
Trust No one.

My life has been a lie. Everything I was told, every dream I had. They were real. But they seemed more like lost memories. Memories that had been pushed as far back as they could. The small tattoo’s that covered my neck.

Everything had its explanation and now it was coming true. The explanation I have needed for the past eighteen years is now being explained by the one person I had always trusted. By the one person I never thought would keep something like this from me.

“I can’t do this anymore!” He let out the small sigh in despair. “Baek..” I ask taking one step closer making him hold out his palm. “Please just stay there.” He says quietly and so I do as told and wait, but I need an answer.

“Do what?” I ask and he just shakes his head before looking at me with apologetic eyes. He takes two very hesitant steps forward before taking hold of one of my wrists. “Pretend.” Is all he answers with.

That one word made me confused, sad and well angry. I don’t know why and I don’t even know what he’s pretending to do, to be. “W-What do you mean?” I speak pulling my wrist from his grip, his stare lingering in that place before his eyes meet mine.

“Wow” I say. It’s all I can say, all I can manage to spit out. His eyes were darker but still held the same essence of him. They still looked sorry and he turned to face me, the veins appearing more and more as he did.

“”There are things I’m not meant to tell you. About your parent, about you.” He says the wind thrashing against the trees making him look to the sky in anger. “We have to go. Now.” He cuts just as I was about to say something.

“Please, we need to get inside. Then everything can be explained.” He says and I nod, but my legs just don’t seem to function. I feel paralysed as if something is holding me in place and is never going to let go of me.

“Come on.” He says grabbing my hand. Small sparks shooting through my veins as my legs function gaining speed the further we run. We can’t hide from whatever this is. It’s dark and fog like, it’s following us but Baekhyun doesn’t seem to be giving up.

“Key?” He asks holding out a hand in panic as I hand the small gold key to him, he smiles lightly jamming it into the lock. He wriggles it slightly and pulls it out before throwing the door open with a bang.

“Gentle.” I say before he yanks me inside closing the door behind us both, with a sigh of relief. He relaxes as he slides down the door slowly. “That was close.” He chuckles nervously catching my attention.

“What was that?” I ask and he frowns. “Hard the explain. It’s not real just an illus—“ “No with your eyes.” I cut in and he stand back up pulling me to the lounge. “Guys come out.” He calls and the five boys that I had seen before but not in the flesh.

In my dreams.

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Chapter 6: Kai is so jealous i swear
Chapter 3: Heheh that's how i act when my mum makes pancakes lol
Chapter 2: I was kinda confused at first but the more i read the more it made sense. Keep up the good work author-nim!