Chapter 2

Secret Garden

He was casually walking down the road, looking for his next victim. He took huge, silent, steps and he swaggered down the dark street where he finally spotted a small, thin figure just below the light post. He snuck and hid himself until he got into the right position and timing...


“YA!!!” Taeyeon shrieked and tried chasing after the man who just stole her bag. Their distance from each other was probably a meter away and Taeyeon was already gasping for air, as well as blaming her short legs for running so slow.


Just at that same moment, bright lights came from behind. Taeyeon looked closer and noticed it was a car - a police car. Her face lightened and she stood in front of the car, waving both her arms in the air as she shouted, “Officer! Help me! Please help me!”


A man in a police uniform came out of the car and looked confused. “Excuse me, miss, what’re you doing?”


“Help me! A man- A man stole my bag! Please hurry, officer!” She pleaded and tugged onto the officer’s shirt.


Another man came out of the car, one that looked a bit shorter and less attractive and he looked at Taeyeon suspiciously. “She’s just probably another crazy, lost girl. Let’s just go.” He muttered to his fellow officer, but Taeyeon heard every word clearly.


“AH I’M REALLY GOING TO GO CRAZY IF YOU WON’T HELP ME!!! AH BBALI!!!” Taeyeon yelled, stomping her small feet onto the ground.


“Just leave her-”


“Ani, I think she’s telling the truth. Come on, let’s help her.” The taller man stated and motioned everyone to get in the car to start the search.


Taeyeon immediately ran back to the light post, grabbed her luggages, and rode the car with the two police officers.


“Can you tell me the direction of where the man went?” The taller man who held the wheel, asked Taeyeon.


“Just go straight ahead. I think if you drive a bit faster, we would be able to catch him.” Taeyeon told him seemingly.


They drove and drove, looking from left to right to spot the thief who stole Taeyeon’s bag. Taeyeon held onto her seat and kept muttering things under her breath. The younger man looked at her through the front mirror and found her rather cute. He smiled and kept his eyes on her until-


“THERE HE IS!” Taeyeon shouted and pointed at a tall man walking on the sidewalk, holding a women’s bag.


The officer hit the brakes and immediately got out the car with his gun tightly gripped by his hands. The shorter officer got out of the car as well, but only a few seconds later.


“FREEZE!” The officers pointed their guns and the thief stayed where he stood, dropping the bag he was holding as well as throwing his hands in the air.


Taeyeon then ran out the car and attacked the man giving him slightly hard smacks on his back until the two officers stopped her.


“Wait a minute...” Taeyeon wondered and looked the unfamiliar bag in front of her, “This isn’t it... We got the wrong man!”


“Obviously!” The man stood, brushed off his sleeves, straightened his shirt, and grabbed his bag back from Taeyeon. “And by the way, I’m not a man. Hmph!” The man arrogantly turned his back on the three and continued to walk away.


“Told you she’s crazy.” The shorter officer whispered.


“Ah otteokhae? All my money’s in that bag.” Taeyeon whimpered before she remembered, “My phone!” She stared at her hands, “My phone is still with me! Oh thank God! My phone!”


“Come on, let’s go.” The shorter officer whispered once more, tugging onto the taller man’s shirt.


“Jamkkan, let’s not leave her here, it’s dangerous.” The taller man told him.


“Ya, Xiah Junsu, what’re you planning to do to her, huh?” The other officer curiously asked.


“Mwo? Ya, Lee Onew, it’s not what you think. I’m taking her to Halmoni.” Junsu told Onew, smacking his head slightly.


“Arasseo, arasseo. No need for smacking.” Onew replied, rubbing the spot Junsu had hit.


“Jeogiyo,” Junsu turn around, only to see the girl walking away while pulling her purple and blue luggages. He ran after her, seizing both her luggages from her hands and said, “Come on, I know you don’t have any place to stay in, so follow me.”


Taeyeon who stared at him blankly for a mere second, eventually followed.




Taeyeon stood in front of a small house as Junsu politely carried her luggages for her. It was rather old-looking and there was a small room on the house’s roof.


“Ya, Junsu, I’ll go ahead now.” Onew who stood near the car, bid farewell and drove off.


“This is where you could stay for a while.” Junsu informed Taeyeon, as soon as he finished bringing all her stuff down the car. “I think you’re uncomfortable staying with men, so I’m leaving you with my grandma. She’s inside, but she’ll probably come out any minute now.”


Taeyeon just nodded.


“If ever you’re wondering, I’m living in that room over there.” Junsu pointed at the small room on top of the house. “It’s not much, but it’s still home.”


