100% I Hate You

My Class President's Not This y?!

[The Next Week]

[After School in an Aracade]

Youngjae squealed, his eyes wide with excitement as he watched Daehyun furrow his brows in concentration, ily biting his lip as he did so. The class president moved his controls ever-so-slightly, skillfully manuevering the claw to where it needed to be to make the precise drop that would make both of the two boys winners.

"Daehyun, you can do it! If you don't do it, I'll kill you!" Youngjae squealed happily, his eyes trained on the cute sushi doll in the machine with a smiling face. Daehyun smirked. 

"Wow, kill me? Are you questioning my ability?" 

Youngjae giggled, smirking at the other boy.


Daehyun grinned, his eyes were lit up by the lights inside the game, illuminating his handsome face.

"I'll teach you to not doubt my skills then." 

Youngjae giggled. "Oh shut the  up, cocky bastard."

Daehyun laughed, his eyes going back to the game.

"Right back at you, whiny ."

Youngjae rolled his eyes. "Wow, Prez, just when I thought you were cool-"

The soft clatter of the sushi plushie in the machine cut him off. Youngjae's mouth dropped open as Daehyun bent down to retrieve the prize. He straightened up and dangled the sushi in his hands. 

"Am I cool now?"

Youngjae pouted, unwilling to conceed defeat. 

"What was that, Youngjae?" Daehyun raised his eyebrow as he leaned in closer. Youngjae growled and mumbled.


Daehyun grinned and kissed the sushi toy, and then quickly pressed the plushie to Youngjae's lips. The blonde blushed and pushed Daehyun back, glaring. 

"You !" Youngjae squeaked.

"You were being stubborn." Daehyun smirked.

"Hey there, try this compatibility game!" A random girl said. 

Both of the boys looked at her strangely. "We're not a couple."

"Who the  would want to be in a relationship with a guy like him?" Youngjae spat. 

Daehyun grinned. "Ouch. Only whiny es like you would."

Youngjae scoffed, crossing his arms. "Skeeze."

Daehyun immitated him, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "."

Youngjae screeched in frustration, kicking a nearby trashcan and leaving a dent in its metal surface. "Why the hell did I take you here in the first place?"

Daehyun snickered while straightening out his shirt. "Because you said you didn't want to learn anymore and I gave you a break."

"But why the fu-"

"Language, baby, language," Daehyun chuckled. "You were the one that dragged me out here."

Youngjae blushed. "I'm not your baby-"

Daehyun cut him off, and picked him up, slinging the blonde over his shouder easily, and turned to the girl. "We'll try it."

The girl wordlessly gaped and showed them the way. Youngjae kept on swearing and squirming the whole entire time, trying to punch his way out of the other boy's grip, but he squeaked and stopped when Daehyun pinched his backside. He stayed there, fuming, until Daehyun put him down. 

"I ing hate you."

"You can't hate your tutor," Daehyun watched him, amused.

Youngjae stomped his foot and stormed towards the game. "Kiss my ing ."


Youngjae choked. "What?"

Daehyun laughed, his smile lighting up his handsome face. Youngjae muttered. He's been smiling a lot recently.

"Okay," the girl said, showing them the controls. "All you have to do is stand on these two consoles! That's all there is to it."

"I have a question." Youngjae said. The girl looked over and he started asking. "Why the am I doing this with him?"

The girl looked them straight in the eye. "Because you two are my newest OTP."

Daehyun doubled over in laughter when Youngjae's eyes went wide and his face flushed in to a deep red. "What the-"

The girl ignored them and turned to the audience that was gathering near the stage where the game was set. "Hello everybody! My name is Hyosung, and I will be your MC for today~ Today we have two handsome men in our compatibility tester!"

People who had gathered around the game cheered, making Hyosung smile brightly. 

"The theme of the day is...drum roll please!"

The audience excitedly stomped their feet. 

"The theme is: Lovely Messages! How you play is one of you will get a message in which you must send to your lover! They, in turn, must respond to the message in a way that will make your heart flutter! The audience will then be the judge of fifty percent of your compatibility and the machine will determine the other fifty percent! We will add the scores up to see how compatible you two are!"

