My Kink is You

My Class President's Not This y?!

A/N: Ok guys.(・3・) So by the time I was halfway through the chapter, I realized that I had written it so I couldn’t separate the from the content, so when the people who don’t want to read the try to read it, the boombox method doesn’t work!! (⊙⊙)(⊙⊙)(⊙⊙)

So here’s the deal (I’m really sorry, I hope this works ʘ‿ʘ ): I’ll just put the whole chapter down and still block off the part where the starts. ʘ‿ʘ HOWEVER, there is still dialogue going on, so if you don’t want to read what’s going down, just assume that Youngjae and Daehyun are going at it like bunnies, rainbows, everything is great, hallelujah, praise the lord, etc. If you need a summary I will post one. (・ω・) Just send me a message or let me know in the comments!

Enjoy! (・ω・)♥


Youngjae was running. He didn't know why, but he just was. He wasn't running to something, he was running from something. For some reason, the 'something' he was running from made his insides flutter around, his legs turn to jelly, and his body feel uncomfortably hot.

Despite having always been a fast runner, he felt the thing catch up to him, and strong arms enveloped him and wrapped themselves firmly around his thin waist, crushing his body so it fit snugly against its own. Youngjae squirmed and swore, but when the arms slid up his body at an agonizingly slow pace, he unwillingly whimpered.

Something inside him broke and he leaned into the warmth, suddenly only smelling a strange musky yet minty scent, and he was falling,




Youngjae's eyes flew open, gasping suddenly as he inhaled quickly, panting slightly. 

It was just a dream.

Slowly, he took in his surroundings. The room he was in was black and white, the only color being from the assortment of pencils and the wardrobe of clothing that was slightly ajar. The room smelled minty, like someone he knew...



Youngjae jolted out of bed in a frenzy, crying out in pain as he felt a sharp stab of pain in his side. Images from last night exploded in his head. He remembered getting stabbed, the pain, then the kindness in Daehyun's face as he set Youngjae down gently, making Youngjae tingly inside. And then Daehyun (gloriously) fighting half , and then the warm arms carrying him like he was the most fragile thing in the whole world. 

Youngjae bit his lip, whimpering as he was jolted out of his thoughts when Daehyun suddenly slammed the bedroom door open and burst in, his hair soaking wet and dripping, eyes wide, with only a towel loosely wrapped around his lean waist. 

(Otherwise, he was not clothed, Youngjae was secretly thankful)

"Youngjae?! You're awake?" 

Youngjae swallowed, his throat dry, as he tried not to stare as water dripped slowly from Daehyun's hair down his torso. 

"No, you dunce, I'm talking and sitting upright at you in my sleep." 

Daehyun knelt down, his hands reaching down to Youngjae's wound and lifted his shirt slightly, revealing bandages, all the while laughing softly at Youngjae's retorted response. 

"Good to see you're back," he chuckled as he checked Youngjae's bandages. 

Feeling slightly self-conscious, Youngjae squirmed. Daehyun, noticing this, smirked and looked up, his eyes finding Youngjae's gaze and holding them there. 

you and your y face, Youngjae told him silently.

"You idiot," Daehyun started. Youngjae immediately bristled. 

"What, I go and save you and this is what I get-"

"You don't hate me, Youngjae. Good for us. It doesn't mean you should take a knife for me. No matter," Daehyun pushed a warm finger against Youngjae's lips when he blonde opened his mouth. "If you're strong enough or not." His eyes were warm and brown and Youngjae decided it was his new favorite color besides yellow. 

Suddenly feeling shy, Youngjae stayed silent, eyes wide, as Daehyun looked at him seriously, his warm finger still pressed against Youngjae's soft lips. 

" you," Youngjae whispered, and Daehyun grinned. 

"Will you?" He said, smirking. Youngjae scowled and winced as he shifted his weight slightly. Daehyun immediately glanced down to his wound again. 

"Is it still hurting?" 

Youngjae rolled his eyes. "YES, now stop staring at my stomach-" 

Daehyun suddenly bent down and kissed Youngjae's wound, his warm lips pressing softly on the bandage. His breath tickled Youngjae's bare stomach, making a few light giggles escape from the blonde's mouth.

