From Rivals To What?

Tiffany's POV


There talking way too serious! can't they have a break? After anything else, I went out to the nearest store. 


'Where are the noodles?'


I asked myself, I was about to pick one when someone grabbed it first. I can tell it was a guy buy his image but, I was still unsure. He was covering his face. Very mysterious.


"Umm, miss? Hello?"


"Oh! Sorry, were you saying something?"


"Umm, are you gonna buy this?"


"Oh no! You got it first anyway. i'll just get a new one."


"Yes, I'm sure!"


After that emberrasing moment, I quickly ran into the other side. That was totally emberrasing!!! I took a peek if he was still there, I wish he was---


"We're you looking for me?"




I quickly shut my mouth as soon as I saw who it was. Double embarrasment for 1 day!


"Why did you so that?"


I turned my back like I was afraid to show him my face. 




I took 3 deep breaths and turned to him again. 


"It's not okay."


"You said so. Bye."


Then he left. too much, embarresment for 1 day! Too much! I decided to buy a different meal and quickly went to the counter. I still don't want to go home. I mental pout and think for a moment. I went outside. Two news: Good thing there were tables, bad news, all occupied.


"What am I going to do?"


I whispered to myself. After that, I noticed the guy from earlier. Should I go eat with him? Should I not? Should I? Should I not? if I did, he may think that I like him, well, a little bit though. If I go home? They would still be talking about those wolves. I hate them, especially the one who looked like a girl, what's his name again? Tss.


"Hey! Girl standing, wearing an up-shirt and skinny jeans."


Wait. I'm wearing an up-shirt and skinny jeans. I looked for the person who owned that voice and it was him. I gestured if he was pertaining to me and he nodded. He then gestured to come to him. Me, with my stupid brain ordered my feet to walk towards him.


"No place to sit huh?"


"Isn't it obvious?"


He laughed. What so funny? Now I'm starting to have negative thoughts about him.


"Sorry. You just look cute."


"Sorry, you just look cute."


"Sorry, you just look cute."


 I mentalled smack myself. Why are those words repeating?


"May I sit?"




I opened my food and started eating. Since curiousity got the best out of me. I asked his name.


"I'm Lu--Lucas. Yeah! Lucas."


"Why were you like, unsure?"


"Umm, I just noticed something. And you are?"




I said with a smile. We then started to have fun and i decided to go home. We both bid goodbyes and left.


Lay's POV


I was reading my book when Luhan came in and was smiling. A dork smile. I heard him let out a breath and went to his room. What's wrong with people these days. A whiile ago Xiumin, and now Luhan. Even Baekhyun's acting weird!






Sorry i updated late (i always say these words) about the news of Taeyeon and Baekhyun having a relationship was really surprising, I really didn't know how to let it all out. But that wasn't a reason though, we had no innternet, curse those days! Well, I still hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 10: Update soon
Chapter 2: Krissica ~~
Chapter 9: Update soon pls
Chapter 8: Aww, short chapter. Update soon please
Chapter 9: Pls update soon
Chapter 6: I like it so far. Hope you would update!♥
parvitasari #7
Chapter 6: update sooon... hope for hyolay and hyohun pairing..