Youngjae glared. "We are not compatible."

Hyosung winked and ignored him. "Let's not be pessimistic, shall we? Alright, game start! Here comes the first message!"


Youngjae look down at the message and sent it. Daehyun looked down at his console, and Youngjae cast a sideward glance at the boy next to him. He was wearing a baby-blue button up today, and it and his jeans were clinging to his form sinfully. Although the shirt was meant to cover up most of his upper body, it only accented his muscles. Youngjae blushed when he remembered sliding his hands up and down those arms last week. you and your muscles.

Jae: i was just thinking about u

Daehyun snorted and sent a message back.

Dae: what an interesting letter.

Daehyun looked up and grinned. Youngjae glared back as the audience chuckled.

 Hyosung cleared nervously. "Whoa, wait, this is supposed to be lovey-dovey-"


Daehyun immediately typed.

Dae: what chu doin tonite?

Immediately, Youngjae furiously typed back.

Jae: not you

Dae: damn it


Dae: you know you love it

Jae: no

Dae: i can see you blushing

Jae: no

Dae: yes

Jae:  off

Dae: language, baby, we have an audience

Youngjae screamed in frustration as the audience all laughing at their interactions, glaring at the grinning handsome boy standing next to him. The next message from the machine came up. 


Jae: I love you

Dae: cool, i love me too

The audience roared with laughter when Youngjae openly swore at Daehyun, who was grinning triumphantly. Hyosung tried to intervene.

"Wait guys, you're supposed to be all cutesy-"

The machine sent another message.


Dae: :(

Jae: turn that frown upside down blockhead 

Dae: ):

Jae: u little you

Daehyun pouted. Youngjae picked up a pencil on the ground and chucked it at the other boy, aiming at that annoyingly handsome face. Daehyun ducked and grinned. The audience cheered.

The machine sent another message.


Jae: how much do you love me?

Dae: look up at the stars in the sky and count them

Jae: its morning you moron

Dae: exactly

As the audience roared with laughter, slapping each other and doubled over, Youngjae wordlessly gaped. This cocky bastard.

"Ya! You punk!" He spat at the other boy. Daehyun was chuckling, watching Youngjae's ever changing expressions. 

"You're cute when you're angry." His brown eyes were trained on Youngjae's face.

The machine sent another message.


Dae: i wanna see u

Jae: go on my ing instagram

Youngjae looked triumphantly as Daehyun saw the message and laughed, his bright smile making Youngjae queasy on the inside. 

The next message was sent.


Jae: y r u so mean

Dae: rap music

The audience by now was cheering and chanting, laughing whenever they saw the replies the two boys furiously sent each other. The final message was sent.


Dae: i?

Jae: love

Dae: me.

Youngjae threw the console down in frustration, blushing furiously when he looked up and saw Daehyun watching him intently, his eyes never leaving the blonde's face. He blushed and gave the other boy the middle finger.

"Alright, everyone vote!" Hyosung called. Raise the green card if you think they're compatible, and raise the red card if they're not!"

The audience cheered and raised their cards in the air. The machine spat out a full fifty percent, and the audience gave all green cards. 

Hyosung grinned and clapped. "Mr. Jae and Mr. Dae here are exactly one hundred percent compatible with each other, to much my surprise! Congratulations! Let's see the winning couple kiss!"

Youngjae looked mutinous. "WE ARE NOT A ING COUPLE."

Daehyun only laughed, clutching the stage railing as he watched Youngjae's cheeks go from pink to red with anger. Youngjae grumbled and walked over, secretly relishing the way Daehyun's eyes widened as Youngjae stomped closer. 

"This is payback for making me miserable."

He grabbed Daehyun's collar and pulled the other boy in, pushing his tongue in Daehyun's mouth and mewling slightly when Daehyun got over his initial shock and did the same, nibbling on his lower lip. The audience's cheers were deafening.


Youngjae was fuming, and he stomped up the dark streets. Daehyun walked behind him, his hands in his pockets, watching as the blonde swore under his breath.

"Youngjae, it's not that bad-"

"We had a compatibility of ing one hundred percent, you bastard!"

