
Fifteen Going on Two

A/N: So I know it’s been far too long since my last update, and I feel like I should give you an explanation. This winter has been really crappy for me; my mum has MS and seizures, and has been really bad with it these past few months. She’s not been able to get out of bed and spent a while in the hospital. With my mum ill, I’ve mainly been looking after my little sister and the house, and my best friend who I only see about 2-3 times a year after she moved abroad is back for a few months, and she’s pregnant. So between helping my mum, caring for my sister, and trying to be a good friend I haven’t really had the time, or mindset, to write. However, things are getting better now and I’ll do my best to have more regular updates. I’m sorry for leaving you guys hanging.





Ji Yong watched as the door shut behind his husband, the solid barrier between them feeling like it was made of something far stronger than wood. Why were things unravelling between them so fast? They’d only been married a few months and already it felt as if cracks were forming. He didn’t want that, he loved Seung Hyun with all his heart, and he knew he would until the day he died – so why did it feel like this relationship was beginning to break apart?


He needed to speak with Seung Hyun, have a serious conversation with him; work out these issues between them so they could put them in the past and move on together, happily. That’s what Ji Yong wanted for them; happiness. It’s all he’d ever wanted. He lived to see a smile on his beautiful husband’s face.


But for now he just turned, heading into the bathroom. He pulled a towel down from the rack and threw it onto the floor, mopping up the water from Seung Hyun and Seungri’s impromptu shower. It didn’t take long, and leaving the now drenched towel by the shower, he headed back to Seungri’s room to collect his wet clothes.


The boy was still sleeping (or perhaps passed out would be a better analogy), and for the first time since meeting him Ji Yong paused to really look at him. He wondered what it was Seung Hyun saw in him, how he could ignore the insults and bigotry and just want to help. Maybe Seung Hyun was just a better person than Ji Yong was. But that’s the thing; Ji Yong had never seen himself as a bad person, and he didn’t even fully understand himself why Seungri affected him the way he did. Oh, he loathed the insults and homophobia, and having to put up with them in his own home, the one place he and his husband should be able to truly relax and be themselves, was even worse. He simply could not put up with that. He wasn’t able to handle it calmly like Seung Hyun could, and what’s more, he didn’t think he should have to. Neither one of them should have to deal with this sort of from some kid they are feeding and housing while asking for nothing in return. But still, the boy got under his skin so much that it even shocked Ji Yong himself. He hated the kid; just standing next to him made him want to… well, he wasn’t even sure what.


He broke away from his thoughts when Seungri rolled over in his sleep, muttering something indistinguishable. He wondered if perhaps this was the moment he was supposed to have an epiphany, that he’d get some sort of wise clarity to deal with the teenager in a calm, zen-like manner. It didn’t happen. All he saw was an annoying, bratty teen he wanted gone.


Shaking his head, Ji Yong picked up the wet clothes, collected the towel from the bathroom, and took them all down to the washer.


Once that was done, he gazed around the utility room, wondering what to do next. He could go see Seung Hyun, but he wasn’t entirely sure he was wanted. Or he could go back to the party, but he wasn’t so excited by that idea. Instead, he went out into the hallway and picked up the papers Chae Rin had brought around. They’d fallen to the floor sometime between Seungri coming home and Seung Hyun taking him upstairs, but he wasn’t sure when exactly as he hadn’t even noticed. He’d set them into a neat pile before cleaning up Seungri’s mess, but now he took them into the office. He sat down on the computer chair, and paged through the file.


There was a long list of homes Seungri had previously lived in; all of them failed attempts to get him adopted. There was a bulk of writing on Seungri’s parents home, and his parents themselves, though Ji Yong only skimmed through it, but words like ‘drugs’, ‘alcoholics’ and ‘abuse’ seemed prevalent, constantly jumping out of the page as if demanding to be read.


Deciding he’d seen enough, he shut the file with a sigh and put it away in a desk draw. Sat in silence for a few minutes just thinking, he jumped at the sudden beep of his phone. It was a text for Young Bae: Everything alright? You and hyung disappeared a while ago.