Holy hell, I'm turning into a ing girl.

"But seriously," Daehyun quietly said, inhaling softly. "Don't you ing dare do that for me again." 

Youngjae opened his mouth but closed it when the other boy nuzzled into his stomach softly, swallowing hard as his eyes raked hungrily at Daehyun's . His unmarked back.

Watch it, Youngjae, your kink is showing.

Daehyun looked up, sliding his arms around Youngjae's thin waist, his brown eyes seriously finding Youngjae's.

Youngjae stared back. "Not a ing chance."

"Youngjae~" Daehyun whined softly. Youngjae had to force himself to think about anything other than the fact that the room was getting really warm, and Daehyun's pouting face was probably something he stole from the Devil because it is amazing and cute and it definitely shouldn't be allowed.


The other boy suddenly smirked, looking like a mischevious little kid. Youngjae visibly swallowed.

"What are you-"

Youngjae suddenly broke off with a high pitched giggle as Daehyun nuzzled his stomach again, aburptly blowing wet raspberries on the blonde's soft stomach.

"Y-you bastard, stop-" he gasped, feeling Daehyun kiss his stomach in between blows. He feebly tried to push the other boy away and almost fell backwards in surprise when Daehyun suddenly stood up. The other boy placed his hands on each side of Youngjae and leaned closer, his minty scent mixed in with shampoo wafting over to the blonde. Youngjae shivered, hating the fact that whenever Daehyun was near, he turned into a pile of useless mush. He blinked and tried to look anywhere else besides Daehyun's face.

"You've got ridiculously long eyelashes," Daehyun said huskily. Youngjae could feel the other boy's gaze on his face and bit his lip nervously.

"And you're pretty much save for that towel," Youngjae said softly, trying not to hyperventilate because boy, seeing that body up close was delicious. 

"I assume you're enjoying it?" 

Youngjae didn't have to look at Daehyun's face to know that the other boy was smirking. He huffed and tried to spit out a retort that went something along the lines of 'you cocky bastard', but the noise that came from the back of his throat resembled something like an duck getting run over by a truck.

Daehyun nuzzled his neck softly, making Youngjae whimper softly. "Sorry, that was a move."

Youngjae really couldn't trust his voice now because he's pretty sure Jung Daehyun has broken his voice box permanently.

"It's just, usually I control myself, but around you, I..." Daehyun didn't finish his sentence and sighed. He nuzzled deeper into Youngjae's neck, inhaling softly. It was awhile before he spoke again, his words muffled.

"Thanks for not hating me. Just forget what I said about, er," Daehyun paused hesitantly. "My feelings. You don't have to force yourself to like me."

Youngjae felt his blood run cold. He grabbed Daehyun's bare shoulders and pulled him, eyeing the surprise that was written all over the other boy's handsome face. 

"Uh, Youngjae? I know I'm a pretentious asshat, you're welcome, but I was kind of pouring my feelings out to you-"

"Wait, Jung Daehyun. You think I don't love you?" Youngjae wasn't sure whether he should be pissed off that the school's smartest kid was a completely clueless bastard or if he should be thrilled that Daehyun still liked him. 

Probably both, because I love this sorry .

Daehyun's eyebrows were raised so high, they were barely visible underneath his hairline.

"Uh, frankly, yes."

Youngjae suddenly decided that he needed to start ripping his own hair out.


"Uh, Youngjae-"


"Uh, take it easy babe, you're gonna rip yourself a brand new wound-"




Daehyun laughed softly and bit Youngjae's nose, making the blonde shut up immediately and jerk back.

"What the-"

"Shh," Daehyun said huskily. "You're wounded." He placed his hand gently on Youngjae's stomach and rubbed circles, his warmth seeping through the blonde's thin shirt, making Youngjae shiver. "Take it easy."

Youngjae had to bit his lip to keep himself from because god, it felt good when Daehyun rubbed him so tenderly.

I've got to tell him. .

Youngjae couldn't remember the last time he felt so nervous (which is impressive, considering the fact that Youngjae does risk his life all the time when he enters brawls). He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the other boy's. He could feel Daehyun's breath lightly ghosting his face through the partially parted thick lips.