"Why is it my fault?"

Youngjae spun around and glared. "You and your smartass answers."

Daehyun smirked. "You enjoyed them."

Youngjae huffed. "No I didn't-"

"Don't lie to me. Lying to your teacher is bad," Daehyun raised an eyebrow, eyeing Youngjae as the blonde squeaked and blushed. Youngjae kicked the other boy in the nuts, but Daehyun quickly dodged, holding on to Youngjae's leg and not letting it down. Youngjae hissed.

"Let me go."

There was a silence.

"I'll teach you," Daehyun said suddenly, his dark eyes thoughtful.

"Huh? Teach me what?"

"I'll teach you that kick."

Youngjae eyed him suspiciously. "Why would you suddenly do that?"

Daehyun looked at him seriously. He pulled on Youngjae's leg and the blonde stumbled forward.

"I've made you upset," he said softly, his thumb tracing Youngjae's lips. 

Youngjae blushed, moving his mouth away and biting the tip of Daehyun's thumb. 

 "ing straight, cocky smartass."

"Ooh, that mouth of yours is dirty."

Youngjae lightly on Daehyun's thumb. "It could get dirtier."

"Oh really?"

The blonde flicked his tongue against Daehyun's warm finger. "U-huh."

Daehyun's eyes were intensely watching Youngjae's lips as they on his thumb, going up and down. He cleared his throat, clearly unwillingly dragging his gaze away from the blonde's full lips. "The kick."

Youngjae let go of Daehyun's thumb with a slight pop. "Right." 

Daehyun stepped away from the blonde. "First, you twist your body like this, and then you left your leg at a sixty degree angle- wait, Youngjae, that's too high-"

Chuckling, he quickly grabbed Youngjae's ankle as the blonde wobbled on one foot, his back leaning into the brown haired boy's chest. 

"You go like this," Daehyun whispered, and he slowly reached by Youngjae and brought his ankle to the side, slowly raised the blonde's foot up. He quickly spun and stood in front of Youngjae, staring into the blonde's eyes. Youngjae shivered when their eyes met. 

"You hit your opponent like this," Daehyun said softly, bringing Youngjae's ankle out and around, carefully placing Youngjae's foot on his shoulder. They stood like that, just staring at each other for awhile, with Youngjae's leg still resting on Daehyun's shoulder. Youngjae swallowed thickly.

"You shouldn't do that."

Daehyun watched Youngjae through lidded eyes. "Do what?"

"That. That y smoulder thing."

Daehyun grinned. "What y smoulder thing?"

"Y-you're doing it right now, bastard!"

Daehyun was laughing now. "Youngjae, I really have no idea what you're talking about."

Youngjae huffed and tried to stomp off again, forgetting that his ankle was still on Daehyun's shoulder. He stumbled and fell right into a nearby puddle.


Daehyun was laughing, reaching over and pulling Youngjae up. Youngjae swore, soaking wet, and he stumbled forward, colliding face first into Daehyun's chest and pushing them both into the puddle. Daehyun blinked, soaking wet.






"-" Youngjae suddenly stopped swearing when he felt Daehyun place his hands on his hips, pulling him down so they were pressed up against each other. 

Youngjae whimpered, afraid of what Daehyun was going to do. He is one of the most renowned fighters in the area, after all.

"Look, I'm sorry that I soaked you-"

", shut up," Daehyun growled and he roughly pulled Youngjae over to straddle him, pushing his tongue inside Youngjae's mouth and softly biting the blonde's lower lip. Youngjae gasped and moved closer, pressing their bodies together as he threaded his fingers through Daehyun's wet hair, kissing him back harder. They both broke apart, panting and gasping for air.

"Puddle water tastes ing horrible," Youngjae his lips in disgust, his eyes never leaving Daehyun's face. The other boy grinned.

"Language, baby," Daehyun said huskily, eyeing Youngjae's lips. "I guess it all balances out when I'm kissing you though."

Youngjae rolled his eyes. "Wow, if you hit on my one more time, I will shove that telephone pole up your ."

Daehyun smirked and ghosted his hands across Youngjae's backside, lightly pressing on where the hole was. Youngjae squeaked and jumped.

