Stalking and Schooling

Falling For a Death Angel?!

"I'm just over thinking," Kris said to himself. He rubbed his eye in confusion and then saw a girl in the same uniform as Ji Soo. Maybe she goes to the same school. Kris followed the girl until they reached a big gate. "EXO High? What kind of name is that?" He walked in. "Wait, it'll be weird if she saw me, I should make up something and then come back." He turned around to leave, but instead bumped into Ji Soo.

"Oh, it's you again?" she said pointing to him. Everyone looked at her weird, because she's talking to no one.

*Say something nice* Kris scratched the back of his head and said, "You look pretty today."

Ji Soo smiled and said thanks.

*Ask for her number* his conscious said. "So what are you doing here?"

"This is my school," she replied. "Are you a new student?"

"Uh...yeah, just dropped off my papers, I still... need to go buy the uniform," he lied.

"Ok, hope you have fun here," Ji Soo said before waving bye.

Kris returned the bye and sighed in relief. "Why did I tell her that I'm new, now I got to register for this school.” Kris walked into the office and stole some registered paper and filled out everything, then he threw it into the pile of new students, apparently there was a couple other new students. (Remember that no one can see him.)

"Done, let's go get a uniform," Kris smiled and walked out.

Three days Later

Ji Soo walked into her homeroom and sat in her seat. Her best friend who sat next to her grabbed her hand and leaned on her shoulder. "Ji Soo ah~"

"What do you want this time, Ji Kyung?" Ji Soo asked pushing her off.

Ji Kyung took out a bento box and set it on her desk.

"Again?" Ji Soo complained.

"Just this time, please?" Jikyung begged holding onto her hand.

"What's my excuse this time?" Ji Soo asked giving her the I'm-tired look.

"Uhm......say a friend of yours that goes to a different school wants to give it to him," Jikyung explained.

"I said that last time already," Ji Soo complained.

"Just say it again, please, for your best friend," Jikyung tugged on Ji Soo's shirt.

Ji Soo grabbed the bento box and looked at it. "Why do you always have to put stickers on it?"

"It's cute isn't it?" Jikyung smiled. "So can you do it?"

Ji Soo gave her an annoyed look then nods. "But this is the last time."

Jikyung smiled and hugged Ji Soo. "Gomawo~"

While they continue to talk, the teacher walked in with Kris walking behind her. "Settle down class."

Everyone quiets down and turns their attention to the teacher. "We have a new student in our class today, please welcome him."

"Hi, I'm Wu Kris, please take care of me," Kris greeted bowing.

"Oh, it's him," Ji Soo said.

"You know him?" Jikyung asked.

"Yeah, I saved his life," Ji Soo replied as she continues to look at him. "What a coincidence."

"You saved his life?" Jikyung asked buzzing in on her stare.

"Who would like to tour him around school?" the teacher asked.

All the girls’ hand flew up into the air. The teacher smiled surprisingly at the many hands. "I'll pick an ID so it's fair."

All the girls hand fell down in disappointment. "Uhm...." the teacher goes through the list of ID #'s. "545321? Who is that?"

"Ji Soo ah, that's you!" Jikyung shouted.

"W...what? me?"

"Who's ID is 545321?" the teacher asked again.

"," Ji Soo said slowly raising her hand.

"Kris that is Ji Soo, she'll be showing you around the school campus," the teacher explained pointing Ji Soo out.

Kris turned to Ji Soo and smiled then bowed. Ji Soo did a mini bowed back and the teacher instructed him to go sit down.

Kris walks down the desk aisle and sat at the second to the last seat. He took out his notebook, but stared at Ji Soo.

"Hi, I'm YiXing, you can call me Lay, I'm Chinese too."

Kris looked at him and smiled. "Hi." Then he went back to looking at Ji Soo.

"Wanna be friends?" Lay asked.

Kris ignored Lay and continued to look at Ji Soo.

"You like Ji Soo?" Lay asked.

Kris threw his attention at Lay. " Hahahaha Maybe? Why? You like her too?"

"No, she's my friend," Lay replied. “More like my friends’ sister, but she treats me like a friend.”

"Your friend's sister?"

"Deh, she's like a little sister to all of us," Lay replied.

"Wanna be friends?"  

"Yeah! It's nice to have another Chinese friend!" Lay said smiling.