"Hey," Daehyun whispered, his brown eyes searching Youngjae's confusedly. "Are you having mood swings?"

", Daehyun, I don't have PMS."

"'Cause I might have given you too much medicine-"

"Daehyun." Youngjae softly whined.

The other boy immediately shut up and swallowed thickly when Youngjae bought his face closer and rubbed their noses together. 

"Daehyun, I-"

A high-pitched squealing noise cut both of them off. Daehyun jumped up suddenly as if he was scalded, causing his towel to slip slightly. Youngjae widened his eyes as he stared unabashedly at the slow revealing of Jung Daehyun's and pouted when Daehyun swore and pulled the towel back up. 

", I forgot that I was boiling water for you. I'll be back!" Daehyun eyed him apologetically. "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone."


Daehyun winked and pecked Youngjae lightly on the lips and hurried out, clutching his towel.


Youngjae tried to bite down his disappointment, secretly screaming on the inside because his big chance was ruined. He felt himself scowl, his mood getting darker and darker.

Maybe I should just tie him to a ing chair and get it over with.

Youngjae sighed and gingerly slid down into his bed, wincing slightly at the dull throb in his wound. When he settled down, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Fighting off the sudden bout of sleepiness, he tried to keep his eyes open, but unknowingly, he slipped into his dreams.


Youngjae woke up with his throat slightly parched and a hard on because he dreamt about Jung Daehyun in his towel pole dancing.

I'm surprised the towel stayed on the whole time.

Nevertheless, he was thoroughly annoyed that he was dreaming about the class president and now was convinced that he was slowly growing a pair of ovaries because of Daehyun's glorious six pack.

He sighed and rubbed his face, mumbling irritably to himself about how much he hated playing nice, and made a move to get out of Daehyun's bed when he stopped short at a soft mumbling sound coming from another room in the apartment. Curiously and slightly hissing in pain, he crept out of bed and silently padded down the hallway, hiding himself at the entrance to the kitchen. Daehyun and Himchan were currently engrossed in conversation. Youngjae let out a soft growl when Himchan threw his head back and laughed, placing a hand on the brunette's shoulder, causing Daehyun grinned widely. Youngjae strained his ears to hear what they were saying, an uncomfortable and ugly feeling rising in his stomach. Himchan was in the middle of a sentence.

"...Youngjae is really stubborn. Once, we were fighting, and we had already beat down the head of the gang, so basically, we had already won. But that stupid idiot wouldn't leave until every single one of hte them was on the ground, bleeding! Can you believe that?"

Daehyun laughed at this, watching Himchan too lovingly (in Youngjae's opinion).

"Sounds like him," Daehyun said, his low accented voice filled with mild affection.

Himchan giggled. "You're very good -looking, Jung Daehyun. I'm voting for you in the next school election." He poked Daehyun's bicep. Daehyun chuckled in response.

"Wow, I'm touched. I've earned the great Kim Himchan's approval."

Himchan giggled again, a pink blush spreading across his face. His earlier warning to Youngjae flashed through his mind.

I'll take him if you don't want him. I'm serious.

Youngjae felt sick. He knew he should probably confront Himchan for making a move on Daehyun. Instead, silently cursing himself for being a coward, Youngjae crept back into Daehyun's room and slid back into the bed, worrying himself silly about if the other boy even liked him anymore. He sat there quietly, for the first time in forever not knowing what to do.

The door opened quietly and Daehyun popped his head inside so that his wide brown eyes were only visible from the side of the door frame. 

"Youngjae, you're awake?" 

Youngjae didn't respond, chewing his lip slowly, dark thoughts crowding his mind.


Himchan popped out from behind Daehyun, placing both of his pale hands on Daehyun's shoulders.


"Of course he's awake, duh. He’s sitting up and staring straight ahead quietly, which is weird as . Maybe he got knifed in the head as well,” Himchan joked, grinning. Daehyun laughed softly.


Youngjae cleared his throat. “How long have I been sleeping?”


Daehyun blinked and scratched his head, still hiding behind the door frame.


“Uh, about a week?”