For a few moments Ji Yong just stared at his phone, not sure if he could be bothered to reply right now. But it was Young Bae, his best friend since forever, so he typed back some reassurance he wasn’t really feeling himself. At least tomorrow would be a new day, he told himself. Things generally looked better in new mornings.




The next afternoon Ji Yong sighed as he shrugged off his coat. Work had been stressful and things still weren’t 100 percent between himself and Seung Hyun. He poked his head into each room but didn't see his husband anywhere, so he headed upstairs. He hesitated outside Seungri’s room, unsure if he should check on him after the events of the previous night, but he shook his head and moved on.


He found Seung Hyun laid in bed in their room, and he was ridiculously pleased when the man smiled upon seeing him. By the time he’d gone to bed after texting back and forth with Young Bae last night Seung Hyun had already been asleep, and he was gone when Ji Yong woke up with just a note saying he’d gone to the pharmacy for Seungri: since he’d have one hell of a hangover upon waking. Ji Yong had left for work before Seung Hyun got back, although he’d hung around as long as he could.


“Hey, Ji,” Seung Hyun said softly, marking the page in the book he was reading and setting it aside.


“Hey,” Ji Yong replied, sitting on the bed and placing a light kiss on his lips. He was wearing thick rimmed black glasses that always made Ji Yong’s heart flip in his chest. Seriously, such dorky looking glasses should not be a turn on, but Seung Hyun somehow managed to make them so hot every time. He didn’t even try to, it just happened.


“How was your day?” Ji Yong asked, pulling the glasses off his face, otherwise he just wouldn’t be able to concentrate. He carefully placed them on top of the book, and Seung Hyun’s lips quirked in amusement.


“Good,” he replied. “I’ve got a job interview on Thursday which I’m happy about. You’d think a few weeks of no work would be nice, but the inactivity is driving me crazy.”


“I’m glad, then,” Ji Yong smiled. “No doubt you’ll get it.”


“How about you? How did your day go?” Seung Hyun asked, shuffling over closer to his husband, and Ji Yong took his hand.


“Meh. Boring,” Ji Yong shrugged, getting comfortable. “There’s this new guy called Bobby who keeps on making these awkwardly weird jokes. And he doesn’t seem to care that he’d the only one laughing at them.”


Seung Hyun chuckled, and Ji Yong smiled at the sound, leaning into his shoulder.


“I missed you today,” Seung Hyun said.


“Me too,” Ji Yong confessed. “I hate it when we fight.”


“But it seems to keep on happening lately,” Seung Hyun sighed.


“Things have been pretty ty between us lately, huh?” Ji Yong agreed, running a soothing hand up his husbands back. “I’m sorry, Seung Hyun. I guess I’ve been a bit of a jerk lately.”


“It’s okay, you’re not the only one,” Seung Hyun replied, leaning back when Ji Yong shuffled about and settled behind him, his back to the headboard. Ji Yong wrapped an arm around him, keeping his husband’s back pressed against his chest. “We’ve both had short fuses.”


“Well,” Ji Yong said, deciding on something he’d been thinking of all day at work. “Let’s change that, hmm?”


“How?” Seung Hyun asked, tilting his head back to look at him. Ji Yong smiled and moved a lock of his husband’s hair that has fallen over his eyes.


“Go change into something nice,” Ji Yong whispered into his ear, running a palm over his chest. “We’re going out tonight. Just the two of us; no Seungri, no nosy neighbours, and defiantly no arguing. Just you and I.”


Seung Hyun grinned, arching into his touch. “A date? Where are we going?”


“That,” Ji Yong said, planting kisses along his jaw, “is for you to find out. Now,” he said, all business as he gently pushed Seung Hyun up. “Get ready. I’ll book us a restaurant.”


Seung Hyun groaned as he was removed from his comfy position, causing Ji Yong to chuckle, but he happily compiled as he headed to the bathroom for a shower. Ji Yong watched him go with a smile, and then pulled out his phone. He knew the perfect place, he just hoped they weren’t booked up.