The bell rang for lunch and Ji Soo got up to leave, but Jikyung quickly grabbed her hand. "The bento box?"

"I remember," Ji Soo whined as she grabbed the box out from her desk.

Lay walked to Ji Soo with Kris following him. "Ji Soo, I want to help you show him around too, he's my new friend, and he wants to be a part of EXO."

"A part of what?! I never agreed to be a part of anything," Kris said giving Lay a wtf look.

"My friends, we're called EXO," Lay explained.

"That's sounds good," Ji Soo complimented. "You're making friends already."

Lay was going to lead the way when he saw the bento box in her hand. "Is that for Xiumin?"

"Uh..yeah, we should hurry so I can give it to him," Ji Soo replied as Lay gave a mischievous smile.

*A bento box for a guy? Who is this Xiumin?!* Kris thought as he followed them. They arrived in the cafeteria and walked to the table that EXO will usually be at. "Hyung!" Lay shouted as he walks to the group.

Ji Soo and Kris followed as they approach the group. "Annyeong everyone!"

All of them greeted her back.

"Who is that?"

"Oh, let me introduce him," Lay said walking to Kris. "His name is Kris Wu, he's new here, and wants to be a part of EXO."

"Annyeonghasaeyo," Kris greeted with a 90 degree bow.

Kai get's down from the table and walks up to Kris. "So you know what newbies have to do right?"

*Obviously not, I don't even know I wanted to join this group.* Kris didn't say anything.

"You must..." Kai said walking closer to him. "Call everyone in the group your hyung, even if their younger than you."

Kris sighed and took a breath. "Hyung."

Kai smiled and patted his back. Everyone smiled and laughed along. "Welcome to EXO."

Kris lets out a smile. *I don't remember high school being like this, oh wait, I don't remember anything.*

"Ji Soo, your bento box," Lay whispered loudly.

Ji Soo nearly forgot. She walks toward Xiumin and gave him the bento box. "For you, Xiumin oppa."

"Wow, Ji Soo, again with the lunch box, what's your excuse this time?" Baekhyun joked as everyone laughed.

Xiumin smiled and accepted it. "Thanks."

*So he's Xiumin* Kris gave him an ugly look.

"How many times do I have to say, a friend of mine made it!" Ji Soo said hitting his side.

"Then please tell your friend to make bento boxes for all of us," Chen teased.

"Let's stop before D.O hurts us," Suho said.

D.O gave them all a look. "Yeah I think we better stop," Changyeol agreed, smiling.

"We haven't introduced ourselves yet?" Tao said looking at Kris.

"That's right, we haven't," D.O said.

"Let's just go from that side to this side,"

"I'm Kim Joon Myun or Suho." *He seems nice*

"I'm Chen." *Korean?*

"Hi! I'm Chanyeol" * Why is he so happy? *

"The name's Kai." *Scary, but cool*

"My name is Tao." *He looks so tired*

"I'm Baekhyun!" * Looks friendly*           

"I'm Xiumin." *No one cares*

"I'm Kyungsoo, but just call me D.O." *Ji Soo's brother, must respect him*

"Hi, my name is Luhan." *Luhan? I've heard that name before?*


"You can see me?" Luhan asked.

"Deh, who are you?" Kris asked.

"See, I told you he can see us no matter what," a girl who wasn't really visible said. "He's different."

"Who is he?" Kris asked the girl.

"He's Luhan a close friend of mines."

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Chapter 9: OMG it could've been Jisoo and D.O sooo sadddd
Chapter 8: OMG i wondered what happened when the lights went out
Chapter 6: Oh god Tao landed on top of Kris. He separated Ji Soo on purpose because he is jealous
Chapter 9: Do.....Jisoo. it's clear since she has the mark and she in unconscious..
Great Story by the way! i love your storyline!! hwaiting
Chapter 5: I think she is a death angel since Kris says she has a mark on here hand.
Chapter 4: Ohhhhhhhhhh 2PM ans Beast Against EXO. It was a godd fightun scence
Chapter 3: Ohhhh Kris does like her. I was right XDD
Chapter 2: hahahaha this chapter is just soo funnyy XDDDDDD
Chapter 1: woah this is such a good story!!!!! such a great beginning too. awww Kris likes her.