
What if....(restarting)
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*Kai's POV*

       Ok....so stupid me went and ran away from my own house...  -_-  .....Idiot...Anyway, what am i going to do? Go back and tell my feelings? Just walk around? Go to Sehun's house? Ok scratch the last one. I forgot that they moved somewhere else closer to the school, and he forgot to tell me what the address was... Ok! how about half of plan A & B. Yeah, best answer ever geniuse Kai!

*No one's POV*

       Kai chose to go with plan B first. He walked around the entire neightbourhood. Passing his neightbours that have been together for as long as he can remember, the entire neightbourhood knows him! While walking peacefully throught the neighbourhood, he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder. 

       Turning his head so fast it strained his neck. He looked straight and heard a cough below. A boy with big owl eyes and full lips waved at him, it was Do Kyungsoo. His senior during his time in preschool & elementry. 

        "Hello Kai~! Long time no see huh? Why haven't you visited this part of the neighbourhood anymore? I missed you." Kyungsoo pouted cutely but it didn't work on Kai since he was inlove Minnie. Scratching the back of his neck, thinking of a decent answer. "Well...uh...I've been studying!" Kai half told the truth. He doesn't study if Minnie doesn't have to come on a day on his study schedual.

         Kyungsoo 'hmm' ed to Kai, eyebrows rose with eyes that told him 'Oh really?' Kai gulped, Kyungsoo has this curios sixth sense that made able to solve any lie. Plus, he wanted to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes anyway.

        "Oh really? And i guess that you got full marks for Math?" Kyungsoo peered at Kai with smuggish smile. Kai nodded. "I did!" Kai protected himself. Kyungsoo leaned back on nothing actually. "Well, your eyes are not shifting around so you're telling the truth." Kyungsoo smiled. "S-" But you eyes shifted toward the left just now. What's your half lie?"

        Kai sigh, he could never won with this hyung anyway. He knew alot of him, too much to be honest. "How about we go to the park? I'll tell you everything there." Kyungsoo nodded and held Kai's hand. The smaller tugged Kai's hand to hurry, now whose the hyung actually?

       The two made their way to park, the two always played there when they were younger cause there was a mini playground inside. Kai went to the swing and Kyungsoo just followed. "So?" Kyungsoo asked as he rocked back and forth slowly.

       "So, first i was whining about exams that was at the end of this month...And god just had to tell mom to get a tutor. I thought it was going to be some old guy or y homo guy. But it was actually my hyung's tutor, Kim Minseok (How could Kai tell Kyungsoo about Minnie) So i was kind of happy. So he thought all kinds of things to me and i actually aced th

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.....172....subbies....where do you people even come from? not that i'm complaining but seriously..where?


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Chapter 10: Author-nim, i miss this story :'( please update soon ♥
darkside0326 #2
Chapter 10: thor-nim.. i'll wait for next chap..

it's really good story by the way.. :D
Chapter 10: xiumin ahhhhh~
next chapter author-nim <3<3<3
Chapter 10: Oh...they love each other, that's right minnie Kai is only yours, and yours only....

Update update update....
kimxiuhan #5
Chapter 10: K.M...uu..so misterious!!hahaha!!
it's a great story!!update pwezz~~~
bananaicecream #6
Chapter 10: stupid kai is stupid!! dont you know that minseok fullname is kim minseok therefore the k.m initial?? and he had been crying! T-T stupid kai!!
Chapter 9: LOLOLOLOLOL stupid kai...but really he's so stupid idk why he ran away
bananaicecream #8
Chapter 9: jongin, what r u doing? lol. the way he is battling with his feelings inside is cute ^^