After making a reservation, Ji Yong headed out to find the wayward teen. “Brat!” He called once out on the landing, but was met with no reply. With a sigh, he headed into Seungri’s room and found the teen still in bed, quilt pulled up over his head, curtains drawn to block out the sun and on the bedside table sat a glass of half drunk water and an opened bottle of pills.


“Are you awake?” He asked, and received a strained moan in return. “Good. Get up and get dressed, me and Seung Hyun are going out, so I’m going to ask Dae Sung and Bom to babysit.”


Suddenly the covers were ripped away and the teen’s angry head poked out, glaring at Ji Yong. “I do not need babysitting, you pansy arsed er.”


Ji Yong glared right back. “You came home last night utterly faced. Drunk and high. You need a damn babysitter – or counsellor,” he snorted. Seungri’s glare just intensified. “Oh, and don’t think for one minute you’re going to get away with that . My attention’s on Seung Hyun tonight, but tomorrow it’s all on you. And you are defiantly grounded for a month, you little bastard.”


“ you, I’ll do what I like,” Seungri sneered, cosying back into his bed.


“Oi!” Ji Yong snapped, pulling the quilt back. “I said up and dressed.”


“And I said I’ll do what I like,” Seungri snapped, though his voice was muffled by a pillow.


Ji Yong groaned loudly in frustration. He didn’t want to deal with this right now; he wanted to keep his good mood for his date with Seung Hyun. Making a compromise with himself, he decided to just ring Dae Sung and Bom, ask if one of them could come round to watch the brat. He’d let Seungri win this round and shout at him some more tomorrow.




Twenty minutes later they were in the car, Dae Sung was at their place keeping Seungri entertained, and Ji Yong couldn’t help but keep on checking out Seung Hyun because damn, the man scrubbed up well. He almost felt like he was seeing him again for the very first time.


He remembered the day he first met Seung Hyun extremely well. He was nineteen years old and working a shift at a small café near to the campus where he attended college when the older man walked in. Right from the start Ji Yong couldn’t take his eyes off him and went so far as to elbow his co-worker out of the way so he could take the ridiculously good looking man’s order. Then Seung Hyun had spoken and Ji Yong almost dropped his pen and notepad at that voice. That voice combined with that face and those eyes had Ji Yong wanting to praise any and every god he could think of past and present for the perfection in front of him.


As he got talking to Seung Hyun (as he introduced himself with a friendly smile) and trying to weasel out where exactly he was from so he could send his parents a truck full of flowers for creating this perfection, his happy daze was ruined when a man sat down next to Seung Hyun and kissed him right on the lips.


Ji Yong’s mood had dropped to minus ten, but of course Seung Hyun would be dating. How could someone that beautiful be single? It went against the laws of nature or some .


He had tried to cheer himself up by thinking, hey, at least he’s gay, that’s a start, and who knows? Maybe Ji Yong would get lucky and the boyfriend would step outside and get run over. Then Seung Hyun would need comfort after the trauma, and Ji Yong would be right there.


After that Seung Hyun began to make regular visits to the café, often with his boyfriend tagging along, and Ji Yong really didn’t like him. Not just because he was jealous (and he was defiantly jealous – no denying that), but because he was also a total . Why someone as nice as Seung Hyun was with a guy like that Ji Yong didn’t know, but Seung Hyun seemed to be getting fed up of him too. One day, they got into a very loud and very public argument in the café, then Mr Boyfriend stormed off with a few words Ji Yong’s mum would probably kill him for if he ever repeated. Seung Hyun had just stood there, a mixture of anger and upset, until Ji Yong handed him a coffee with more than a few extra shots of whiskey and asked if he wanted to talk about it.


After that they got closer – they became friends, even hung out places other than the café. Unfortunately, Seung Hyun and Mr Arsehole seemed to make up, and Ji Yong was left feeling bitter. But he still smiled like a good friend, even if inside he was thinking up a thousand and one ways that guy could die – from a tree falling on him to a pack of feral dogs eating him.


