
Who...No. What are you?

His eyes were dark brown, but they had some sort of light to them. A kind of glow. I walked further into the forest things seemingly getting darker. “Who are you?” I ask quietly making him smile and put a finger to his lips.

“You’ll find out soon, my dear.” He says and the shrill ring of my alarm pulls me from the dream. Panting with a cold sweat glistening on my skin I pull the covers away from myself, sliding out of my bed placing my feet gently on the cold floor boards.

That’s the fifth time in the last two weeks. The fifth time he’s been in my dream. My heart races at the memory of his warm touch and kind eyes. But he’s not real, he never will be real, because it’s all just a dream.


Throwing my small backpack on the lounge I grab a small piece of fruit from the bowl before sliding my feet into the black converses I’ve worn to school for the past year. I grab my bag slipping my arms through both the straps.

Saying a short goodbye to the empty place I am forced to call home. It echoes making things prove that I really was alone. And probably always will be. But I continue to smile, knowing it usually improves my moods in the morning if I just smile.

The autumn leaves cover the cement pathways as I kick them with my feet making me giggle slightly as if I was in a musical. The iron gates welcome me as I walked through the stranded halls at the place I call school.

It usually nice when I’m early. No one to bother me or annoy me with the loud echoes of gossip and torment. The large sign that has the printed letters reading ‘Library’ puts an even bigger smile on my face.

I sure was due to find a new adventure to go on. A new place to explore through my imagination. So tugging on the thick straps of my bag I practically skip inside the heated room. Scanning the books a small cough catches my attention.

“Miss Lee. Please welcome our new students.” The librarian says and I smile and bow to the four boys. “They are seniors but would you mind showing them around for me?” She asks the raspy voice barely escaping her chapped lips.

“Sure. Do you have any book recommendations?” I ask looking at each boy before smiling at the librarian. “Sorry sweetie but you’ve read them all.” She says and I smile with a disappointed nod.

“Have you read Pride and Prejudice?” The boy asks looking up from the ground. His eyes striking something inside me. Something that recognises him but I just can’t place my finger on it at the moment.

“No but I will, Thank you…uh..” “Lay.” He cuts in and I nod once, a stiff but acknowledging one. “Hye soo” I say extending my hand but he just ignores it before looking back at the ground making me huff and search for the book on the shelves.

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