Chapter 5

Secret Garden

Wooyoung who just came back from the hospital, went to his office in where his secretary was waiting for him. As soon as he entered, his secretary rushed up to him and said, “Sajangnim, the other applicants are getting impatient. They told me that if their job interviews don’t start in 5 minutes, they’re going to leave.” The secretary complained.


“Then make them leave.” Wooyoung walked towards his chair and sat down as his secretary stared at him unbelievably. “What’re you still doing here? Didn’t I tell you to make the applicants leave?”


“Ah y-ye, sajangnim.” The secretary bowed and hurried out.


Wooyoung relaxed back on his seat before he spotted a document on top of his table. He took a hold of it and then realized that it was an applicant’s profile and what’s even worse is that it was actually Taeyeon’s. He stared at the 2 by 2 photo of Taeyeon who had a simple smile on her face. Promptly, just right after staring at her picture, Wooyoung searched for her whole name.


“Kim Taeyeon.” He perused. He scanned over her other details and learned that she was born on March 9, 1989, and that he was only 2 years older than her.


Name: 김 태 연

D.O.B: 1989년 03월 09일

Address: XXX XXXX XX, 서울

Phone 1: 010XXXXXXXX

Phone 2: -

Email: -


Not realizing what he was doing, Wooyoung reached over for his phone and saved Taeyeon’s number. And for some reason, he just can’t forget about her and the leg kicks he got from her.




Taeyeon was drinking a homemade tea by halmoni when she heard her phone ring. An unknown caller was calling her. She placed her teacup down and hesitatingly answered the call.


“Yeoboseyo?” Taeyeon answered.


“Did you know that you made me have two huge bruises on my leg?” Taeyeon was sure she had heard this annoying voice before.


“Seolma... Are you that retard who took me to the hospital?!” Taeyeon asked through a half-shout.


“YA!!! Did you just call me a retard?” Wooyoung yelled back.


“How did you get my number, huh?!” Taeyeon asked him. For a second there she thought he was stalking her, but then she remembered... “Ah... My papers...”


“Yes, your papers, you left them in my office, babo.” Wooyoung told her.


“Why did you call?” Taeyeon asked.


“Ya, what’s with the arrogant voice? Shouldn’t you thank me first since I brought you to the hospital?” Wooyoung teased.


“Wae? Did I want you to bring me to the hospital? Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?” She replied.


“Arasseo.” Wooyoung said, “Just pay me the hospital bills and then we’re settled.”


“M-Mwo?!” Taeyeon choked.


“Meet me tomorrow at my office, 10am SHARP.” Wooyoung demanded and he hung up.


“Aish, stupid jerk!” Taeyeon yelled as soon as the call ended. Halmoni looked at her with a shocked face. Taeyeon sheepishly smiled and said, “Mianhae.”



“I’m home~”


“Junsu!” Halmoni walked over to Junsu and gave him an embrace.


Taeyeon stood from her chair and greeted him with a bow. “Annyeonghaseyo~”


“Annyeong, Taeyeon-ssi.” Junsu greeted back when he parted with his grandma.


“Why are you home so early? It’s only 6! Did you eat yet?” Halmoni bombarded him with questions. She was so happy that Junsu went home this early. Normally, he goes home very late at night but today, Junsu could be able to eat dinner with them.


“These last few days I came home very late, right halmoni?” Junsu sat down. “It’s because one of the officers got terribly sick so I decided to take his place for a while, but don’t worry, he’s already come back and the chief officer said I could go home early today and take a break.” He explained and both halmoni and Taeyeon smiled.


“I guess halmoni would be so much happier now that you’ll be able to eat dinner with her again.” Taeyeon said, making Junsu look at her and smile.


“Junsu-ah, could you help me put this on the-” Halmoni was about to ask a favor from Junsu before she realized the two were staring and smiling at each other. She silently smiled outside but in the inside, she was screaming out of happiness. “Ehem.” Halmoni cleared . Both Junsu and Taeyeon blushed.


“Ne, halmoni?” Junsu stood from his chair.


“I was only wondering if you could help me carry this to the table.” Halmoni told him.


“Ah of course!” Junsu grinned shyly and took the bowl of hot soup from halmoni’s hands.


“I’ll help you with the meat, halmoni.” Taeyeon rushed over to halmoni and offered some more help.




Munja washong~ Munja washong~


Taeyeon was awaken by her ringing phone. She yawned and rubbed her eyes as she reached for her phone which was under her pillow.


Don’t forget! 10 AM SHARP AT MY OFFICE! It’s 6 AM so you still have 4 hours to get ready!


-The Man With Two Huge Bruises On His Leg


Taeyeon read the message and she rolled her eyes. She shut her phone off and went back to sleep.




Wooyoung was pacing back and forth inside his huge extravagant house. He smiled to himself thinking that he would see Taeyeon again later. He felt excited and at the same time weirded out. Since when did he ask girls out to meet with him? Since normally, his mother would set up blind dates for him. He threw himself down his white couch and when he looked to his right, he screamed.






update~! :3

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Pleeeasseeeeeee! Update this storyyyy :(( I want to know what will happen next. :((
kiyoong #2
update soon
HAN SUNHWA ! HAN SUNHWA ! I WANT HAN SUNHWA ! Hehehe . Subscribed <3<br />
Taeyeon's really cute by the way . I just love your story !!
Update soon<br />
Awww... Can't wait to see Taeyeon's moments with everyone else that she has not met yet! I really wonder what're leeteuk and yoogeun's characters!!
ppali update it <3<br />
kekeke~~ XDD
ah so both of us didn't get any notifications? isn't that such a funny coincidence? XD<br />
<br />
anyway for the last chapter, it's not TaeYeon right? i don't think she knows WooYoung's place. it might be either SunHwa or JunHo. or a new character? ehe<br />
<br />
can't wait to read the next one ^^
Yes Secret Garden WOOTAE version <3<br />
i just read now XD . its nice to know you're update ;) . this chapter really cute XDD
imnotyourdoll #9
@SHINeeTaeNGoo: kekeke thanks^^<br />
@deedee48: funny how i didn't get any notification that i got story comments. so i'm also glad i checked!! hahaha! XD thank you for reading~!! =D