The closer Seung Hyun got with that , the less time he spent with Ji Yong. Then, one day, Seung Hyun came into the café and told him that Dickface had accused Seung Hyun of cheating on him with Ji Yong. Ji Yong had worried that Seung Hyun was going to tell him they had to stop being friends, but instead Seung Hyun had ranted about what a bastard that wanker was and spent even more time with Ji Yong. Ji Yong certainly wasn’t complaining, and more than happily joined in on the insults.


It was a light at the end of a very long tunnel for Ji Yong, and he was so sure that it was finally over between Seung Hyun and that loser, but then a few days later tard went and apologised. Seung Hyun forgave him, and Ji Yong felt like pulling his hair out, because god damn it why did he have to go and do that? The prick obviously wasn’t worth it. Sure enough, just two weeks later Seung Hyun caught him shagging someone else. And that had been the end of it. Oh, face had tried to win Seung Hyun back, but he was having none of it, much to Ji Yong’s immense pleasure.


Just a few short months later, while they were kicked back on the olders sofa together watching a movie and shovelling ice-cream, Ji Yong had accidently spewed out his feelings to Seung Hyun in a rambling mess that made him seem as intelligent as a fish with learning difficulties.


Seung Hyun, however, didn’t seem to mind that extraordinary show of idiocy and accepted the proposal of a date with a small, almost shy smile. That was one of the greatest moments in Ji Yong’s life, he’d felt utterly elated.


It was sort of crazy to think how they’d ended up moving from fumbling collage kids to a grown-up married couple, and in less than a decade as well. Ji Yong had been so nervous for the first few months of their relationship, constantly worried that he’d mess it up, or that Seung Hyun would decide he didn’t actually like him enough to continue it.


However, Ji Yong pushed aside his reminiscing as in what seemed like no time at all they were at the fancy hotel Ji Yong had bucked, and after quickly parking they headed inside to the restaurant. To be honest, Ji Yong wasn’t expecting to be able to get a table at such short notice and thought he’d have to try elsewhere; however, as luck would have it it seemed someone else had made a last minute cancellation. Ji Yong had just happened to phone up at the perfect time.


He hadn’t told Seung Hyun where they were going, deciding to leave it as a surprise, and he turned with a grin to watch his husband peering around appreciatively. While Ji Yong didn’t know much about fine dining he knew Seung Hyun liked this type of stuff, and that was enough.


They were seated quickly; their waiter leaving to fetch a bottle of wine with a name Ji Yong had no hope of pronouncing.


As they looked over the menu they didn’t speak much, but it was a comfortable silence. Soon the waiter was back with the bottle (Ji Yong left Seung Hyun to do the taste testing, because once again he was lacking terribly in wine culture) and they’d placed their orders. Again, to no one’s surprise, Ji Yong struggled to pronounce the names of the food, much to Seung Hyun’s amusement and the waiter’s chagrin.


“Bae and Dara are having a boy,” Ji Yong said, the rim of his wine glass as the waiter headed off. “They told me yesterday.”


Seung Hyun blinked, and then looked a little guilty and embarrassed. “Oh… I guess I was too busy shouting at you to remember she had the scan.”


“Hey, I was shouting too,” Ji Yong waved him off. “Anyway, we’re not talking about that tonight. Tonight is about us having a good time, just the two of us. So, no talking of arguments, okay?”


“Yeah, okay,” Seung Hyun agreed with a smile. “But I should probably phone them to say congratulations.”


“Tomorrow, though,” Ji Yong said. “Nothing but us tonight, remember?”


Seung Hyun nodded, and Ji Yong smiled at him, reaching across the table to take his hand.


He had a good feeling about tonight.




“Wrong way,” Ji Yong said with a grin, stopping Seung Hyun when he headed for the doors to leave the hotel.


“What?” Seung Hyun asked, turning to give him a questioning look.


“We’re not going home tonight,” Ji Yong explained, grinning widely. A date wasn’t the only surprise he was throwing Seung Hyun’s way today, though this was had been a spur of the moment decision when he’d reserved the table. “I booked us a room here.”


