dangerous one

a dangerous love

Next morning, I look into the mirror and see my face look like a drunken master, LOL. Maybe it's because I didn't sleep last night. I walked to the kitchen to make some food when suddenly someone's knocking.

"Yeah wait!"

I said it while I'm looking who is it. God! It is seohyun what is she doing here?!

I opened the door and...

"Hey, (name) I think you already know who I am." She said.

"Yep, I know you, what happened?"

"Mmm... Okay here it is! Would you stay away from onew? He is mine and he loves me. If you don't wanna have a problem with me then you should stay away from him! From NOW ON!"

"Oh sure, maybe you got jealous, well you should know that there's nothing happen between us!"

I closed the door hardly, I don't care if it's hurting her. Well, it was so unimportant just come here and said that words. What the...?! Oh yeah she is got jealous, maybe she thought that me and onew are closer than her with onew. By the way... Me and him are just a friend even though I think I like him but really we're just a friend.

*phone's ringing*

I saw that onew is calling, I don't want to pick it up because I was just not in the mood at that time.

Today all I do is just staying at my apartment and do whatever I like, it is fun actually!


More disturber! Oh ! I just want to be alone!

"Yeah?" I opened the door.

Then he was taking my hand and hold it and brought me to somewhere. I just got realized that he is onew.

"Hey (name), what happened with you? I called you but you didn't answer!"


"Are you mad or what?"

Actually I just don't want to start a fight with seouhyun so I think from now on I'll stay away from onew.

"No, of course I'm not".

"You're hiding something don't you?"

"No, there's nothing!"

"Okay, let's have a dinner together".

Then we went to a restaurant and had dinner there. well, at that time i didn't feel well so i asked him to drive me home.

"Maybe I should go home, I don't feel well".

"Okay, anything you want."


He took me to my apartment and honestly, I am just so tired at that time. That night I had a dream...

"(Name) you don't listen to me, so I'll do anything to make you stay away from him!"

I think it is seohyun that told me that, yeah (name) you should stay away from him.

Next morning, I went to market to buy some food, and suddenly I realized that someone's following me. I ran so fast and a black car stopped my step and I think I am kidnapped.


Oh... My head is so hurt! And yes I was kidnapped and now I am at a strange room.

"(Name) you don't listen to me, so I'll do anything to make you stay away from him!"

Dejavu... Yeah it's dejavu!!! I just stayed quite and didn't say anything. My phone's ringing, and she takes my phone and destroyed it. Nice... I have no phone now! I tried to close my eyes and sleep, I am so tired.


Seohyun tried to give me some food but I am not hungry, so I didn't eat anything. And then I saw a girl coming. And she is jessica. I was pretend that I'm sleeping and jessica said something to seohyun

"LOOK! Finally onew is yours! And kibum is mine!"

"But jessica! We don't have to do this! She will die!!!" Seohyun said it with a panic voice.

I think the doer of this is jessica.

Suddenly someone's release me, I didn't notice who is it.

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Nooneknows #1
Jul, you're wrong foreword is not for the story it is for the description blablabla I'll edit it soon cheers :)