"Not if I shove something even better up yours first."

Youngjae blushed, rolling his hips softly. "Cocky bastard."

"Whiny ."

"Pretentious ."


"ing blockhead."

"Eh, I've been called worse." Daehyun smirked, before pressing his lips softly on Youngjae's, making him gasp softly. "However, I do prefer the name 'self-absorbed tard' the best, I must say."

"You're such a ."

"Not sure what that means, but I do have a big one, if you're asking."

Youngjae giggled and lightly slid a finger down Daehyun's warm chest, tracing the contours of the other boy's abs.

"Oh yeah?" He raised his eyebrows, blinking innocently.

"Oh yeah." Daehyun grinned up at the blonde.



"I don't believe you."

"Well you should."

"Right? Show me." 

Daehyun look at Youngjae, his eyes dark. "And how exactly am I supposed to show you that?"

Youngjae rolled his hips, loving how he made the other boy bite his lip and swallow hard. "Well, you could shove it up my and we'll call it a day."

Daehyun grabbed Youngjae's hips and brought them down, hard, to meet his own hips, rolling as he did so. "What if I don't want to?"

Youngjae easily looped his arms around Daehyun's broad shoulders and pressed himself to him, tightening his legs around the other boy's hips. "Oh, you will want to."

"How can you be so sure?" Daehyun a stripe up Youngjae's neck, making the blonde hitch his breath. Youngjae gasped and widened his eyes, tilting his head back to offer Daehyun more skin. The brown nuzzled the soft spot on Youngjae's neck before the blonde answered.

"Because you're a self-absorbed tard," Youngjae said breathily. 

"Damn right," Daehyun said, and he on Youngjae's collarbone, leaving a dark mark there. His hands felt their way up Youngjae's wet shirt, and then his hands slid down, his hands cupping Youngjae's backside and massaged the cheeks. 

"We're on the side of the road, sitting in a puddle," Daehyun reminded him, kissing Youngjae so harshly that the blonde's lips became red and swollen.

" everyone else, we're in an alleyway anyways," Youngjae said thickly. He gently squeezed Daehyun's , making him groan. "How indecent, class president, being by a school delinquent." 

He ground his their clothed s together, mewling when Daehyun responded, growling his name in the blonde's ear.


Daehyun his fingers and then slid them down the back of Youngjae's pants as he rutted his hips against the blonde. He rubbed his fingers across Youngjae's hole and slowly slid one in. Youngjae squirmed and hissed, unused to the feeling. Youngjae pulled on Daehyun's hair slightly.

"What the  do you think you're doing-"

Daehyun smirked and slid a second finger in, scissoring his way inside Youngjae. Youngjae bit his lip and moaned loudly, and by the third finger, Youngjae's back was arched and his toes were curled inside his shoes. He pushed his hips into Daehyun's fingers, making them hit that spot inside him. A loud moan ripped from Youngjae's swollen lips as the other boy's fingers continually that spot over and over again. Youngjae felt himself convulsing around Daehyun's fingers, and he moved his hips faster and faster, plunging the other boy's fingers deeper and deeper inside of him. 

"Whoa there, feisty, you're enjoying this too much-"

Youngjae threaded his fingers in Daehyun's brown hair and glared at him, whimpers and moans ripping from his swollen lips as he contiually ed himself on Daehyun's fingers. "Shut the hell up and kiss me, dickhead."

Daehyun roughly shoved his lips against Youngjae's own, playfully the blonde's bottom lip. 

"Oh god," Youngjae felt himself tighten as Daehyun smirked and flicked one of his fingers inside him, pushing harshly on his prostate. "Oh ."

He felt himself grind against Daehyun's as rutted his hips back to meet Daehyun's fingers, causing them to go inside him deeper and deeper, their fingertips pressing against his prostate harder and harder. He swore profusely as thick waves of pleasure rolled up his spine, causing him to sob and himself continuously. 

"Oh my god!" He cried out after Daehyun rammed his fingers into his prostate, his back arching. 

"Shh," Daehyun whispered. "Come hard for me, baby butterfly."