“Here?” Seung Hyun asked in surprise, his eyebrows rising. “But we need to get back; we can’t leave Seungri by himself all night.”


“Dae Sung’s with him, remember?” Ji Yong assured, walking over to place a hand on his husband’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve already sorted it. Dae Sung’s going to bring the kid around to his for the night.”


Seung Hyun still looked a little hesitant, so Ji Yong leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek. “Come on, baby. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t like spending the night in a hotel with me, with no one to hear what we get up to.”


Now he had him. They hadn’t had in way too long; not since the night Seungri first arrived. Between caring for him, Ji Yong’s work and all the arguments he hadn’t even seen his husband fully since then. He wanted to get his hands on Seung Hyun’s bare skin again.


“Come on, baby, it’s just one night. Dae Sung will call if anything happens. And hey, no cooking in the morning; we can even order room service.”


Seung Hyun paused, and Ji Yong could see him wavering. He picked up his smile, giving Seung Hyun the most charming look he could manage.


“Okay,” Seung Hyun relented, and Ji Yong beamed, placing a light kiss to his lips. “Do you need to book in?”


“Already done,” Ji Yong said, digging into a pocket before waving a room key for him to see. “I got it when we first arrived. Come on, we’ll take the lift; we’re on floor 11.”


Seung Hyun hesitated for just a second, but Ji Yong knew he wanted this too, and sure enough Seung Hyun nodded. Ji Yong took hold of his hand and they headed for the lift. He wanted nothing more than to kiss him now; up against the wall, clothes falling from their bodies. Ji Yong had to bite his lip to stop a groan of anticipation as they weren’t alone; to Ji Yong’s left a woman in a sharp business suit was talking into her phone, and a harried looking man was tapping his foot impatiently while looking at his watch close to Seung Hyun.


Finally, there was a ding and the doors slid open. The couple stood close as it began to rise, and waited as the man exited on the third floor, two giggling women joined them on the seventh floor, the businesswoman left on the eight floor while a man took her place (and gave them a vaguely disapproving look when he spotted their joint hands), the two giggly women existed again on the tenth floor, and then finally it was the eleventh.


They wasted no time stepping out, and looked to the sign for room numbers. “This way,” Ji Yong said, and led them down the hallway to the right. He looked at the numbers on each door they past until he spotted the one that matched the key card and came to a stop.


After a little fiddling with the plastic (seriously, what is it with hotels and dodgy keys?) he pushed open the door and they stepped inside.


“It’s nice,” Seung Hyun commented, glancing around. Ji Yong had to agree; this place didn’t come cheap, but at least it meant a nice room.


“So,” Ji Yong said, pointedly glancing to the bed.


Seung Hyun gave it a look, and then grinned back at Ji Yong. “So,” he repeated.


Ji Yong wasted no more time; he stepped up to Seung Hyun and brought him into a deep kiss. They stumbled towards the bed, and Ji Yong rooted through his pockets for a small tube of lube he’d been carrying about (no one had ever accused him of being classy) without parting from Seung Hyun’s lips.


He threw the tube onto the bed before the two hit it, and with his body he guided Seung Hyun to lay back across the sheets. Ji Yong went with him so he was perched over him, looking down into deep brown eyes that always shined with every emotion their owner felt. Seung Hyun had always had expressive eyes; it only took Ji Yong one look to know exactly how his husband felt. They were extremely beautiful, and without a doubt one of Ji Yong’s favourite things to look at.


Smiling, he ran a soft hand over Seung Hyun’s cheek, stopping to cup his jaw and the pad of his thumb over a sharp cheekbone. Seung Hyun smiled back up at him, lazy and content like he couldn’t think of any better place to be right now.


Ji Yong kissed him and Seung Hyun slipped his hands over his body, beginning to undo Ji Yong’s shirt. They stripped slowly between kisses, more interested in feeling each other’s lips than removing layers for now.


