Chapter Four

Trust No one.

Baekhyun P.O.V

“Just stay for a few minutes longer.” I say and she nods as I snuggle back inside the blanket. She my hair before tracing her finger around my jaw.

“So are you going to tell me the dream or not?” she asks catching me by surprise and I sigh.

“It’s not the nicest but it shouldn’t concern you.” I say with a smile as I open my eyes looking up at her with the kindest eyes I could manage, hoping she wouldn’t press the matter.

“Then why were you screaming my name?” She asks and I sit up knowing I wouldn’t be going back to sleep.

“H-How did you know I was screami—“ “Why do you think I came in? Why would I know if you didn’t scream?” She says and I freeze not knowing how to answer that.

“You scared the hell out of me Baekhyun.” She says and I slid my arms around her shoulders.

“It really wasn’t anything, just a stupid dream. Ok?” I speak but she continues to look at me critically.

“If it’s just a dream then tell me. What happened?” she asks once more, the irritation flowing off her tongue.

“It was the other demons. They found you and were taking you away from me.” I say my eyes not being able to look at her right now.

Seuk Hye P.O.V

“It was the other demons. They found you and were taking you away from me” He says and I panic but remain to keep a straight face.

“Well that is a bad dream isn’t it?” I ask and he nods before holding me tighter.

“Can you promise me something?” His small voice carries through the room. So I nod and the vibrations of him chuckling make me pull away from his chest.

“just don't trust anyone...But me.” He says and I look at him strange before opening my mouth but he gives me no time to say anything as he begins talking once more.

“The others are good guys but they could still hurt you.” He says so I nod. A quick decision that I will probably regret later on. But I do it for him. For the person I have trusted for almost my whole life.

Kai P.O.V


“the others are good guys but they could still hurt you.” Baekhyun’s voice echoed in my ears making me scoff. I knew something was off about him lately.

“We wouldn’t dare hurt her…Well I wouldn’t” I whisper to myself remember the short moment we both had outside.

“Baek why are you so worried, I mean you said nothing would happen right?” Seuk hye’s small voice says next as so I shuffle a bit to the left to get a better view into the room.

Baekhyun just nodded before pecking her forehead making her giggle and slap his chest. She’s his cage. But that can’t be…it shouldn’t be.

“That’s not fair!” I yelp before slapping a hand over my mouth.

“Who’s out there?” Seuk hye asks and the creak of a bed makes me panic and run from the spot I was in before. She can’t be his cage. She just can’t.

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Chapter 6: Kai is so jealous i swear
Chapter 3: Heheh that's how i act when my mum makes pancakes lol
Chapter 2: I was kinda confused at first but the more i read the more it made sense. Keep up the good work author-nim!