Youngjae slowly slid out a bed, ignoring the dull throbs from his wound and stood in the doorway, his hands on his slim hips.


“A lot can happen in a week, huh?”


Himchan and Daehyun both straightened up, looking confused.


“Uh, Youngjae? What are you-”


That’s it. Mr. Nice Guy. This game is going by my rules now.


Quickly, he grabbed the bat from inside Daehyun’s closet (really, why did he have a bat in his closet in the first place,) and threw it at Himchan. His best friend’s eyes widened, and he let out a squeak before ducking. When he turned back, his eyes widened when the bat had perfectly lodged itself in Daehyun’s wall. He swiveled his head back to stare at Youngjae in surprise.


“What the actual -”


Youngjae grabbed Daehyun’s collar and jabbed his hand on the back of Daehyun’s neck, knocking the class president out. With a soft grunt, Daehyun slumped on to the floor. Himchan was standing frozen in the door frame, absolutely shocked.


“Youngjae, what are you on-”


Youngjae snarled. “ing leave.”


“But Youngjae-”




“Wait, , Young-”

The blonde slammed Daehyun’s bedroom door in the raven haired boy’s face. He turned and hauled Daehyun on to the bed, the soft mattress creaking under the weight of both of them combined. He smirked and pulled out some other things from Daehyun’s closet.

Click. Click.


Youngjae admired his handiwork, blowing at his blonde bangs a little.


Daehyun (still out cold, Youngjae has a mean backhand) was handcuffed to the black bedpost (and really, why did Daehyun have those in his closet as well, he brought this one on himself). His mouth was slightly open, and his soft breathing was the only noise in the silent room. His light blue button up was slightly open, and with his hands raised above his head, his tanned skin on his stomach was slightly showing. The blonde noted that the other boy was also wearing sinfully tight jeans, accenting Daehyun’s thighs and making Youngjae swallow hard, the temperature in the room suddenly getting too high for his comfort.


He heard Himchan sigh and left the house, leaving the two of them alone in the bedroom.


Hurry and wake up, you bastard. If you take too long, I’ll get started without you.




Daehyun groaned, his eyes blinking as he slowly came to. Youngjae watched quietly as the other boy tried to get up, only to realize that he was handcuffed to his own bed.


“What the-”


Daehyun blearily blinked around until he noticed a certain blonde straddling him with his warm palms on his stomach, pouting adorably, looking (slightly) pissed off for some reason. Daehyun cleared his throat.


“Uh, Youngjae? What the -”


Someone’s been testing my patience,” Youngjae said, glaring down at the bewildered president below him.


“Heh, what?”


“First you’re an absolute idiot,” Youngjae growled. “And then you’re a cocky bastard, and then you’re a lying son of a .”


Daehyun’s eyebrows were so high you could barely see them beneath his mussed up brown hair.




Youngjae glared pointedly at him. “And how the hell do you still manage to look cute after being knocked out for a good two hours?”


Daehyun’s eyes were wide. “A whole two hours? Christ-”


He stopped short when he realized what Youngjae was wearing. Youngjae had gotten bored, so he may or may have not gone through the other boy’s clothing, pulled out a soft gray hoodie and put it on. The hoodie was too big for him, the gray fabric dropping down to barely cover his backside and his pale upper thighs.


And he may or may have not ‘lost’ his pants along the way.


Daehyun hungrily raked his eyes up and down Youngjae’s long legs, causing the blonde to shiver unwillingly.


“I’m still angry with you, you know,” Youngjae giggled while he slid his hands up Daehyun’s torso, only coming to a stop at the top button of the other boy’s shirt.


“Oh? And why is that?” Daehyun’s eyes were glittering with amusement.


“I already said, you’re a lying bastard.”


Daehyun’s eyes watched as Youngjae slowly undid his top button, his hands slowly moving to the next one and undoing it as well.


“I think you mean an incredibly hot and y.”


Youngjae undid the next button at a painfully slow pace, watching through lidded eyes as Daehyun swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing.


“If arrogance was measured in bricks, you’d be the Great Wall of China.”


“Why thank you.”


“You’re ing impossible.”


“Due to the fact that I am y.”


