The painful truth

a dangerous love

(name) POV

I felt like i am in a really dark place, no one to call or lean on.

I know that it is my time to leave the real world and go to a really peaceful place.

But someone touched my hand and it was someone unknown.

I think I've seen him, wait but where? I don't remember

He said something to me

"(name), it isn't your time yet, go back!"

Then suddenly I can open my eyes and see Onew sleeping and next to him was a really huge plastic of Mc'D. I think he just bought a chicken, LOL.

Then I could feel there's a lot of thing that support me to keep alive.

I don't know if I still mad or not to onew, i still hope, but he kissed another girl, it was hurtful! All of the sudden my tears fall down and then Onew woke up

"(name), you okay?"

I don't know, should I answer or stay quite? 

I decided to stay quite, and He looked panic, but the painful that i feel now... it is so freaking bad.

"(name), say something! Did i do something wrong?" He asked.

I still don't want to say any word, I am so weak now though.

Oppa, I love you but why did you kiss her? i still asked in myself about that.

Tears went down from my eyes, he wiped my tears and kiss my forehead.

"(name), whether you are listening or not, I will always love you forever!"

It made me really want to cry, but i tried to hide. He didn't have to know of what i saw before.

Then he took a chair and sat next to my bed. He touched my hand and hold it and looked into my eyes so deep.

Onew POV

I fall asleep after i ate all the chicken that I've bought. It was so yummy! 


I woke up by the voice of a cry and it was (name). I came to her and asked

"(name) you okay?"

I asked but she didn't answer anything. She just kept cried. I worried about that.

"(name), whether you are listening or not, i will always love you forever!" I said.

She stayed quite but tears kept going from her eyes. I took a chair and sat on it. I touched her hand and hold it. I looked into her eyes, I wanted to kiss her but those thing! But those thing are helping (name) to keep alive. I hope she is still remembering who i am, (name) please don't forget me.

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Nooneknows #1
Jul, you're wrong foreword is not for the story it is for the description blablabla I'll edit it soon cheers :)