Today's The Day! Pt. 1



*AND TODAY THE WEATHER WILL BE A WARM Comfortable 68 degrees! And here's 2NE1 with I Don't Care!*

Minho groaned as his alarm blared in his ears, he turned it down and got up from the floor. Shoving Jonghyun and Key with his foot as he passed and headed to the kitchen to eat a sandwich. He yelled,

"Go home and get dressed! I'll call you later!" Key wined,

"Ahh~ And after I cooked you dinner last night, ungrateful jerk, what if I wanted to meet Taemin too, he seems like a cutie!" Jonghyun laughed and gave Key a hug, saying

"Jagiya, let him get ready, anyway we wouldn't want him miss his date!" Key snickered and gave Jonghyun a peck on the lips as Minho blushed and slammed the door to the bathroom, yelling "Leave!" again. They got up off the living room floor and got on their shoes yelling a quick bye.

"Bye!" Minho yelled back, waiting for the door to close, before opening the bathroom door and going to his room to get his clothes for the day.



Minho left the bathroom after he took his shower, got dressed, and grabbed his stuff from the dining room table. Patting his pockets before he left he smiled and opened the door.


Taemin shuffled his feet to the song playing from the ice cream shop speakers, humming along. He was happy, his hyung had seemed okay when he told him about Minho and today he would be spending most of the day with Minho, too. He really wanted to get to know him better, and he bet they would get along great.

He looked up as somebody said his name, it was Minho! Taemin smiled and waved to him, making Minho smile in return.

Minho looked both ways before jogging across the street from the park aned stopping in front of Taemin.

They smiled at each other before Taemin looked down at his watch,

“Hi! Let’s get some ice cream before we go next door, is that okay?” Minho nodded his smile now faint, but still there, he was happy. And didn't even know why. ‘God, get ahold of yourself!’


They walked into the shop and waited in line. When they got to the cashier Minho looked over and asked, “What kind?” Taemin pouted and went on his tippy toes to see the other flavors, he grinned.

“May I please get a small one scoop Strawberry N’ Berries Delight?”

Minho smiled,'Of course a cute, innocent flavor for him....but what for me?'

The cashier nodded and smiled then she looked at Minho,

“And you?”

“Um, can I get a small one scoop Chocolate Drizzle?” He said in a questioning tone, she nodded and they paid. Leaving the shop with their ice cream and going next door.


The sign read, Jo Kwon's Dance. Taemin walked in and took off his shoes, stepping onto the matted floor, Minho looked down and took his off to, he jumped when Taemin yelled,

“Yah! Hyung I’m here!” He looked at the little boy, how could someone so small and…cute, sound so powerful and loud. He wondered what he looked like dancing.


“Ahhh~ Tae!  Dongya’s teasing me again! And Jeong won’t help me!” A lengthy boy, probably a bit older than Minho, came running out of the hall way in front of them, and leaped to Taemin, giving him a hug. Minho laughed at the older boy, who looked at him and gasped he straightened up, blushing and then it was Taemin's turn to laugh.

“Minho-hyung, this is Jo Kwon. Kwon this is Minho-hyung my new roommate!” Jo Kwon bowed and Minho bowed back they shook hands.

“Hi! How old are you?” Jo Kwon asked Minho

“I’m 18, how old are you?” Minho asked, even more interested in Taemin, what kind of people does he hang out with?

“I’m 22, nice to meet you.” Minho smiled and jumped again when there was a loud crash in the background. Jo Kwon cursed and yelled.

"Yah! What are you guys doing back there?" He crossed his arms and sighed. Minho chuckled, 'He and Key have to meet', and Taemin grabbed his hand,

"Let's go, I want you to meet everyone." He blushed and let the younger boy pull him to the studio. Jo Kwon smirked, he had a feeling something was going to happen, and followed.


What do you think? Do you like it? Is my writing lacking? xD Do you listen to the playlist? If you answer I'll give you my fav lollipop~ <3

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2min88 #1
Update soon~
MelodyLov #2
Aww thank you everybody! I promise to cure my writers block with lots of SHINee youtube clips and daily injections of their music xD But in the mean time I'll make up for it with my other story hopefully~
Please please please continue with the story also I can't wait to read your other story!!!! I am sorry you have writers block sometimes it helps to listen to music or at least it does me.
:OOOOOO NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT YOUR STORY?!?! post a link to your new story please! Your writing is adorable~<br />
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And I hope the writers block diiiiiiiiiiies soon XD.
Save the story and continue writing no matter what!!! I hope you get rid of that horrible disease (writers block) soon!!!!<br />
OHMAGAD! this is tooooo cute ^-^<br />
i love fluff :DDD
OMG FLUFF! *sits* First fluff, then ... >:) I'm an evil person...