Youngjae tsked in annoyance and rolled his hips against Daehyun, his rubbing against the other boy’s hard , immediately shutting the other boy up. He undid another button. He was nearing the last button on Daehyun’s shirt.




Daehyun’s voice was husky and full of warning, his eyes dark. Youngjae glared right back.


“I’m in control here.”


Daehyun groaned and bit his lip when he realized Youngjae was undoing the last button.


“Don’t do anything you’ll regret-”


“You’re getting awfully close to Himchan, aren’t you?” Youngjae cut in, blinking. He almost seemed innocent, although he was tracing the contours of Daehyun’s stomach with one finger. Daehyun tore his eyes away from Youngjae’s finger and looked up.




Youngjae bit his lip, trying not to let the hurt show on his face.


“I guess a lot does happen in a week, huh?”


“Wait, that was-”


Youngjae slowly slid back, so he was sitting on the other boy’s thighs, his hands poking and playing with Daehyun’s brown belt.


“I guess you lied when you said you loved me-”


Youngjae, no, that was-”


Daehyun’s eyes widened when Youngjae’s pale fingers slowly undid the thick belt and ped his zipper, revealing how exactly Daehyun felt in this situation. Daehyun hissed when the tightness in his pants was released. Youngjae looked up and smirked, pulling the other boy’s jeans down so they were at his ankles.


“Even though you’re in love with Himchan, you still get by me? How dirty.”


Daehyun’s eyes widened and he struggled against the handcuffs, the metal clanking against the bed post.


“Youngjae, listen, that’s not what’s going on-“


Daehyun bit his lip when Youngjae bent down and kissed the other boy’s hard lightly through his boxers.


“Youngjae. Listen to me.”




His voice was suddenly raspy, all of his confident demeanor gone. He swallowed again as blonde glared at him and slowly pulled the hem of his boxers down, revealing Daehyun’s proud . He hesitated before the head slightly, swiping his tongue across the slit, then taking it into his mouth and he on it. Slowly, he slid down and took the whole thing in his mouth. Daehyun’s breathing quickened as he struggled against the handcuffs some more.


“, Youngjae, listen to me-“


Youngjae responded by glaring at him and scraping his teeth lightly as he bobbed down again, relaxing his throat as he did so. Daehyun involuntarily pushed himself deeper down Youngjae’s throat, causing the blonde to hum and bob faster, the vibrations in his throat making Daehyun groan. Youngjae harder and bobbed at a faster pace, at the same time reaching down, sliding off his own boxers and touching his own painfully hard . As soon as he started pumping himself, he moaned loudly around Daehyun’s , causing the other boy to start struggling against the handcuffs harder, his hips bucking involuntarily.


“, Youngjae, you need to stop-“


He bit his lip to hold back a loud groan, suddenly bucking his hips as he came hard into Youngjae’s mouth, making the other boy gasp. The blonde swallowed, some of it dribbling down his mouth, and continued to glare at Daehyun as he slowly took off the grey hoodie and slid back so his was rubbing against the other boy’s . Youngjae blushed and smirked when Daehyun’s lidded eyes raked up and down his body, still panting from his release.


“What the hell are you doing to me?”


Daehyun’s voice was husky. Youngjae ground his hips down on Daehyun, his soft sinking on to Daehyun’s once again hard , causing Daehyun to swear softly.


“I didn’t give you permission to talk yet, Daehyunnie,” Youngjae said softly, his breathing fast as he felt the other boy rub against his entrance. “This bad boy needs to be punished.”


He ground his hips down again, his creating friction against Daehyun’s hot . The other boy’s breathing was quick as well.


“,” Daehyun said breathlessly, and he was cut off by another groan when Youngjae rolled his hips again.


“And you’re not complaining, head,” Youngjae gasped out as he rolled his hips repeatedly, his rubbing up and down Daehyun.


“Oh I love it when you to me,” Daehyun smirked, his eyes clouded with lust.


“You’re being bad, Daehyun,” Youngjae reminded him, and he stopped rolling his hips as he pulled his own legs apart and ran his finger across his entrance, biting his lip softly as a mewl erupted from his throat. Daehyun’s eyes were wide as Youngjae raised his hand and on his own fingers, his tongue swirling around them.


