggled on his chest. He let them be.


That night as they got dressed for bed Jinki couldn't resist curving a hand around Kibum's waist and kissing the nape of his neck. He felt so warm within his embrace and he shuddered at the kisses that Jinki was littering his body with. It felt so amazingly great to be that close to Kibum again, that is, until he moved away and resumed getting dressed.


"Trying to get me pregnant again? I don't think so."


"Oh come on!"


Jinki was exasperated. They hadn't been together in over three weeks now. He tried to be understanding and patient but he had needs and urges and Kibum was not giving in at all.


"You won't get pregnant if you take the pills. Hmm." He turned Kibum around and kissed him on the lips but the younger did not respond, react.Jinki gave up.


That night he slept in the nusery absent to the silent cries of his young husband.

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the story is complete!! thanks for always reading!!


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Chapter 3: Yes we do, now continue on writing writer-nim!
Chapter 7: Wow.. Taemin.. Just wow. I dint expect that from him.
But im glad onkey is getting better. Everything is better
Silentsparkle #3
Chapter 7: Wow I can't believe that this fic has come to an end! Really didn't expect the whole twist with Taemin (and I was a little confused as to how Minho suddenly appeared in the house haha)! I liked how in the end, Jinki finally make himself clear to Taemin, and even though it triggered Taemin's episode, everything came together nicely in the end, allowing the Jinki/Kibum couple to sort of heal their relationship through this period of their lives and leading them back to normalcy! The little scene at the park in the end is so fluffy and cute and I'm just so glad that Jinki/Kibum regained their peace of mind and are able to spend quality time with Hyeon! I really enjoyed reading this fic and would love to read any spin-off fics from this! :) Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 7: It's over?! Noooo! Lol
He was actually crazy, forming weird imagined lives. I was wondering why he suddenly didn't care about Minho anymore. I loved that twist! So unexpected.
I'm going to miss getting these updates :(
Silentsparkle #5
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad and reassured about Jinki's commitment to Kibum (thanks for addressing this!) and it was really awesome to finally see Kibum gaining control of his life and making a full recovery :) As for Taemin, hope that his storyline arc can be resolved without causing him too much hurt, after all it is easy to fall in but difficult to fall out of love :| I also wish that Kibum would be less conscious about his weight cause he's just perfect in Jinki's eyes no matter what and I do fear this weight obsession might cause him to relapse in future! Nonetheless, I love this chapter and the whole fic and I'm just sad to see it end haha! Looking forward to the next chapter to see how everything ties up :)
Chapter 6: poor taemin, he fell in love with someone that is already with the love of his life, it must be very hard, but the best is for him to go and find another person that will be only his, if he stay in that house he will suffer and change into a person that he isn't, I'm glad that kibum is doing well but I hope his obsession with his weight won't interfere again with his child and husband.
Chapter 6: *sigh* oh thank god. I was seriously getting scared that this would turn into some affair story, which in my opinion, would ruin its appeal to me. Even if it does, I'm happy that Kibum isn't being overly paranoid about it and flat out told Taemin "he's mine" and alerted Jinki. I love that you covered that, so even if there is cheating, it's not the same story being told.
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I'm glad that Kibum is is improving and I did like seeing him interact with Hyeon more! I expected that Taemin would want to be a permanent part of Jinki's life but I really hope that he could just back off from Jinki/Kibum's relationship seeing as Kibum's still having unstable temperaments and it must be heartbreaking for him to see Jinki/Taemin interact while feeling helpless about Hyeon :( I liked the little confrontation scene between Kibum and Taemin, it was well written and made me tense up about whether Kibum or Taemin would just spill, haha but neither did! :) In this fic I noticed that Jinki tends to be quite harsh on Kibum, so I'm wondering whether it's intentional so as to highlight how nice Jinki is to Taemin? :) And I have this feeling that Jinki also has some sort of feelings towards Taemin... :O Would love to read the next chapter soon! ^^
Chapter 5: please taemin. stay away from jinki. dont disturb their family. just stick to minho please please...