Youngjae sobbed, an unfamiliar warm feeling coiling in his stomach as Daehyun his fingers inside him.

", Daehyun, deeper!" Youngjae mewled, and Daehyun pushed his fingers deeper into the blonde, his fingers pumping in and out at a faster pace. Waves upon waves of pure pleasure rolled through him and he felt himself shove his tongue into Daehyun's mouth, whimpering as the other boy kissed him harder and harder, his fingers going deeper and deeper into his body. Youngjae twitched and he suddenly couldn't take it anymore. He screamed as he came, hard, into his pants. 

Youngjae clutched on to Daehyun as the other boy massaged the blonde's stomach, making him twitch uncontrollably because he was still over-stimulated. 


"F-, Daehyun, you made me come in the middle of a street, and we're not even going out," he panted.

Daehyun raised his eyebrows, his breath still fast as well. "And since when has the school's delinquent cared about who he slept with?"

Youngjae bit his lip and looked away, unable to look at Daehyun. "That may be a rumor."

The other boy's eyes widened. "You're...a ?'

Youngjae blushed. "S-so what?" He tried to scramble up, but he rubbed his backside on Daehyun's , making him gasp and Daehyun hiss. He jumped in surprise and fell again, hitting his head on the side of the road. He felt himself blacking out. , way to look uncool. I hope no one from the gang is watching.

As the world went black, all he could here Daehyun frantically calling out his name.

"You're not too bad when you're worried," he told him, before blacking out completely.


Youngjae sat up with a start. He winced and rubbed his neck when he realized he was inside their hideout. Himchan was watching him.

"Has our oh-so-powerful leader woken up yet?" He was watching Youngjae, amused.

Youngjae squinted and winced when he realized there was a dull throb of pain in the left side of his head.

"What the ...?"

Himchan eyed him, grinning. "The last time I saw you so lost was the first time Siwon tried to hit on you."

Youngjae glared. "How did I get back?"

Himchan grinned. "You came back soaked. I literally had to drag you into your bed-"

"You dragged me all the way from the arcade?"

Himchan looked at him strangely. "Hell no. Daehyun brought you on his back."

Youngjae blinked, and suddenly he blushed.

Himchan continued. "I've never seen the class president so worried. It was actually pretty funny, you should have seen it..."

He trailed off when he noticed Youngjae wasn't listening. Youngjae felt himself curl up into a ball on the bed and lay there. He tried thinking about other things, but whatever he thought of, he somehow related it back to the brown haired class president.

Daehyun, Daehyun, Daehyun. You cocky bastard.


 I don't know how I feel about this chapter ˓(ᑊᘩᑊ⁎) HMMMMM. Tell me how you feel in the comments below?

I haven't gotten around to editing this or answering your comments, but I do read all of them! If you happen to see me in a public area grinning like an idiot at my phone, you'll know why. ☢◡☢ HEHEHEHE ☢◡☢☢◡☢♥

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. HAHHAHAHA. *author.exe has stopped working*

Thanks for all your comments guys, I love them. They are the best! ☢◡☢ I look forward to reading them every single time I log on ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ kekekeke You guys really are the best. ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ Please continue being your awesome selves in the future.

are my jokes funny? Wah I tried too hard I think :X tell me if they're okay! :O

As usual, comments and critiques are really appreciated! ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ

Thanks for reading this! I love you guys! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ♥ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Chapter 12: Plz plate
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 12: Please update soon 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 you said it was April's Fools, right?? Where's the next chapter? Please update soon <3
Chapter 11: Okay
Biology time kids
Chapter 12: please update this it one of my fav along " ting On Our Desk " pls update those two fics ㅠㅠ
PrecixJane #6
Chapter 12: I will wait for your update forever, please come back soon T^T
Chapter 12: I'll be waiting for u to update this forever of I love this so much I need an ending!#!!#;##-#-
yellowrere #9
Chapter 12: Can you please update this fic plsssssssssss...
BAPfeel5ogood06 #10
Chapter 12: OMG HAHAHAA I REALLY FELL FOR YOUR TRICK HAHAHAA, omg and this is like the hottest one I read omgggg.