“Wait, , hold on-“


Daehyun breathed in sharply as he watched Youngjae pushed a finger into himself, his face flinching slightly at the new feeling of having something inside him. He slid another finger in, making sure to stretch himself as he scissored and ed his fingers in and out. When he slid a third finger in, however, he brushed against his prostate lightly, and he bit his lip before letting out a dirty moan, unconsciously spreading his legs wider as he arched his back. He couldn’t stop himself when he kept on abusing that one spot, trying to them inside deeper and deeper, feeling himself convulse around his fingers as he sobbed out Daehyun’s name over and over again. The other boy watched him with his eyes hungrily drinking up the scene in front of him.


“Oh God, Daehyun, I-“


He felt a something coil at the pit of his stomach as he pumped his fingers in and out, faster and faster, getting tighter and tighter until he pulled his fingers out at the last minute. He was left gasping for air, rubbing his on Daehyun’s (definitely) hard as he slowly calmed down, groaning slightly when he felt the other boy throb beneath him.


Daehyun swallowed with much difficulty, his toned arms straining against the handcuffs.


“, Youngjae, this is absolute torture-“


“It’s a fitting punishment for a lying bastard.”


Youngjae rolled his bare against Daehyun’s hot member as he leaned down, his hands sliding up the other boy’s body and finally threading themselves through Daehyun’s soft brown hair. Daehyun’s lips were hot when he finally pressed his lips against the other boy’s. Daehyun wasted no time by Youngjae’s soft lips and nibbling on his lower lip, drawing a gasp from the blonde. Youngjae, in return, kissed harder, and soon Daehyun’s tongue was exploring the inside of the blonde’s mouth, both of them rutting and grinding against each other, their open mouthed kiss hot and passionate. Youngjae had to force himself away from the other boy and sit up before Daehyun successfully convinced Youngjae to untie him. The other boy bucked his hips against Youngjae, causing an unwilling moan to escape between the blonde’s swollen lips.


“Youngjae, you need to listen to me now,” Daehyun panted, his voice impossibly low and husky. Youngjae shivered at the sound and reached for his hoodie, looking for something.


I need it now, where did I put it? .


“It’s not that I don’t want to you,” Daehyun groaned, clearing his throat. “But listen, Himchan and I-“


Ah. Here it is.


“Himchan and you?”


Youngjae sat up again, straddling Daehyun, and pulled out a tube of lube he had found earlier. He slid back and bent down, a long stripe on Daehyun’s hot member before on the tip, letting it go with a slight pop. Daehyun swallowed.


“Uh, that is, Himchan and I, we’re not-“


“Mhm?” Youngjae squeezed the lube on to Daehyun’s member, smoothing it out so it was evenly coated.


“Uh, we’re not, um,” Daehyun swore softly. “, you’re not making it easy to concentrate!”


Youngjae raised an eyebrow and slowly climbed forward on all fours.


“I’m giving you permission to talk, you bastard, better make it quick.”


“, Himchan and I, we’re not going-“


“Uhuh? Keep talking. You only have a few seconds left.”


“We’re not dating-wait, what?”


Youngjae sat up and rubbed Daehyun’s hot teasingly at his entrance. He glanced at Daehyun’s shocked expression and bat his eyelashes, biting his lip teasingly.


“Three,” he said softly.


“Wait, -“




“. Youngjae! Wait-“




Youngjae didn’t wait for the other boy’s reply, and slid Daehyun’s member inside him, slowly getting deeper and deeper. He felt Daehyun’s member twitch as he convulsed, trying to accommodate the large intrusion. Fat tears ran down his cheeks as he cried out and the sensation of being filled.


“Ow, ,” he panted. “You’re really bigger than I thought.”


Daehyun was about to say something when Youngjae picked his hips up and ground down on to Daehyun’s , the sound and feeling of him moving inside him only turned him on. Daehyun growled and bucked his hips up, causing his to lodge itself perfectly into Youngjae’s prostate. Youngjae bit back a sob and forced Daehyun to sit still.


“Oh God, it feels weirder than I thought it would,” Youngjae gasped, as he felt himself convulse and tighten around Daehyun.


