Chapter 3.5 [continuation]

From Rivals To What?

This will be the continuation from the last chapter




"I could help you with Yuri."










"Tomorrow. I have to go now."





"Wait, you know Sooyoung right."





Sunny, who just kissed Xiumin and was about to leave stopped after hearing her bestfriend's name.










"Could you give her this. I kinda err, its hard to explain."





then he smiled and gave a chocolate cake to Sunny.















Yuri exclaimed as she put the spoon down.





"You're right. This is lik a mystery. How did Sunny knew Soo didn't bought the cake."





"Actually, the question is, to whom did she knew?"





Taeyeon corrected Jessica. After that, they all went to the living room.





"So how will we know?"





Tifany asked as she sat down beside Taeng.





"Well, it's either we spy on her or ask her directly?"





Yoona suggested as she looked at the other members.





"I'll go with spying on her."




Taeng said as the others agreed, except for their maknae, Seohyun.





"But, isn't stalking a bad thing?"





"No Seobaby, err well, maybe half good thing and half bad thing."





Tiffany eye-smiled at Seohyun.





"But why would we stalk err spy on her?"




"Relax, we just want to know where she goes everyday. She usually dissapear every Saturday while buying, after buying and sometimes before buying a cake. Just like a while ago."




Sooyoung the end, they all agreed on spying on Sunny.










Sorry for late and short update. And for different shippings.

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 10: Update soon
Chapter 2: Krissica ~~
Chapter 9: Update soon pls
Chapter 8: Aww, short chapter. Update soon please
Chapter 9: Pls update soon
Chapter 6: I like it so far. Hope you would update!♥
parvitasari #7
Chapter 6: update sooon... hope for hyolay and hyohun pairing..