Everybody Coffee Shop


Four simple rules to get the man of my dreams - now if I can just follow them, my cutie pie in the white coat won't escape!



Dr. Jeong’s Amazing Four Simple Steps to Dating

This is a book that every hot-bloodied Korean female must read.

If you ever doubted about your ability in conquering the so-called “man of your dreams” this book is for you.

In it you will learn valuable information in four simple steps to acquire your heart fondest desire, not love – as many claim – but a well to do life with a boyfriend that shines with bright future prospects, like a wealth life and a successful career.

Don’t lose time and start to turn the steps into reality today.

On Sale only for 30.000 won.


This fic is joining GFdorks' Giveway. Hopefully it will win something. Please support it ^^


It's also joining the The Female OC: A Writing Contes  and In love & Insane – A Writing Contest.

For the last one the prompt used is: "I was quiet, but I was not blind." - Fanny Price, Mansfield Park (by the way I'm also a big Jane Austen's fan).

Support it again, please. kkk


This poster was made by my friend callmephantom, who is also my beta for this fic. Thanks for your amazing job!


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xxcottoncandy #1
It is so entertaining. Very nicely written. I love it so much! Keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 1: Lmao i love how u potrayed sehun as not a perfect human like how his foot stinks.
And this stories is so cute i laugh a lot when im reading this. XD
Thank u for sharing this !
Chapter 1: this was so cute!!!! omg nicely written.
Chapter 1: i found this from the giveaway and decided to check out the story which won first place. congraaatz.
and dear god, your writing style is soo creative. this is so entertaining so far and yes! it ends happily for them! /audiences cheer. i'm not used to read a comedy fic myself but this definitely can lighten everyone's mood. thank you sooo much for writing this wonderful thing. and again, congratz!
Iana17 #5
Chapter 1: I really liked your work, I laughed a lot. Although the storyline is sometimes rushed and I hadn't realized the guy was in love with her all the time before the end, the main character certainly makes up for him in her 'sneaky' attempts to conquer him. Nice fic :)
Great fic! Thank you for your hard job.
{in love & insane writing contest} hi! Just letting you know the the deadline is on Monday, 14th July so if you want to add anything to your story please do! It doesn't need to be completed but I'll only be judging on what's written so if you haven't gotten to the prompt part of your story, please try your best to incorporate it! Thanks for entering the contest ^__^
Chapter 1: Hahahaha xD.
Loving this story alot ^^.
Keep up the good work!
StrawberryFrozen #9
Chapter 1: Omg, how could you make this very entertaining story? I mean, srsly, I keep laughing all the way.. and sehun, oh god, how I hope this is longer.. this story is perfectness of cute romcom ^.^
Chapter 1: I laughed SO HARD reading this..
Seriously I was not really that interested in reading this since Sehun is just not my ultimate bias (I like him ok, just not as much as I love Chanyeol ~ lol), but really.. this is epic!! Hilarious! I mean this is.. just.. gosh.. how can I say this... I really enjoy reading this, its AMAZING I tell you, really..
Your choice of words is really great too!!
Excellent job!!! *thumbs up*