“Junsu?” A gentle voice spoke. It was Junsu’s grandma and she walked out carefully out of the house. She was an inch shorter than Taeyeon and her facial features were similar with Junsu’s.


“Halmoni!” Junsu walked over to the old lady and gave her a hug. “I’m sorry for waking you up, but it’s just that this girl has nowhere to stay in and it’s just dangerous to leave her out in the streets.” He told her as they broke the embrace.


Taeyeon smiled as she saw the old lady approach her. She had a warm smile on her face and Taeyeon felt comfortable. “Aigoo, are you my Junsu’s girlfriend? You’re really pretty!” She told her as she gently patted Taeyeon’s head.


“Halmoni, hajima~” Junsu blushed making Taeyeon giggle.


“Aniyo, I just met him today. He’s a really kind man. You’re very lucky to have him, halmoni.” Taeyeon shyly smiled.


“Ah it’s cold, don’t you think? Why don’t we all go inside now?” Junsu suggested, trying to change the topic before his grandma suggests they get married.


Taeyeon assisted the old lady as they walked inside while Junsu went to get Taeyeon’s two luggages.




“Halmoni, I’ll be going upstairs now. Sleep well, okay?” Junsu kissed his grandma on her forehead before he climbed the stairs going to his house.


“Sleep well too, Junsu!” Halmoni shouted cheerfully, waving her arm at him. She then turned to look at Taeyeon who just finished dressing up into her sleeping clothes. “You could sleep on this foldable mattress, dear. I’ll just lay out a thick blanket for me to sleep on.” She smiled at her.


“Aniyo! You sleep on the mattress, halmoni. I’m fine sleeping on the floor.” She grinned sheepishly, but the old lady still insisted.


“Ey~ You’ll get sick! The floor is freezing cold! You sleep on the mattress, go on.” The old lady persuaded.


“Aigoo, halmoni, you must sleep on the mattress. I’m really just fine sleeping on the floor, promise!” Taeyeon assured the old lady.


“What’s the noise all about? I can’t sleep!” Junsu spoke as he went back down the stairs.




“Junsu.” Junsu continued.


“Yes, Junsu, your grandma insists on me sleeping on the mattress, but she’ll get sick if she sleeps on the floor!” Taeyeon explained as Junsu rubbed his eyes.


“Aigoo, I have another mattress upstairs. Halmoni, you sleep now. And you-”


“Taeyeon.” Taeyeon continued.


“Taeyeon, you wait here first. I’ll just get the extra mattress upstairs.”


Taeyeon nodded as Junsu went back upstairs.


“Halmoni, you sleep now, it’s really late.” Taeyeon told the old lady as she assisted her down the mattress. “Good night!” Taeyeon smiled and covered the lady with a thick blanket.


“Here you go.” Junsu came down carrying the extra mattress from his room. He laid it down for Taeyeon and he handed her an extra blanket and a pillow.


“Komawo.” Taeyeon bowed her head.


“Is she asleep?” Junsu asked and looked over at his grandma.


Garnering no response, Taeyeon replied, “I think so.”


“Okay, I’ll leave you now.” Junsu told her and he walked back to his room.


“Night!” Taeyeon told him and Junsu turned back with a charming smile.






chapter two! XD introducing... XIAH JUNSU and ONEW! and of course Halmoni. XD i'm sorry if this chapter's boring. i'm still in the 'introduction of characters' part. hahahahahahaha anyways, subscribe and comment!! =)

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Pleeeasseeeeeee! Update this storyyyy :(( I want to know what will happen next. :((
kiyoong #2
update soon
HAN SUNHWA ! HAN SUNHWA ! I WANT HAN SUNHWA ! Hehehe . Subscribed <3<br />
Taeyeon's really cute by the way . I just love your story !!
Update soon<br />
Awww... Can't wait to see Taeyeon's moments with everyone else that she has not met yet! I really wonder what're leeteuk and yoogeun's characters!!
ppali update it <3<br />
kekeke~~ XDD
ah so both of us didn't get any notifications? isn't that such a funny coincidence? XD<br />
<br />
anyway for the last chapter, it's not TaeYeon right? i don't think she knows WooYoung's place. it might be either SunHwa or JunHo. or a new character? ehe<br />
<br />
can't wait to read the next one ^^
Yes Secret Garden WOOTAE version <3<br />
i just read now XD . its nice to know you're update ;) . this chapter really cute XDD
imnotyourdoll #9
@SHINeeTaeNGoo: kekeke thanks^^<br />
@deedee48: funny how i didn't get any notification that i got story comments. so i'm also glad i checked!! hahaha! XD thank you for reading~!! =D