Once both were bare, Ji Yong reached for the lube and slipped a finger inside his husband. Seung Hyun opened his legs a little wider, welcoming him in, and soon a second joined the first as Ji Yong peppered his face and torso with kisses.


It didn’t take long until both had hardened into full s and Seung Hyun was asking for something more, so Ji Yong, already aching for it himself, retracted his hand gently. He squeezed more lube onto his palm and gave his a generous coating, and then better positioned himself to enter his husband.


He pushed into him with a slow , Seung Hyun’s legs bending closer to his chest to take him deeper. With a low moan Ji Yong slid into him all the way, breathe tight in his throat and heart pumping erratically. He pulled back his hips and forward, pulling a pleasured gasp from his husbands parted lips.


An arm slipped around the back of his neck, keeping him close to the gorgeous man under him, lips just millimetres apart as Ji Yong continued in long, deep s, delighting in all the little gasps and moans that fell from Seung Hyun’s lips with each one.


He looked so sensual beneath him, like poetry come to life. His body the verses, and his breaths the rhythms that drew Ji Yong in deeper and deeper, losing himself in it – in Seung Hyun.


He ran a hand down Seung Hyun’s thigh to the soft flesh of his arse, running his hand over the smooth skin, giving his cheek a squeeze as he pushed deeper inside. Seung Hyun voiced his approval with a moan, grinding down onto Ji Yong’s , squeezing his inner walls and Ji Yong gasped at the extra burst of pleasure – his fingers digging into soft flesh enough to lightly bruise.


“Ji Yong,” Seung Hyun gasped, and Ji Yong shuddered because his name came out sounding like pure need.


“I got you, baby,” Ji Yong whispered against his lips, pleasuring his prostate with a deep, slow .


They fell into a relaxed rhythm, taking it slow, feeling every part of each other, and this is what Ji Yong had needed, what he’d been missing. He wanted Seung Hyun to know how much he loved him, how much he wanted to be the person to give him unconditional love and happiness right up until he was no longer on this earth. In this moment, he didn’t even know how they managed to get into arguments when they had this between them; this love that was so intense Ji Yong didn’t know how he contained it.


“I love you,” he said, leaning close to Seung Hyun’s ear, feeling his husband’s warm breath on his cheek.


Seung Hyun kissed him, and Ji Yong melted into it as he continued with soft, deep s and revelled at the feeling of the man he loved the most in this world wrapped all around him.


“I love you too,” Seung Hyun murmured, his arms coming to rest around Ji Yong’s shoulders, keeping him close.


As he continued to his need to rose, but he didn’t rush; he kept his pace slow and deep, wanting to draw this moment between them out for as long as he could. It felt too prefect to end it so soon, he wished he could stay lost in Seung Hyun forever.


He didn’t miss Seung Hyun’s breathing become heavier and knew he was reaching his peak too. Although he would like nothing more than for this to go on forever, he concentrated his s on hitting Seung Hyun’s prostate, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he could.


“Ah,” Seung Hyun gasped as Ji Yong shifted his position just slightly, and the arms around him became tighter as Seung Hyun’s eyes slipped shut, enjoying the extra pleasure he was receiving.


It was amazing just how much Seung Hyun’s pleasure could become his own. Just seeing his husband like this heightened his own pleasure, his own arousal, and Ji Yong chocked back a groan at how overwhelming it all was. He knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. Seung Hyun was tightening around him as he got closer and closer to release, and it was too much. He reached between them, taking Seung Hyun’s in his hand and began to jerk him, Seung Hyun arching into his touch.


He wasn’t sure which of them came first. A burst of intense bliss and utter satisfaction ripped through him, and he was barely aware of the feel of on his hand as Seung Hyun came with him, shaking beneath him with the force of it. Or perhaps it was Ji Yong shaking, he really didn’t know.


Tumbling over the highest peak, he began to come down from his high, sweating and panting, and he met Seung Hyun’s dazed eyes and kissed him hard, pouring everything into it. He was so ing thankful to have Seung Hyun here with him, to have him in his life. He meant more to him than words could possibly describe.


