Chapter 4

Secret Garden

Taeyeon tied her hair into a ponytail and she placed her hands inside her pockets as she stared at herself in the mirror.


“Aigoo, where is my Taeyeon going looking so pretty?” Halmoni walked in, wiping the sweat forming on her forehead.


“Omo! Halmoni, why are you all sweaty?” Taeyeon asked, looking concerned. She rushed towards halmoni’s closet and grabbed a small towel. “Here, let me wipe it for you.” She offered but halmoni stopped her.


“Ey~ It’s okay.” Halmoni grabbed the towel from Taeyeon’s hands. “You just go ahead and continue what you were doing.”


“Halmoni’s really so stubborn.” Taeyeon giggled. “I’m just going to go and look for a job. I don’t want to stay here without doing anything. I’m making myself a burden.” Taeyeon rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.


“Don’t say that~ I really like you staying here! You’re a fun kid.” Halmoni complimented.


“But I still need to get a job! Besides, that’s the main reason I came to Seoul.” She explained to her.


“Arasseo. You just take care, okay! And don’t be late for dinner!” Halmoni waved goodbye as Taeyeon headed out for the door.


“Okay! I’ll call you later, halmoni!”




“We’ll call you back.”

“Don’t call us. We’ll call you.”

“Thank you. Just wait for our call.”

“Wait for our call. Next!”

“Get out!”


Taeyeon sighed. In every job interview she applied for, she always got the same answer. She wanted a job, RIGHT NOW. She needed to earn money. She needed a job to earn money. She needed both a job and money.


This was the last job she was going to apply for. It was in a huge department store. It really looked expensive and luxurious. Taeyeon looked around at the huge chandeliers above her. She was amazed at the detailed designs on the walls. She kept walking around until she bumped onto something.


“Can you watch where you’re going?” Taeyeon looked up to see a woman looking down at her with a glare. She was wearing designer clothes and her shoes were filled with small sparkling diamonds. “What is even a person like you doing here? It doesn’t even look like you could afford the cheapest thing on sale in this department store.”


“I’m applying for a job.” Taeyeon replied.


“You’re kidding me.” The woman sneered. “Wooyoung-oppa won’t even dare accept someone like you, so if I were you, which is seriously just impossible, I would leave.”


Taeyeon was getting irritated. How can someone lack so much manners?


“Move.” Taeyeon demanded.


“Why should I?” The woman refused.


“You better move while I’m still asking nicely.” Taeyeon told her but the woman remained in the way. Taeyeon sighed, and she went on, purposely hitting the woman’s shoulder with hers.






“Let the next applicant come in.” Wooyoung spoke through the receiver. And after about three seconds, a woman in a ponytail, hoodie, jeans, and worn-out Converse came in. Wooyoung looked at her in disbelief. Someone like her had the nerves to apply in his department store?


“Mwoyeyo? Are seriously going to apply dressed like that?” Wooyoung examined her from head to toe. “You’re not accepted. You could go out now.”


“Mwo?” Taeyeon asked him. “We haven’t even started the interview yet-”


“I don’t want to start it. I already made my decision. You’re not accepted and you can leave.” Wooyoung was about to speak through the receiver again before Taeyeon spoke up.


“Are all of you rich people like this?” Taeyeon said. “You think you’re all great and you step on people with lower status as if we’re just nothing.”


Wooyoung clasped his hands together and rested his chin on top of them as Taeyeon continued.


“You do know that if we didn’t exist, you wouldn’t even be called ‘rich’ or whatsoever.” Taeyeon glared at him while he remained silent.


“Are you finished with your lecture?” Wooyoung asked.


“You’re an .” Taeyeon told him and Wooyoung’s eyes widened. He stood from his chair and walked towards her.


“Ya!!! How dare you call me something like that?!”


Taeyeon continued to glare at him and she gave his right leg a hard kick.


“AH!” Wooyoung wobbled in his place. “YA!!!”


“Weakling.” Taeyeon placed her hood on, inserted her hands inside her pockets and strutted out of Wooyoung’s office.




“That was fast. I’m guessing you weren’t accepted.” The same woman was waiting for Taeyeon just outside the office door.


“Yes, you’re right.” Taeyeon answered and continued walking off.


The woman then ran and blocked her path.


