Chapter Five

Trust No one.

Seuk Hye P.O.V

“Did you hear that too? Or was it just me?” I ask looking up at Baekhyun who shrugs. “Who knows I mean you are crazy.” He says and I just frown before slipping out of the bed walking toward his door.

With heart pounding I pull the door open to see nothing. “I’m sure I heard something.” I whisper before taking a few steps outside. A warm hand wrapping around my wrist the other placed lightly on my mouth.

“W-Who are yo—Kai?” I ask and he just places his index finger to his lips with a smile. “Ssh.” I all that comes out of his mouth making me frown more. “Listen I don’t have tim—“ “Ssh!” He cuts me off and i could feel the wrinkles appearing between my eyebrows.

“Don’t do that. You’ll get bad wrinkles.” Kai says lifting a hand poking the small area between my eyebrows making me relax and look at him quizzically. “What are you up to?” I ask and he just smiles slipping my hand into his.

“I thought you might be bored.” He says and I nod and he begins again, “So we’re going to go somewhere. Anywhere, besides I’m sick of this house already.” I nod and look down at my pyjama’s making him nod before pointing to the small watch that sat on his wrist.

I got the point and pick a black pair of tights with a large white jumper and black leather boot. “That’s a good outfit.” Kai says as I walk back into the room we were in earlier.” I just nod and say, “So how do we leave without Baekhyun finding out?”

“The window.” He says and I chuckle. But the expression on his face tells me he’s not kidding. “But I’ll die.” I yelp and he covers my mouth in a hurry. “Be quite” He speaks in a hushed whisper before adding.

“I’ll go down first and then you jump… I’ll catch you.” He says seeming to get my scared expression. “I would never let you fall.” He says my hair before tucking it behind my ear. “Now quickly is the way to go.” He says and I nod as I see him fall, well jump from the second story window.

“Ok. Don’t look down, don’t look down.” “come on” Kai cheers and I just close my eyes and fall. A strong pair of arms wraps around my torso and thighs making me open my eyes to see and happy Kai.

“Told you I would never let you fall.” He says and I nod before wiggling out of his arms. He wraps his hand around mine once more before walking towards my front gate searching around before breaking into a run, dragging me along with him.

“Wait. You didn’t tell anyone did you?” I ask as we continue to run until we finally reach the corner at the edge of the street. “Nope. What fun would that be?” He asked with a small smirk playing at his lips.

“W-What if something happens? What if someone comes?” I ask bitting on my fingernails, a habit I had just broken until all of this. “Don’t do that.” He says pulling my hands away from my mouth.

“And nothing’s going to happen. I promise.” He says and for the first time in a while I felt as if he was telling the truth. As if he was the person I could trust with my life, the person apart from Baekhyun i felt safe with.

Kai P.O.V

“What if something happens? What if someone comes?” She asked before biting on her nail making me fell nervous. “don’t do that” I say pulling her small pale hand away from her luscious pink lips. Every time I touch her it comes with a small spark that runs through my body.

“And nothing’s going to happen. I promise.” Seuk hye seems to relax a little but my mind is screaming at me. To take her back home, to get her to where she will be safe. But my heart says otherwise.

My heart tells me to spend as much time as I can with her. Make her mine, make her be what I’ve always wished for. Make her accept being my cage.

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Chapter 6: Kai is so jealous i swear
Chapter 3: Heheh that's how i act when my mum makes pancakes lol
Chapter 2: I was kinda confused at first but the more i read the more it made sense. Keep up the good work author-nim!