“I love you,” he repeated as his body began to relax, and he settled on top of Seung Hyun, his husbands arms still wrapped around him, keeping him near.


Seung Hyun brought one hand to wipe Ji Yong’s sweaty fringe away from his forehead before returning it to around his shoulder. “I love you too.”


They stayed as they were for a few moments, just content in each other’s arms, but they couldn’t stay like that forever and so Ji Yong carefully pulled out, mindful of how oversensitive Seung Hyun would be, and rolled over onto the other side of the bed. Seung Hyun was quick to follow him, this time wrapping his arms around his waist and Ji Yong was happy to simply lie in the warm his embrace created.


“I need a shower,” Seung Hyun mumbled against his hair a few minutes later, but Ji Yong just grunted, not wanting him to move.


“Don’t,” he muttered into his husband’s bare chest, and felt the vibrations when Seung Hyun chuckled.


“Denying it doesn’t make it so.”


“Does,” Ji Yong said stubbornly.


“Am I just getting one word answers now?” Seung Hyun asked, and Ji Yong could hear the smile in it.




He grinned when Seung Hyun laughed, even more pleased when he didn’t move to get up. They should just stay like this all night; Ji Yong was more than happy with that idea.


Just as he was really starting to settle in there was a beep of a phone, and Seung Hyun pulled away to reach over to his discarded trousers for his mobile. After settling back against the pillows, phone in hand, Ji Yong leaned over him to see it and groaned when he saw it was from Seungri.


“Since when did he ever text us,” Ji Yong grumbled. “I’m surprised he even kept our numbers.” They’d given him their phone numbers in case of an emergency a few days after he first arrived, but both highly doubted he’d ever use them. This was definitely the first time.


“Oh, he deleted yours,” Seung Hyun said absently as he tapped at his phone, not noticing the scandalised look Ji Yong gave him. Seungri had deleted him for his phone, but not Seung Hyun? That little ing bastard.


He glanced again to see the text Seungri had sent, and then fell back into his pillow with a whine. “Do we have to go home? Can’t we just stay here?” That text seemed to have been burnt itself into his eyelids;


breath, you know ing off and leaving me with the neighbours’ so you can have disgusting is bad parenting, right?


Seung Hyun put his phone back down and shook his head. “Oddly enough, I actually found that one kind of funny.”


Ji Yong gave him a strange look. “Do you need to visit the doctor?”


He rolled his eyes when Seung Hyun just laughed.

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Wow! Look at that! I updated - shocking, right? Sigh, I don’t like this chapter though which is one of the reasons it took so long. It just seems… lacking.


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VIP_Fran #1
Chapter 9: Sad to see this fic is abandoned :( I love it so much the story is original and very easy to get hooked on.
Danees #2
Chapter 9: What a good story. I hope you can find a way to finish it. Thank you (:
oloruburuku #3
Chapter 9: I feel sorry for seungri becuase he looksvlike all that abuse he has suffered has made him angry and mabye he was also ? I hope not and i also feel sorry for seunghyun.
Chapter 9: m i the only one crying for seungyun sake? how could seungri be so cruel? they are taking care of him but he is so bad to make them suffer...
maryfemme #5
Chapter 9: What Seungri said is very hurtful and very sick. Seunghyun have a heart of an angel.
Chapter 9: T.T I am so proud of Seunghyun, he was so patient with Seungri's bad attitude..

Thanks for this update <333
Chapter 9: Omg SeungRi went pretty far here (and pretty is maybe not the good word) it's awful ... the god part is that he didn't really thought it it was just a mean to hurt but still that's low!! The gid in the bad is that he sends to realise (even if he denie it) that he start to grow attached to the only person that ever treat him like his son....
alaynestone #8
Chapter 9: I just read The perks of being a wallflower, and the first thing that came to my mind while reading this chapter was what Charlie's dad said to him: "Not everyone has a sob story, Charlie, and even if they do, it's no excuse."
I loved how Seunghyun handled it but I don't want him to have to handle it at all.