Chapter 3

Secret Garden

“Is this the best you could do?” As usual, Wooyoung was in a bad mood. He slammed the folder down his desk and the employee jumped in fright.


“I will do better, s-sajangnim.” The employee stuttered.


Wooyoung’s charisma among the staff was like no other. He was a perfectionist. He wanted everything to be perfect just like himself. Of course, he was Jang Wooyoung.


Wooyoung leaned back to his a hundred thousand dollar seat as the employee strode out of his office. He grabbed his ringing phone and looked at the caller.


“Up-to-no-good Junho”


Wooyoung ignored the call and continued on with his “work”. But once again, his phone rang, but this time, it was a text message.


Ya! Answer my call! This is important!


-Handsome Junho


“Handsome Junho?” Wooyoung scoffed as he read the message. “This little...”


His phone rang again. It was another call from his up-to-no-good cousin.


“What do you want?” Wooyoung half-shouted when he answered the call.


“What are you planning to do, huh? What are these papers all about?” Junho shouted from the other line. Though he was yelling, he did not sound angry. In fact, Wooyoung loved how panicked he sounded.


“I’m planning to sue you.” Wooyoung calmly replied.


“WHAT?!” Junho exclaimed but Wooyoung was smart enough to move his phone away from his ear.


“Don’t you remember the contract you signed a few months ago?” Wooyoung asked him as his free hand played with his one thousand dollar pen.


“What contract?” Junho asked and Wooyoung stayed quiet. “Ah! That contract! But I’m too busy preparing for my comeback!”


“A contract is a contract. You have to endorse my company or else you go to jail.” Wooyoung was enjoying every second of this conversation. He loved threatening people, especially his cousin.


“Ah... Arasseo, arasseo! Just tell me the CF filming date.” Junho gave in. He rarely won an argument with Wooyoung. He was always the loser.


“It’s tomorrow.” Wooyoung notified and he was sure he heard Junho give a loud gasp.


“MWORAGO?! Ah jinjja, wae ireoni? I’m scheduled to record my songs tomorrow! Why do you always make things hard for me?” 


“That’s just my nature.” Wooyoung smirked. “I’m hanging up now.”






“Sajangnim, here is my other proposal! I forgot that I made another one just in case you reject the one I gave earli-” The same employee came barging in Wooyoung’s office with another folder in his hands.


“That’s fine. Let me sign it.” Wooyoung told him. He always ended up in a good mood whenever he wins another dispute with Junho.






“Good morning, dear!” The old lady greeted Taeyeon as she tottered towards the little but cozy kitchen.


“Morning, halmoni~” Taeyeon yawned and looked around the house, obviously looking for someone.


“Looking for Junsu?” Halmoni asked while frying some sunny side up eggs.


“Eung~ Where is he?” Taeyeon asked as she watched Halmoni skillfully flip the frying pan.


“He’s already gone off to work. Being a policeman is his long-life dream so he’s really working hard.” Halmoni told Taeyeon but Taeyeon was too amazed at how great she cooks.


“You must be so proud.” She just simply replied.


“Of course I am.” Halmoni looked and smiled at Taeyeon.


“Can I try cooking too?” Taeyeon looked very interested. If Junsu’s long-life dream was to become a police officer, hers was to become a simple wife, a mother of three children, and a woman who cooks for her happy family.


“Sure! Can you make fried rice for me?” Halmoni asked her and Taeyeon enthusiastically nodded. She wanted to impress Halmoni with her to-die-for fried rice. Even her neighbors in Jeonju would fall in line in front of her house, holding their plates and spoons as soon as they smell the aroma of the fried rice Taeyeon was cooking.


“I’m sure you’ll keep on asking me to cook this for you everyday, especially when you start tasting it.” Taeyeon friskly bragged, making halmoni giggle.


“I’ll be looking forward to it~” She played along, patting Taeyeon’s back gently.




“Jjan!” Taeyeon laid down a huge bowl of fried rice down the dining table.


Halmoni leaned over and sniffed the bowl playfully. “Sure smells delicious! I wonder if it tastes delicious too...”


“Aigoo, come on, give me your plate so you could taste it already!” Taeyeon laughed. She had fun playing along with halmoni. She never expected for her to be this entertaining.


Halmoni ate a spoonful of rice and chewed it joyously. Taeyeon kept her eyes on her face, waiting to see the reaction she was hoping for. She had her fingers crossed behind her back and she felt surprisingly nervous as if she was joining a cooking contest.


“Hmm...” Halmoni spoke. “This is...” She wanted to make Taeyeon feel more tensed. “DAEBAK!”


Taeyeon was completely shocked by her word. Halmoni... speaks like that? Taeyeon bursted out in laughter as she hugged halmoni. Halmoni too, was laughing with her as she hugged Taeyeon back. Even though Taeyeon just met halmoni last night, she was so comfortable with her while halmoni made her feel like she was a part of their family.




i seriously think that the taeyeon and halmoni breakfast scene was adorbs XD i am patting myself on the back. okay i'm too over-confident. bleh. hahaha sorry for that. tell me what you think~! ^^ i'm gonna update chapter 4 soon =) keke goodbye!

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Pleeeasseeeeeee! Update this storyyyy :(( I want to know what will happen next. :((
kiyoong #2
update soon
HAN SUNHWA ! HAN SUNHWA ! I WANT HAN SUNHWA ! Hehehe . Subscribed <3<br />
Taeyeon's really cute by the way . I just love your story !!
Update soon<br />
Awww... Can't wait to see Taeyeon's moments with everyone else that she has not met yet! I really wonder what're leeteuk and yoogeun's characters!!
ppali update it <3<br />
kekeke~~ XDD
ah so both of us didn't get any notifications? isn't that such a funny coincidence? XD<br />
<br />
anyway for the last chapter, it's not TaeYeon right? i don't think she knows WooYoung's place. it might be either SunHwa or JunHo. or a new character? ehe<br />
<br />
can't wait to read the next one ^^
Yes Secret Garden WOOTAE version <3<br />
i just read now XD . its nice to know you're update ;) . this chapter really cute XDD
imnotyourdoll #9
@SHINeeTaeNGoo: kekeke thanks^^<br />
@deedee48: funny how i didn't get any notification that i got story comments. so i'm also glad i checked!! hahaha! XD thank you for reading~!! =D