“What else do you want from me?” Taeyeon asked impatiently.


“I just wanted to teach you a lesson. You should be thankful that there are such people like me. There’s this thing called superiority, right?” The woman continued, “When high status people give low status people like you counseling, you should listen to them and sink all advice they give to you in your head. But well, you’re a stubborn girl and you did not listen to me when I said you should just leave.”


“I don’t need any of your pathetic advice.” Taeyeon carried on.


“There you go again, being so pigheaded.” The woman scorned, “Haven’t your parents teach you manners?”


Taeyeon stopped in her tracks and faced back. “It’s really surprising that you actually know the word ‘manners’ in spite the fact that you don’t have it.”




“Ah do I have to repeat it again? Are you deaf?” Taeyeon turned and walked with a contemptuous smile.


The woman chased after Taeyeon and went to grab her hair. Everyone in the store was looking at them. Taeyeon tried releasing herself from the woman’s grip but the woman continued on making a scene.


Seconds later, two security guards approached them and tried stopping the fight. The woman was unstoppable as she gave the guards hard smacks for them to go away. The woman continued with the brawl causing them to stumble towards a huge shelf of designer shoes. The watching crowd became bigger and the CEO was called to stop the commotion.


“Han Sunhwa!” Wooyoung stood in front of the two ladies. Both of them freezed, both with widened eyes.


The woman named Sunhwa immediately let go of Taeyeon and straightened out her dress.


“Send this girl out from here! She’s such an embarrassment!” Sunhwa pointed at Taeyeon who was taking in heavy breaths.


Wooyoung looked over at Taeyeon and she immediately looked away, trying to avoid his gaze.


“Sunhwa-ssi, don’t you need to be preparing for Oska’s CF tomorrow?” Wooyoung looked back at Sunhwa who was startled by his question.


“Mwo? Ah n-ne.” She replied.


“Well? Why don’t you go back to your studio and do some actual work?” He told her and Sunhwa glared at Taeyeon for the last time before she left. “Everyone get back to work! The drama’s over.” Wooyoung commanded, and in a flash second, all the employees and even the customers were back in their own businesses. Wooyoung turned to look back at where Taeyeon was standing, but she was gone. He looked around and tried spotting her, and there she was, holding her left shoulder tightly as if she was trying to stop something from falling. He rushed over to her and grabbed the hand that covered her shoulder. He saw that a part of her clothing was ripped, and red thick liquid gushed out from it. She was cut and she was bleeding.


“Did she do this to you?” Wooyoung asked but Taeyeon whisked his hand away.


“None of your business.” Taeyeon held on to her bleeding wound as she walked out but the same man pulled her back.


“I’ll take you to the hospital.” Wooyoung told her.


“I told you, it’s none of your business-” Taeyeon was taken aback when Wooyoung lifted her off her feet and carried her towards his convertible car.




As soon as they reached the hospital, Taeyeon got out of the car and walked, not towards the hospital but towards the streets. Wooyoung then rushed out his car and pulled her back.


“Leave me alone!” Taeyeon resisted.


“Don’t make me carry you again.” Wooyoung menaced but it just made Taeyeon laugh.


“Wae? Because you’re a weakling?” Taeyeon mocked and kicked his right leg once again.


“YA!!! I’m already being a good person here!” He cried but Taeyeon continued walking away. “Aish.” Wooyoung ran after her and he carried her over his shoulder.


“YA!!! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!” Taeyeon yelled and punched Wooyoung’s back continuously.




Taeyeon was peacefully sleeping down the hospital bed. She was in her plain white camisole as the nurses took off her stained hoodie and hung it on the bed railings. Her wound was treated and the doctor stated that it should be well in a week. Wooyoung sat down and stared at her sleeping face.


“You’re way better when you’re asleep, you know that?” He told her though she was sleeping. He then noticed something light up inside her hoodie’s pocket. He grabbed it and realized that it was her phone. Someone was calling her.




Wooyoung decided to answer the call and so that he could inform whoever this Halmoni was on what happened to Taeyeon.


“Yeoboseyo?” Wooyoung answered.


“Eh? Is this not Taeyeon’s phone?”


“So Taeyeon is her name.”


“Huh? Ah yes! This is her phone.” Wooyoung replied.


