Two Souls





Hello, Eun Mi,” Sehun was the first one to speak up since me and Eun Mi were too busy trying to kill each other by only glaring.

“Hello Sehun~,” Eun Mi sent Sehun a bright smile, her perfect white teeth slightly showing behind her pink lips.

“…Nabi,” then she turned towards me, her smile in the past, as she gave me a cold stare (maybe colder than Sehun’s, if that’s even possible).

“Hello Eun Mi~,” I said enthusiastically and gave her a sarcastic smile. “How’s your life?”

“Pretty good,” she turned her head towards Sehun as if he asked her. However, he didn't even spare her a glance as he was looking through the menu undisturbed. "Sehun-ah, I can't believe you would go out with a lowlife like this slug here."

"Our Sehunnie is actually the fiancé of 'this slug' ," I said with the most tone I could master.

"Wh-what did you say?!" her gaze finally turned towards me and her hands were clearly shaking, her face turning pale. Ah~, it's so good to have the final word, especially with your enemy.

“I heard that your father made you work to earn your own money. What happened? Spent all the money daddy gave you on ugly rags- oops, sorry, I meant clothes?” I didn't want to explain the whole engagement thing since it wasn't her business. Besides, if I remember correctly, she said she would never use her pretty hands for working for peasants.  It's a pleasant surprise to see her here.

She hadn’t changed at all. The same brown curls, flawless skin, the same eyes and arrogant attitude. I couldn’t even remember why I became friend with her in the first place.

“No, you heard wrong. I was the one who wanted to help the society and decided to work,” she said, looking directly at me, as if she was a queen. Even the way she was standing was showing it.

“By ‘help the society’ I personally understand doing a volunteering work. Does working as a waitress and being paid count?” to piss her I decided to turn my voice into a y one.

And I guess I succeeded because she started getting red from embarrassment. Or anger. Or maybe the both.

"So what? At least I do something. Unlike you, who sits on her and depend on daddy's money! I make my own!" she's clearly pissed off...

"I'm not depending on my dad's money. I work as well."

Aaaaand now I'm pissed off, too.

“Ladies, I’m here to eat breakfast. Nabi, I think you came here for this as well. Eun Mi, can we order?” this whole time, Sehun was looking at the menu and basically ignored our small war.

I can blame Sehun for this between the two of us. If it wasn’t for him now we could possibly still be friends.

“Yes, of course. What would you like Sehun-ah?” Eun Mi asked, getting ready to write down his order.

“I want toasts. Nabi, you?” Sehun asked looking at me.

“Eggs and bacon.”

“You’ll get fat,” I heard Eun Mi whispered and Sehun lightly chuckled at her words.

"So what? It's better to have some fat in you than being like skeleton and hearing your bones rattling while you walk," I said, looking at her from head to toe.

“Your orders will be ready soon,” Eun Mi said through gritted teeth before she left. Not before sending Sehun a seductive smile.




"Do I want to know what happened between you two?" Sehun asked. I gave him the 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

"Is our prince here so preoccupied with his royal duties that he forgot he is the reason for this?"

"Uhhh... oh~ you mean that time when I asked you to be my girlfriend only to ditch you later for her? You're still mad for that?!"

My jaw dropped.

"Am I still mad for that?! Why the do you think I hate you in the guts?!" I kind of screamed in a high-pitched tone. "Although, I have to thank you for that but only because that ruined my 'friendship' with that ," as I said that, I saw her coming with our order. "Speaking of the devil..."

"Here you go, Sehun-ah. Have a nice breakfast," she said to him in her sweetest tone before she turned to me, "I hope you choke on yours, slug."

Humpf, time for public embarrassment. When she turned her back on us, I grabbed a couple of hairs from m head and put them over the eggs. Sehun snickered behind his hand.

"Uh-um, excuse me," I said loudly so the customers around me could hear me clearly, "what is this kind of service? Are giving hair along with the food as a bonus to the order?" when she turned around, I saw her face getting red till the roots of her hair. Aren't I a devil? She came to our table with her head hung low.

"I-I'm sorry for this accident. It won't happen again, I promise," she said loudly but her next words were directed only for me, "You'll pay for this, slug."

Then she took my plate and went to the kitchen.

"Wow, remind me next time not to mess with you in public places," Sehun said after he stopped laughing like a donkey.

"I will. Don't worry," I said while eating the new plate of eggs and bacon that Eun Mi brought, "So, after this where are we going?".

"Hmmm, I was thinking of getting a walk in the park, to burn the calories that we just ate. We don't want you getting fat, do we?" he said rising his eyebrow and smirk blooming on his face.

"It's okay with me, but not because of the part of me getting fat! And besides, the rain is stopping," I said, pointing to the window.

After that we kept eating silently. Being in the company of His Majesty Sehun after so many years is not so bad. He's not talking very much, much to my surprise, and he's minding his own business. I wonder if we hadn't broken up like this, how would have the things between us been. Would we have been friends? Or just two peoples from he same school that used to date? I exclude the possibility of still dating. Don't ask me why. I just feel it like that.

While I was sunk in my world I didn't notice how I left my leg a little bit stretched out. At that time Eun Mi was passing by with a tray with soups and drinks and she tripped over my leg and the next thing that was heard was her scream. When I looked, everything from the tray was spilled on her. I swiftly hid my leg under the table and I pretended I didn't know what happened.

I guess, she as well, hadn't understood what happened. And once again her face flashed in red like a Christmas tree. I noticed that Sehun was looking at me with a judging look.

After that incident nothing interesting happened. We finished our breakfast in silence. Sehun paid for the meal and we exited the small restaurant.

"Tripping her wasn't in my plan but it still was funny. Today's morning was amazing!" I stretched out my arms while we were walking down the street.

"It wasn't necessary to trip her. I don't remember you being so mean."

After I heard Sehun saying that I stopped walking. When he noticed, he halted as well.

"Yes, I was never mean. But after being with you I changed. And you have no right to tell me that I am mean when you are worse than me."



So, what do you think about the story so far?


I'm sorry for my slow updates but most of the time I don't have insparation for writing and run out of ideas really fast...  yeah...


And I want to thank my chingu teji97 for all the editing /of all my stories/ that she's doing <3

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See you in my next update  =^-^=



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GUCCIPandaLover #1
Chapter 5: omg why cliffhanger T_T
GUCCIPandaLover #3
Chapter 5: NEW READER HERE! Please update fast!
Winterberry04 #4
Chapter 4: Update soon
Chapter 3: Oh c'mon we all know you liked the kiss XDDDD looking forward srhun to come home already haha
ruzaidi #6
Chapter 3: i really like your writing style..its kind of attract me to read more.. looking forward for the next chapter♥♥♥ ( sorry for my broken eng..hihi)
loel19 #7
Chapter 3: Idk why but I love this fic <3