Daehyun’s eyes raked hungrily at the male on top of him, taking in where he disappeared inside the other boy. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing slowly.


“And how did you imagine this would feel?” he said huskily, those stupid thick lips smirking, he breathing shallow.


Youngjae gasped as he moved himself a little, seating himself deeper on to Daehyun’s than he thought was possible, causing the hot member to brush against his prostate again, making him cry out and arch his back. He bit his lip as he traced a light finger on Daehyun’s toned stomach, smirking when he felt the other boy’s muscles twitch underneath his touch. Daehyun’s usually confident manner faltered, and his eyes were dark and glazed over with lust.


“Like someone shoved a ing extra large sausage up my ,” Youngjae bit out, before screaming softly and biting his lip as Daehyun laughed and ed his hips up teasingly. Youngjae glared at the male below him.


“Well thanks for the ego boost, it is a very large package indeed,” Daehyun laughed breathlessly, moving his hips in a teasing manner again.


“The last thing you need right now is a ing ego boost, you dip,” Youngjae gasped out, and Daehyun hummed in response.


“What you need is my sausage up your tight ,” he smirked, his chuckle low.


Youngjae raised himself until the tip of Daehyun’s was pressed against his entrance and pushed down again, crying out and arching his back as he felt Daehyun’s hit his prostate, hard. His head spinning and panting, he looked down at Daehyun and noticed that the other boy was biting his lip as well, his toned arms struggling against the handcuffs, his eyes drinking in the sight.


“That’s for being a cocky bastard,” Youngjae mewled, and he raised himself and slammed down again before screaming out from the sudden feeling of being so full.


Daehyun whined. “Untie me if you love this cocky bastard.”


"Not a ch-chance."


Youngjae raised himself up again and slammed himself down, biting his lip and when he felt himself convulse around Daehyun. The other boy groaned and struggled again.


"Youngjae, I want to touch you-"


Youngjae slammed down again, panting from the effort of moving his hips by himself. He moaned wantonly as he felt Daehyun twitch inside him, making him feel dirty and embarrassed, but he couldn't stop bobbing up and down the other boy's as he tightened around Daehyun again. He cried out when Daehyun's cocky perfectly lodged itself into his prostate once again.


"I am in control here, honey," Youngjae told him, gasping and panting, his arms straining from the effort of pushing himself up and down. Daehyun growled as Youngjae started ing Daehyun's into himself at a faster pace, and sobbing each time his prostate was abused.


"Youngjae-" he was cut off as a groan erupted from his throat. "God dammit, Youngjae-"


"No!" Youngjae pushed himself down again, fat tears escaping his eyes as he bobbed up and down on the other boy's .


Daehyun growled again. "-"


Youngjae moved again, throwing his head back and biting his lip as another loud lewd mewl erupted from his throat.


"Oh God, Daehyun, this feels so good-"


Daehyun struggled against the metal again, his eyes filled with lust and want.


" it."




Youngjae momentarily froze.


Uh oh. That can't be good.


He looked down and noticed that Daehyun had snapped the handcuffs. Youngjae groaned because 1.) they looked so expensive! and 2.) he was SO going to get it.


Daehyun rubbed his wrists before grabbing Youngjae’s shaking arms and pinned the blonde down beneath him, splaying the other boy’s legs on either side. Youngjae gasped when he his back hit the sheets and whimpered when Daehyun pulled out of him slowly, only leaving the tip of his hot member inside of him. Daehyun’s eyes were dark. Youngjae struggled against the other boy’s strong arms and swallowed slowly.


“Uh, wait, , Daehyun, listen-”


“No, you listen to me.” Daehyun panted. Youngjae immediately shut up, letting out only a small whining noise because it was unfair that Daehyun was just sitting there, not even pulling out all the way.


“Himchan and I aren’t dating. He,” Daehyun growled. “Is dating some kid named Jongup.”


Youngjae opened his mouth and then immediately closed it when the other boy sent him a warning look.


“So what the hell are you saying that a lot can happen in a week?”


Youngjae turned his head, stubbornly not meeting Daehyun’s eyes.