“What? Then who is this answering it?” Halmoni asked him.


“Ah... Taeyeon is in the hospital. She got a wound on her shoulder and I took her to the hospital.” He explained carefully, not wanting the person to worry.


“Waeyo? What happened to my Taeyeon?” The voice sounded concerned and uneasy.


“Don’t worry, halmoni. Taeyeon is fine now.” He assured her.


“Can I talk to her then?” Halmoni said.


“I would love to give her the phone, but then she’s sleeping.” He responded back.


“Ah... When she wakes up, just tell her I called, okay?” Halmoni asked of him.


“Ah ne, halmoni.” Wooyoung affirmed.


“By the way, what’s your name?” Halmoni asked before she almost hung up.


“Wooyoung. Jang Wooyoung.” He informed her.


“Okay, thank you, Jang Wooyoung-ssi. Please take care of my Taeyeon~” Halmoni requested before she said goodbye.


Wooyoung sat back down his chair and continued to stare at Taeyeon’s face. Her eyes were slowly opening and she was finally waking up. Taeyeon looked to her right only to see that weakling’s face again. She gave a loud snort before she stood and grabbed her hoodie.


“Ya, Taeyeon-ah, your grandma called.” Wooyoung caught her attention. Did he just call her ‘Taeyeon-ah’?


She glared at him before she seized her phone back from him. She walked off but Wooyoung followed.


“Ride my car.” He insisted as he blocked her path.


“I’m taking a taxi.” She replied coldly.


“Do you have money?” He asked.


Taeyeon ignored the question and pushed him away. Wooyoung ran back and went in front of her again. Taeyeon glowered at him as he took out a black wallet from his pocket and handed out a 10000-won bill.


“Here.” He said as he held out the bill. “Don’t think of this in the wrong way. I’m just doing this because I don’t want my department store to have a reputation of-”


But Taeyeon, again, whisked his hand away. She then waved her hand in the air as she called for a taxi. Luckily, one immediately stopped for her and she got in. Wooyoung gave up and stayed there and watched her leave inside the taxi cab.


As soon as the taxi cab Taeyeon was riding was out of Wooyoung’s sight, she immediately dug inside her pocket in search of money to pay the taxi driver. And then she remembered, she DID have money.



“Jamkkanman! Taeyeon-ah!” Halmoni ran after her before she had completely left.


“Ne!” Taeyeon answered back.


Halmoni was rummaging along her small coin purse. She then got out 2 bills of 5000-won.


“This is all that I have right now, but I hope it helps.” Halmoni stated as she handed out the money.


“Aniyo, it’s okay. You could keep them.” Taeyeon politely pushed halmoni’s hand back to her.


“Ey~ Come on, just take it. You’ll never know when you’ll need it.”



“Halmoni, you’re a lifesaver.” Taeyeon smiled to herself.




first meeting of taetae and our CEO! <3 Sorry for any mistakes!! >.< I'm so sleepy I'll just edit the mistakes tomorrow. as for now, i'm gonna sleep~! annyeong! ^^ don't forget to comment and subscribe~ kekeke

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Pleeeasseeeeeee! Update this storyyyy :(( I want to know what will happen next. :((
kiyoong #2
update soon
HAN SUNHWA ! HAN SUNHWA ! I WANT HAN SUNHWA ! Hehehe . Subscribed <3<br />
Taeyeon's really cute by the way . I just love your story !!
Update soon<br />
Awww... Can't wait to see Taeyeon's moments with everyone else that she has not met yet! I really wonder what're leeteuk and yoogeun's characters!!
ppali update it <3<br />
kekeke~~ XDD
ah so both of us didn't get any notifications? isn't that such a funny coincidence? XD<br />
<br />
anyway for the last chapter, it's not TaeYeon right? i don't think she knows WooYoung's place. it might be either SunHwa or JunHo. or a new character? ehe<br />
<br />
can't wait to read the next one ^^
Yes Secret Garden WOOTAE version <3<br />
i just read now XD . its nice to know you're update ;) . this chapter really cute XDD
imnotyourdoll #9
@SHINeeTaeNGoo: kekeke thanks^^<br />
@deedee48: funny how i didn't get any notification that i got story comments. so i'm also glad i checked!! hahaha! XD thank you for reading~!! =D