Time To Move!


“Bye-bye!” Taemin yelled to everyone as he and Minho left the studio. Minho waved goodbye, then they walked across the street to Minho’s car. It was 11 and time to move!

“Wah~ Your car is so cool!” Minho smiled, and when they got inside Taemin made a big show, touching this, and asking about that. Minho happily answerd every question.

By the time they reached Taemin’s house they we both singing along to ‘Bonomana’ by Super Junior, really loudly and stoped when they saw Onew and his wife were outside leaning on their truck filled with Taemin’s things. Taemin got out of the car when Minho was done parking and ran to Onew and his wife.

“Luna! How’s Khuntoria?” Taemin and Luna laughed, her older sister and her boyfriend had just went to visit his family in Thailand and got back today. Luna gave Taemin a hug and then leanded back on Onew, who wrapped an arm around her.

“Fine, but I think you should introduce us to your roommate before we talk.” Taemin blushed,

“Right, sorry I just missed you! Minho-hyung! Come here for a second!” Minho smiled and walked over. He had just got done calling Key and Jonghyun, and telling them to go to his house. (Key being Key had made his own key(The overprotective umma in him))

Minho stood in front of Onew and Luna. Onew’s frowny face, was set straight when Luna burst in, yelling,

“Minho! It’s so nice to meet you, I hope Taemin won’t give you any trouble, please take care of him!” She bowed and Minho bowed back.

“Thank you, umm, I’ll try to be the best hyung, and take care of him well?” Taemin giggled when Onew grumbled, ”Best hyung…..whatever, I’m the best hyung.” Of course Minho didn’t hear, but turned to him instead and bowed.

“Nice to meet you, Taemin really likes talking about how great you are. I hope we can become friends.”

Onew’s frown broke, everybody was looking at him, and the boy in front of him seemed nice enough, he could try to be nice, until he saw anything. He smiled his legendary smile.

“Nice to meet you too, but can I talk to you over here for a second?”

“Sure.” They walked to the front of the truck where they couldn’t be seen.

Onew stuck out his hand and Minho gladly took it, but then Onew squeezed.

“If you ever do anything to hurt him, I will not hesitate to cut you. Taemin is really nice, and friendly, and he knows nothing. At all, he’s really naïve, and I know you like him, it’s really obvious,” Now his voice was friendlier as he took on a tone of pity, “And he’s a really big tease. Even if he doesn’t know it, so do anything to him and I’ll kill you….understand?” Minho’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and nodded, Onew smiled.

“Great! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s be friends.” Minho nervously smiled.

“Umm, yeah, okay, but I don’t like him. I mean, it’s not that- he’s really cute but- I mean-” Onew laughed,” Yes you do, even if you don’t think so….but oh well, you realize it soon.”

Minho just stood there as Onew walked forward and clapped, “Now let’s get some chicken and get ready to roll!” Taemin and Luna hugged then Luna and Onew got into the truck. Taemin ran over, “Come on Minho, let’s go! It’s gonna be so much fun, Onew’s gonna meet us there.”

Minho shook his head and walked to the driver’s seat, they drove away, Taemin singing to the radio and Minho thinking. ‘, what have I done…I’m in love with a boy.’


Gah! I’m so sorry about this chapter! I don’t know what to do anymore, should I leave out all my weird details? Hmm, should I make this long or short and sweet? COMMENT PLZ! I love reading them!

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2min88 #1
Update soon~
MelodyLov #2
Aww thank you everybody! I promise to cure my writers block with lots of SHINee youtube clips and daily injections of their music xD But in the mean time I'll make up for it with my other story hopefully~
Please please please continue with the story also I can't wait to read your other story!!!! I am sorry you have writers block sometimes it helps to listen to music or at least it does me.
:OOOOOO NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT YOUR STORY?!?! post a link to your new story please! Your writing is adorable~<br />
<br />
And I hope the writers block diiiiiiiiiiies soon XD.
Save the story and continue writing no matter what!!! I hope you get rid of that horrible disease (writers block) soon!!!!<br />
OHMAGAD! this is tooooo cute ^-^<br />
i love fluff :DDD
OMG FLUFF! *sits* First fluff, then ... >:) I'm an evil person...