Daehyun groaned. “, Youngjae, am I going to have to coax the answer out of you?”


Youngjae huffed.




Daehyun smirked.


"Well then, honey, I'm in control now."


Daehyun leaned down and the shell of Youngjae’s ear before slamming himself back into Youngjae’s inviting heat, causing Youngjae to let out a soft scream before arching his back and curling his toes. Daehyun growled as he buried himself to the hilt deep inside Youngjae, his hips never faltering in their movements. The blonde sobbed and screamed, spreading his legs wider as he scraped his nails across the other boy’s sweaty back. Body-wracking tremors were rolling down his spine, and he felt so full and so good. He suddenly let out a surprised mewl when Daehyun flipped him over so his face was pressed against the sheets, his hips high up in the air as Daehyun continually rutted into him.


Daehyun leaned in closer so he was whispering into Youngjae’s ear as the blonde thrashed and bucked when Daehyun’s hot member abused his prostate repeatedly, a hot coil building at the base of his stomach.


“Hey,” Daehyun said huskily, his voice low. “It’s time for a tutor session.”


He groaned when Youngjae tightened around him at those words. Youngjae felt like he was losing his mind.


“F-, D-Daehyun!


“Do you know where your prostate is?”


Youngjae could barely hear anything as Daehyun in and out of him.


“D-Daehyun,” he begged. “P-please-”


“It’s a gland located inside you in which when stimulated,” Daehyun slammed into Youngjae again, hitting that spot inside Youngjae head on, making Youngjae scream as endless sounds of pleasure escaped his swollen lips. “You can achieve .”


Daehyun’s words were coming in short grunts now, and he was basically rutting and grinding himself into the blonde as Youngjae convulsed and tightened around him, not even pulling out completely.


“Oh-oh my ing God, , Jung Daehyun-”


Daehyun laughed softly. “Do you want to know what it feels like when your prostate is stimulated?”


Daehyun shifted his weight a little, causing the blonde to immediately scream and claw at the sheets, his words and thoughts incoherent.


“That’s what it feels like. You seem to like it though, you .”


Youngjae could only sob and moan loudly as Daehyun’s s started getting uneven.


“Come for me, Youngjae,” he groaned. Youngjae, over-stimulated and scratching at the sheets, felt the hot coil in his stomach grow impossibly tight as he felt Daehyun into him once again, ramming into his prostate. Pure pleasure tore through his body, and he arched his back and sobbed.


“, D-Dae!”


He came, screaming the other boy’s name as his hit him hard, his pale erupting from his body and on to the sheets. Daehyun groaned as Youngjae convulsed and tightened around him, and two or three s later he came as well, spilling himself fully inside Youngjae. The blonde bit his lip and whimpered when he felt himself filled to the brim with Daehyun’s hot come, some of it trickling down his leg.


The last thing he remembered was Daehyun pulling out slowly and leaning down to kiss him, whispering in his ear.


“There’s going to be a pop quiz later.”

ing .









(I'm basically too embarrased to read over this now and so I'll read over it later. Please excuse any errors.)

(Now please excuse me as my face burns up from embarassment. I'll get back to your comments, I promise.)

(plus 1000000 points for anyone who can tell me exactly how many times the DaeDick was mentioned in this 6000 word chapter)

(I love you all)

(Don't hate me)

(This has been my Kink is You)

(As usual, comments and critiques are appreciated)

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chapter 9 is here!! ////it's mostly ....


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Chapter 12: Plz plate
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 12: Please update soon 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 you said it was April's Fools, right?? Where's the next chapter? Please update soon <3
Chapter 11: Okay
Biology time kids
Chapter 12: please update this it one of my fav along " ting On Our Desk " pls update those two fics ㅠㅠ
PrecixJane #6
Chapter 12: I will wait for your update forever, please come back soon T^T
Chapter 12: I'll be waiting for u to update this forever of I love this so much I need an ending!#!!#;##-#-
yellowrere #9
Chapter 12: Can you please update this fic plsssssssssss...
BAPfeel5ogood06 #10
Chapter 12: OMG HAHAHAA I REALLY FELL FOR YOUR TRICK HAHAHAA, omg and this is like the hottest one I read omgggg.