Chapter 5

From Rivals To What?

Sorry for the late update. Our classes had already started so I think I'll update once in a blue moon and I hope you still support this.




"You think we should go follow them?"


After the line ended, Seohyun kept asking that question but her unnies answered it negative.


"Well I guess we should, it's been 30 minutes since they left"


"Thank you Hyo-unnie."


While Seohyun and Hyoyeon were getting ready, someone rang the doorbell.


"I'll get it."


Taeyeon represented. As she opened the door, she was shocked at what she saw.


"Why are you guys smiling like idiots?"


She asked, the three gave her a glare, not wanting to be called like idiots.


"Yah! We're not like idiots."


"As a matter a fact, we were smiling because..."




"Yuri. Has. A. Secret. Admirer.'


Then, Tiffany and Sunny screamed by what they said while Taeyeon, still processing what the two said.


"Yuri has a secret admirer?"


Sunny and Tiffany nodded. Taeyeon screamed, 'Yuri has a secret admirer' about 10 times by now while jumping with Sunny Tiffany, acting like kids.


"What happened to them?"


Jessica entered the living room only to find the three jumping for she don't know why.


"Yuri has a secret admirer."


Yoona said while watching the three and eating a burger.


"A what?!"


"Secret admirer."


This time, it was Yuri who answered.


"For real?!"


Jessica shouted in disbelief. She was about to join the three when:


"Guys. Stop it! It's not a big deal. I don't even know who that guy was!"


Yuri said and the others sat down.


"You're right. They could be anyone. It could be a kidnapper, killer, or worst! You better be careful!"


Tiffany exclaimed while shaking Yuri.


"Since when did you care? And stop shaking me!"


"Oh sorry, I cared just a while ago."


"But Tiffany could be right." - Taeyeon


"Right about caring for yuri?" - Tiffany


"No." - Taeyeon


"That it could be anyone?" - Jessica




"So what are you planning?"




"You serenaded who?"


"Lay, didn't you heard?! Kai mentioned it about I don't know how many times."


"I don't care how many times he mentioned it."




Lay gasped because of Suho's answer then looked at Suho then to Xiumin then to Kai.


"From SNSD?!"

"Is there any Yuri that Kai likes?" - Baekhyun


"What happened next?" - D. O.


"Well, theyb asked who I was..."




All of the EXO members asked that same question in chorus, well except for Xiumin and Kai obviously.


"Unfortunately, he didn't tell her."


"Yup, but, I almost did. I just remembered that we're rivals."


Everyone sighed from Kai's story.


"Why do they even hate us?"


"If we only knew why they hate us. We could change it and be friends with them."


"Luhan! You're such a genius! I'll ask Sunny."


Xiumin pulled his phone out and texted Sunnty to come over.




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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 10: Update soon
Chapter 2: Krissica ~~
Chapter 9: Update soon pls
Chapter 8: Aww, short chapter. Update soon please
Chapter 9: Pls update soon
Chapter 6: I like it so far. Hope you would update!♥
parvitasari #7
Chapter 6: update sooon... hope for hyolay and hyohun pairing..